Ticotin, Rachel, 348
time; Arnold’s principles of success and, 612–13
Tinerino, Dennis, 113, 128, 195–96
Tito, Marshal, 250
Torgerson, Lloyd, 553
cast for, 348–49
cost of, 347
crew for, 347
De Laurentiis financial problems and, 345–46
distribution of, 351
earnings from, 352
filming of, 345, 346–50, 378, 458
Guber and Peters screening of, 351–52
as hit, 352
Kassar and Vajna buy rights to, 345–46
marketing/promotion of, 350–53, 390
producers of, 470
script for, 345, 346
selection of director for, 346
Special Achievement Oscar for, 352
Stone’s role in, 348–49
story of, 347–48
as universal theme, 340
violence and, 345
virtual travel theme in, 347–48
Tothpal, Peter, 312
Transcendental Meditation, 137, 182–83, 195
Travolta, John, 363
TriStar Pictures, 351, 352
Trump, Donald, 373, 618
trust; Arnold’s rules about, 605
Turner, Ted, 342, 493, 618
Tutu, Desmond, 292
20th Century Fox, 325
Tyson, Mike, 424
unions, labor: Arnold as governor and, 527, 528–31, 532–34, 545, 560, 562, 575, 577, 578, 584, 585
California economy and, 575, 577, 578, 583, 585
elections of 2006 and, 545–46
health care reform and, 560
Kennedy (Teddy) campaign and, 529–30.
United Kingdom: Arnold on exhibition in, 60–62
regulation of bodybuilding in, 101.
United Nations; Arnold’s environmental activities with, 580, 581–82, 597, 613–14
United States: Arnold’s childhood/youth dreams about going to, 13, 16, 31, 33, 34, 70
Arnold’s citizenship and, 294, 295
Arnold’s feelings about, 81, 82, 463
Arnold’s motivation for coming to, 244, 284, 404
social customs in, 88–89, 90–91
Universal Pictures: Arnold’s reputation and, 298
concerns about Arnold’s post–heart surgery activities at, 460
corporate jets of, 442
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Arnold as student at, 138, 139, 178, 612
Columb (Ronda) as taking classes at, 288
Transcendental Meditation courses at, 182
University of California, San Diego, 388
University of Southern California: Inner-City Games at, 420
Knapp as graduate of, 404
Schwarzenegger Institute at, 600–601
University of Southern California University Hospital; Arnold’s heart surgery at, 431–38
University of Wisconsin at Superior: Arnold’s education at, 219, 243, 245
Arnold’s Special Olympics activities at, 217–18, 243
Universum Sport Studio (Munich, Germany): American troops as training at, 63–64
Arnold offer trainer job at, 43, 45
Arnold as trainer at, 48, 50–52, 62–65, 68–69
building membership for, 62–64, 68–69
Univision, 475
USO, 398
Vajna, Andy, 345–46, 347, 470–71
Valenti, Jack, 444
Valentino (Rudolph) house, 119
Van Buren, Abigail “Dear Abby,” 328
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 335, 337, 599
van Ravenstein, Apollonia, 207
Vanguard Securities, 427
Venice, California.
Ventura, Jesse, 323, 338, 469
Verhoeven, Paul;