Perm: military disaster at
Pervukhin, Mikhail
Pestkowski, Stanislaw
Peter I (the Great), Tsar
Petkov, Nikola
Petrov (photographer)
Petrovski, G.I.
Philby, Kim
Pilsudski, Josef
Piotrovski, V.V.:
Platform of the Forty-Six
Platonov, Andrei
Platonov, Sergei
Plekhanov, Georgi: influence; at Stockholm conference (1905); Stalin criticises; at London conference (1907); as thinker
Pokrovski, Mikhail
Poland: Stalin meets Lenin in; independence accepted; Soviet war with (1920); as potential invader; Stalin dominates; Stalin pressurises (1939); Hitler plans conquest of; defeated by Germany (1939); Soviet part-occupation and regime in; historic hostility to USSR; post-war settlement; Soviet advance in; Stalin’s post-war aims in; elections in; Provisional Government; refuses execution of Gomulka; anti-Soviet demonstrations in
Poles (ethnic): killed in Great Terror
Poletaev, Nikolai
Polish Communist Party: Stalin persecutes exiles
Politburo: and Civil War; and national question; composition and unity in; Kamenev chairs after Lenin’s death; internal factions and disputes; and Stalin’s aggressive agrarian policy; and grain shortage; approves elimination of kulaks; power and status; membership numbers; and Marxist idealism; and suppression of opponents; under 1936 Constitution; treatment of Kazakhs and Ukrainians; sanctions purge of anti-Soviet elements; Stalin purges; reforms; and Stalin’s foreign policy; on Hitler’s rise to power; and Nazi-Soviet pact (1939); Stalin manipulates members; and succession to Stalin
Popkov, Petr
Popov, Nikolai
popular fronts
Port Arthur
Poskrebyshev, Alexander
Pospelov, P.N.
Postyshev, Petr
Potsdam Conference (1945)
POUM (Spanish party)
Prague Conference (1912)
Preobrazhenski, Yevgeni: urges Europe-wide revolution; sympathises with Trotski; opposes Stalin’s appointment as General Secretary; criticises economic policy; writings; allies with Stalin
Presidium (Bolshevik Party): internal Bureau established; and Stalin’s stroke; and succession to Stalin
Prokofiev, Sergei
proletariat, dictatorship of
Provisional Government (Russian): formed (1917); Russian Bureau opposition to; Lenin demands overthrow of; rule and reforms; and conduct of First World War; break-up; unpopularity; conflict with Bolsheviks
Prussia: Soviet dominance in
Przewalski, Nikolai
Pugachev revolt (1773–5)
Pushkin, Alexander
Putin, Vladimir
Pyatakov, Georgi
Pyatnitski, Osip
Qazbegi, Alexander:
Radek, Karl: and war with Poland; tried
Radzinski, Edvard
Rajk, Laszlo
Rakovski, Christian,
Ramishvili, Isidore,
Ramzin, Leonid
Rapallo, Treaty of (1922)
Rappoport, Yakov
Rasputin, Grigori
Red Army: beginnings; in Civil War; Perm defeat; Lenin proposes for actions in Europe; triumphs in Civil War; and Lenin’s European strategy; in war against Poland (1920); exercises control of outlying regions; conquers Georgia (1921); powers; and economic development; threatened trial of commanders; suppresses peasant risings; hatred of collectivisation; campaign against religion; collaboration with German army; reinforced in Far East; and Nazi threat; and Spanish Civil War; clash with Japanese; Stalin addresses (1941); recovers from first German onslaught; prisoners-of-war; wartime conscription; scorched-earth policy; strategy against Germans; casualties at Stalingrad; Kursk victory; westward advance against Germans; appeal in east-central Europe; and Western Allies; final offensive; inactivity in Warsaw Rising; unrestrained behaviour in European advance; experience of Western civilisation; occupation of eastern Europe; redesignated Soviet Army; Stalin sees as threat
Redens, Stanislaw
Reisner, M.A.
religion: persecuted
Renner, Karl
Revolutionary-Military Council
Reznikov (informer)
Rhee, Syngman
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Right Deviation
Robespierre, Maximilien
Rodionov, Mikhail
Rodzaevski, Konstantin
Rodzyanko, Mikhail
Rohm, Ernst
Rokossovski, Marshal Konstantin
Romania: as potential invader of USSR; Stalin woos; Soviet demands on; troops in USSR; and Panslavism; USSR demands reparations from; communist regime in; monarchy removed