“That’s not mine,

the bastards planted that.”

“Be my guess that there’s enough

here,” Molly said, “to support

possession with intent.”

“Wouldn’t be surprised,” Jesse

said. “Anything


“No weapon,” Simpson said. “But

we didn’t look at


Simpson put Bo’s backpack on top of the file cabinet next to the

window behind Jesse’s desk.

“You guys may as well go back to what you were doing,” Jesse


“Cover’s pretty well blown,”

Molly said.

“Stay on it anyway,” Jesse said.

“I never had any cover to start with,”



Molly and Simpson went out. Jesse sat quietly looking at Bo.

“I need something for my eyes,” Bo said between coughs. “I need

a doctor.”

Jesse didn’t say anything for a while. Then he stood.

“Okay, let’s go wash you off,”

he said.

Rinsed and dried, Bo was still red-eyed and puffy-looking, and he still coughed sporadically.

“You call my father?” Bo said.

“We’re working on it,” Jesse

said. “Right now we got you on

possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, failure to obey a lawful command, threatening a police officer, assaulting a police officer, and being a general major-league fucking jerk.”

“That bitch can’t get away with spraying me like that,” Bo


Jesse smiled. He didn’t say anything. Bo sat in the chair across

the desk staring hard at Jesse.

“So you gonna arrest me?” he said.

“Or what?”

Jesse didn’t answer him. Bo stood up.

“Fuck this,” he said.

“I’m walking out of here.”

“Nope,” Jesse said.

“You think you can stop me?” Bo said.

Jesse laughed. “Of course I can stop you,”

he said. “For

crissake a hundred-and-twenty-pound woman hauled you in here in handcuffs.”

“If you weren’t a cop


“But I am a cop,” Jesse said.

“Sit down.”

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