“We can coordinate through Vargas,” Molly said.

“These are smart people,” Jesse said.

“But surely they don’t think we

won’t try to catch them,” Molly


“They probably like that,” Jesse said.

“They like it?”

“Raises the risk, makes it more exciting.”

“So why not be there in force,” Molly said. “Cover every exit,

have plainclothes people all over the food court.”

“They like risk,” Jesse said.

“But they don’t like certainty.

They don’t want to get caught. They only want the danger of getting


“They want to be shot at and missed,”

Molly said.

“Exactly,” Jesse said.

“And you’re afraid that if there are too many different people

involved, somebody will give it away.”

“And we’ll lose them.”

“You’re assuming,” Molly said,

“that their purpose is to kill



“So why do it this way. They know where you live.

Why not just

lurk around there and shoot you when you come home?”

“Same reason they’ve been flirting with me, buying me lunch,

being my pals,” Jesse said.

“They are, after all, crazy,” Molly said.

“I tend to forget


“So not everything they do is logical to us,” Jesse said. “On

the other hand crazy doesn’t mean stupid. They’ve chosen a public

place with many exits. The parking lot leads to many roadways that lead in many directions. It is a good place to escape from. It is an easy place not to be noticed. And it is a hard place for us to start shooting.”

“So we put our people there, early, around the food court,”

Molly said. “Suit and I can be there as a married couple shopping

for cruise wear.”

“You’re ten years older than

Suit,” Jesse said.

“Yes. But I do not look it.”

“True,” Jesse said. “But it

can’t be Suit. They know


“Well, me and Anthony then,” Molly said.

“We keep Suit out of


“I don’t want it to be you,

Moll,” Jesse said.

“Why not?”

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