Sununu, John

Supreme Soviet, Russian

Supreme Soviet, USSR

final session of

Surveillance. See KGB

Suslov, Mikhail

Table of Ranks

Television. See also ABC; CNN; News media

Thatcher, Margaret

Thieves World (Vorovskoy Mir )


Transfer of power

aftermath of


and criminality, secret documents of

and flags, switching of

and military

and nuclear suitcase

and nuclear weapons

terms of

Turner, Ted. See also News media


and nuclear strike

and Russia

UN General Assembly

UN Security Council

Union Treaty of

See also New union treaty

United States

and August coup

as Cold War victor

and food donations

and Gorbachev

and Russia

and Yeltsin

USSR State Bank

Varennikov, Valentin

Vlasov, Alexander

Vodka, shortage of. See also Shortages

Vorontsov, Yury

Vorovskoy Mir (Thieves World)

Weapons arsenal. See also Nuclear weapons

Worner, Manfred

Yakovlev, Alexander

and August coup

and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit

and Gorbachev, resignation speech of

resignation of

and Stalin Archives

and transfer of power

Yakovlev, Yegor

and Gorbachev documentary

and Yeltsin, newspaper interview by

Yanayev, Gennady

and August coup

Yaroshenko, Viktor

Yavlinsky, Grigory

Yazov, Dmitry

and August coup

Yeltsin, Boris

achievements of

and alcoholism

and August coup

and Baker

and Baltic republics

and bodyguards/militia men

books by

and Bush

and Bush, and August coup

and Bush, praise by

and Bush (Barbara)

and capitalism

as chairman of Russian parliament

and Chechnya

childhood of

and Clinton

and Commonwealth of Independent States, creation of

and Communist Party

and Communist Party conference speech (1988)

and Congress of People’s Deputies

as Congress of People’s Deputies candidate

and constitution, change in

as construction department supervisor

and corruption

death of

and demonstrations

and disloyalty, suspicions of

and economic reform

education of

as engineer

family of

as first deputy chairman of state committee for construction

as first secretary of Moscow

as first secretary of Moscow, dismissal of

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