The lady bus driver took a badge out of her purse and showed it

to him.

“I observed you using a controlled

substance,” Molly said. “We’d

like you to come down to the station.”

Bo stared at her. Peripherally he saw the janitor that everybody

knew was a cop walking toward the bus.

“A what?”

“A controlled substance. You were observed smoking a joint on

the bus. The snipe is still in your shirt pocket.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” Bo said.

“We can go in my car,” Molly said.

“It’s parked over


“Fuck you, lady,” Bo said.

He started to walk past her. Molly stepped in his way.

“Don’t make me arrest you,”

Molly said.

“You?” Bo said. “Get out of my

way or I’ll fuck


He tried to move past her again, and again Molly blocked him.


covered her left breast with his right hand and shoved her out of the way. Molly took a canister from her purse and sprayed him in the face. Bo made a sound that might have been a scream and clasped his hands to his face.

“Ow,” he said. “Jesus Christ,

ow, ow! You fucking blinded


Molly put the Mace away, took her handcuffs and snapped a cuff on Bo’s left wrist. Suit came around the front of the bus in his

janitor’s outfit and pulled Bo’s right hand down, and together they

cuffed him.

Red-eyed, coughing, and head down, Bo was dragged into Jesse’s

office and put in a chair.

“My eyes are killing me,” he said.

“I need something for my

eyes. The bitch sprayed me for no reason. Gimme something for my eyes. My father’s gonna sue your ass.”

“Uncuff him,” Jesse said. “And

leave him with


Molly took the cuffs off and put them in her purse. Bo immediately began to rub his eyes.

“It’ll stop in a while,” Jesse

said. “Rubbing them won’t help.

We’ll go down and wash them.”

Molly put a bag on Jesse’s desk.

“When we arrested him,” Simpson said,

“naturally, we patted him

down for concealed weapons. Found this in his backpack.”

Bo stopped coughing just long enough to say,

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