Culture from the 'Great Reforms' until the Revolutions

of 1917 435 XXXIV The Revolutions of 1917 453


XXXV Soviet Russia: An Introduction 465 XXXVI War Communism, 1917-21, and the New Economic Policy,

1921-28 474 XXXVII The First Three Five-Year Plans, 1928-41 492 XXXVIII Soviet Foreign Policy, 1921-41, and the Second World War, 1941-45 509 XXXIX Stalin's Last Decade, 1945-53 527

XL The Soviet Union after Stalin, 1953-85 539 XLI Soviet Society and Culture 567

XLII The Gorbachev Years, 1985-91, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union 588


XLIII Yeltsin's Russia, 1991-1999 611

Bibliography 631

Appendix tables

1-4 Russian Rulers 647

5 Political Subdivisions of the U.S.S.R. as of January 1, 1976 652

A Select List of Readings in English on Russian History 655



1 Vegetation and Soils 6-7

2 Early Migrations 12

3 Kievan Russia in the Eleventh Century 35

4 Trade Routes during Kievan Period 44

5 Appanage Russia from 1240 64

6 Mongols in Europe, 1223-1380

Mongols in Asia at Death of Kublai Khan, 1294 68

7 Lord Novgorod the Great, 15th Century 78

8 Volynia-Galicia c. 1250 89

9 Rostov-Suzdal c. 1200 92

10 Rise of Moscow, 1300-1533 96

11 The Lithuanian-Russian State after c. 1300 133

12 Russia at the Time of Ivan IV, 1533-1598 144

13 The Time of Troubles, 1598-1613 161

14 Industry and Agriculture - 17th Century 184

15 Expansion in the 17th Century 193

16 Europe at the Time of Peter the Great, 1694-1725 215

17 Central and Eastern Europe at Close of the 18th Century 255

18 Poland 1662-1667; Partitions of Poland 269

19 Industry and Agriculture - 18th Century 280

20 Central Europe, 1803 and 1812 309

21 Europe, 1801-1855 316

22 The Crimean War, 1854-1855 339

23 The Balkans, 1877-1878 388

24 Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 402

25 Russia in World War I - 1914 to the Revolution of 1917 419

26 Industry and Agriculture - 19th Century All

27 Revolution and Civil War in European Russia, 1917-1922 481

28 Industry and Agriculture - 1939 500

29 Russia in World War II, 1939-1945 519

30 Population Growth 570

31 Contemporary Russia 612


After page 126

Scythian embossed goldwork of the sixth century b.c. {Leningrad Museum)

Ancient monuments of Polovtsy (Sovfoto)

Icon: St. George and the Dragon (Sovfoto)

Icon: The Old Testament Trinity, by A. Rublev, early fifteenth century

(Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow) (Sovfoto) Icon: The Deesis Festival Tier: Entrance into Jerusalem (Sovfoto) St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (Sovfoto) Icon: Our Lady of Vladimir (Sovfoto) Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma (Howard Sochurek) Fourteenth-century wooden church (Howard Sochurek) Preobrazhenskii Cathedral on Volga at Uglich (Howard Sochurek)

After page 244

Fresco: Head of St. Peter (Sovfoto)

Holy Gates of the Rizpolozhenskii Monastery in Suzdal (Mrs. Henry Shapiro)

Preobrazhenskaia Church in Kizhy near Petrozavodsk (Sovfoto)

Sixteen-century view of the city of Moscow (Corbis)

Red Square in Moscow, 1844 (Corbis)

Church of St. Basil the Blessed, Moscow (Ewing Galloway)

Zagorsk (Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery) (Sovfoto)

Moscow Kremlin (Ewing Galloway)

Moscow State University, on Lenin Hills (Wide World Photos)

Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, 1852 (Sovfoto)

Simeon Stolpnik Church on Moscow's Kalinin Prospect (Sovfoto)

After page 360

Ministries opposite the Winter Palace, Leningrad (Sovfoto)

Kazan Cathedral, Leningrad (Sovfoto)

Ivan the Terrible and His Son by Repin (Sovfoto)

View of Admiralty and St. Isaac's Cathedral, Leningrad (Sovfoto)

Petrodvorets (Peterhof), near Leningrad (author)

Cossacks of the Zaporozhie by Repin (Sovfoto)

St. Dmitrii Cathedral in Vladimir (Mrs. Henry Shapiro)

A church in ancient Suzdal (Mrs. Henry Shapiro)

Ivan the Terrible (Sovfoto)

Catherine the Great (Sovfoto)

Peter I, the Great (Sovfoto)

Ivan III, the Great (Sovfoto)

Leo Tolstoy (New York Public Library)

Ivan Turgenev (New York Public Library)

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