Willis, Bruce, 337, 400–402, 409, 442, 443, 446, 599

Wilson, Pete: Arnold as campaigning for, 469

   Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 499–500, 502

   Arnold’s political ambitions and, 469

   Arnold’s swearing-in and, 514

   Arnold’s use of former staff members of, 466, 467, 473, 475, 516, 518

   and jokes about Arnold entering politics, 463

   recall attempt against, 480

   at Regency Club, 292

Winfrey, Oprah, 245–46, 328, 487, 526, 595

Winkler, Henry, 208

winning; Arnold’s views about, 58–59, 178, 236

Winston, Stan, 312, 334, 335, 435

Winter, Paul, 56

Winters, Shelley, 207, 208

With Wings as Eagles (movie), 440

Wolfe, Tom, 207

women/girls: Arnold as teenager and, 22–23, 25, 26, 27–28, 29, 32–33

   Arnold’s bodybuilder interviews and, 116

   Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 510, 511

   Arnold’s early days in Los Angeles and, 87–88, 89, 90–91

   Arnold’s Mr. Universe lifestyle and, 66

   Arnold’s salesman personality and, 55

   astrology story and, 87–88

   bodybuilders and, 25, 27–28, 29, 31, 100, 139

   bodybuilding interests of, 159–60, 251

   discussion about emotions by, 177

   at Gold’s Gym, 68, 159–60

   groping accusations against Arnold by, 510, 511

   in Munich, 55

   as training in gyms, 55, 64, 251

   U.S. social customs and, 89, 90–91

Woods, Tiger, 441

Woodward, Joanne, 194

work; Arnold’s views about, 289–91

workers’ compensation reform; Arnold as governor and, 518, 523–24, 527, 544, 587

World Gym (Los Angeles, California), 251

World Jewish Congress, 332

World War II, 3, 4, 8–9, 38, 86, 234, 258, 291, 294, 366, 440

World Weight Lifting Championship (Vienna, 1961), 24

wrestling, 63, 64

Wyeth, Andrew, 209, 212–13

Wyeth, Jamie, 209, 210–11, 212–13

Wyeth, Phyllis, 212

YMCA, 394

Yorton, Chester, 58, 77

You, Richard, 97

Young, Beverly, 481–82

Young, Bill, 481–82

Youngman, Henny, 359–60

Youth Fitness Camps, 388

Zane, Frank, 74–75, 77, 91, 101, 108, 110, 137, 162, 197, 198, 251, 411, 533

Zarem, Bobby, 203–4, 205, 206, 219–20

Zeller, Artie, 84–85, 107, 108, 110, 135–36, 150, 163, 293

Zeller, Josie, 84–85, 108

Zingale, Daniel, 543, 558–59, 570

Zucky’s (Los Angeles delicatessen),

95, 139, 163–64, 174–75

Zurkowski family, 228


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Front endpaper: Albert Busek

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