Maurey looked even more suspicious. “I’ve seen horses do it and horses don’t kiss.”


We went into my room since that seemed to be the place to commit the act. I sat on the side of the bed while Maurey sat in the chair at my desk. She pushed the w key on the typewriter down, then let it up, then back down again. She put her finger on the ribbon and made her print blue.

I held my hands in my lap. “I wish we didn’t have to be naked.”

“I’m sure that’s part of doing it.” She kicked off her snow boots. “Maybe we could leave our socks on. The floor’s kind of cold.”

“How about my shirt? I don’t see why I need to take off my shirt.”

“Why do you get to leave your shirt on but I don’t?”

“Women’s breasts are important to the deal. It doesn’t work if I can’t touch your breasts. All the books work that way. Men’s breasts are just for show, like a belly button.”

“I’m not showing you mine if you don’t show me yours.”

Five minutes and much futzing over buttons and zippers later, Maurey and I stood facing each other, down to boxer shorts and panties—and socks. Hers were red wool, mine white gym socks.

“You’re first,” she said.

“You first.”

We stared at each other. I went into a paranoia streak—what if it was a Wyoming ritual, as soon as I dropped my boxers she’d laugh and run away, or even worse, everyone in GroVont Junior High would jump from the closet and point at me.

“Oh, Jesus,” Maurey said, and she dropped her panties and stepped out. I had to follow. The silence was fairly eerie.

She looked down. “I thought you’d be bigger.”

“I’m not stiff yet.”

She poked at it. “When a horse gets a stiffie, it’s almost as big as his leg.”

“Time to stop comparing us to horses, Maurey. None of it seems to carry over.” I held out my finger and touched the nipple on the end of her tit. Touching a tit was the outer limit of my fantasy life. All my lurid dreams had come true. I was ready to put our clothes back on and eat some oatmeal. “Are you disappointed it’s not like a horse’s?”

Maurey brushed her fingertip through the ball area. “I was kind of scared to have you put something big as your leg up me. I couldn’t see how it would fit.”

As she touched under the ball sac, things perked up. “Holy moley,” she said.

I finally looked at the rest of her below the breasts. Maurey was mostly planes and soft colors. She smelled nice. “You’ve got hair down there.”

“So do you, silly.” She continued running her’ fingernail up and down and I continued to grow.

“I just didn’t expect girls to have hair in that spot.”

“Does it gross you out?”

It sort of did but I wasn’t about to admit it. “No. It’s kind of pretty. How do you see to find the tunnel?”

“It’s in there, only it doesn’t look like a tunnel from the outside.”

“A cave?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” I liked the area just below Maurey’s collarbone. That was the prettiest spot to look at, although the breasts were most exciting. They weren’t anything like the Playboy girls. Maurey’s were little pooches in her chest. The Playboy girls looked as if they had football implants.

“Is that as big as it gets?”

“I guess so. How do we put it in the tunnel?”

Maurey kept running her finger around the base. It felt real neat. I was getting used to having a girl see me with my clothes off and I thought this might be something I’d like to do regularly.

“Horses do it standing up with the stallion behind the mare,” she said.

“I told you to forget horses.”

“You’ve never seen anything do it.”

“I saw Soapley’s dog Otis doing it last week.”

“Bet he did it standing up from behind.”

Maurey turned around. Her hair came down almost to the bottom of her neck. Her back was real pretty, prettier than the front. Her little butt cheeks were like molded from a catcher’s mitt. “You have to get up behind me,” she said.

I tried but I couldn’t decide where my hands went. “This is awkward. I can’t see grown-ups basing their lives on this. Maybe you should bend over some.”

I knew it was coming, so I said in unison with Maurey, “Horses don’t bend over.” She laughed at that and the tension wasn’t quite so intense. I learned my first lesson about sex. Always make the girl laugh.

“I’m up too high,” I said. “Your hole’s way down here.”

She flinched. “That’s the wrong hole.”

“Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure. I think. The hole you go in is the bigger one up front.”

“I’m supposed to stand behind you and go in a front hole? Maybe if you stood on a chair or something.”

“None of the books say anything about the girl standing on a chair.”

“None of the books say anything. They skip this part and go straight to how wonderful it was.”

“Let’s take a break, Sam. Something’s not working.”


“Go get Catch-22. We’ll see how they do it.”

We sat side by side on the bed and read chapter twenty-three, where Nately gives three whores thirty dollars apiece to go to bed with his friends.

“Go to bed,” Maurey said. “That’s the key. Humans must do it lying down.”

“More comfortable than a girl standing on a chair. But I don’t have thirty dollars. You take a check?”

Maurey hit me lightly on the thigh. “That’s for whores. Good girls do it for free.”

“And bad girls do it for money?”

“Jesus, you’re naive, Sam. This next paragraph Aarphy talks about making the high school girls ‘put out.’ I wonder what they put out. I always thought stuff came out of the boy’s body and went into the girl’s.”


We tried it lying down on the bedspread, first next to each other with her back to me, then next to each other with her facing me. Faced together, Maurey got the giggles and we had to stop.


“When Otis did it he got stuck.”

Maurey stopped giggling. “Jesus.”

“They were butt to butt and Otis looked unhappy, but the female was in a lot of pain, made an awful sound.”

“Nobody in a book ever got stuck.”

“Soapley dumped buckets of water on them, but they didn’t unstick for over two hours. Lydia wouldn’t leave the house while they were yowling.”

“What will we do if we get stuck? There’s no one to throw water on us.”

I couldn’t answer that one. My thing lost most of its stiffness and Maurey had to touch it with two fingers to bring it back.


I was hot and it just wasn’t working. “Look. You’ll have to spread your legs and I’ll have to lay in between them right on the tunnel. It’s never going to go any other way.”

“On top of me?”


“How much do you weigh?”

“One-twenty-five,” I lied, giving myself an extra ten pounds.

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