Let it be hid. Gratiano, keep410 the house,
And seize upon411 the fortunes of the Moor, For they succeed on412 you.— To you, lord governor,To Cassio
Remains the censure413 of this hellish villain:
The time, the place, the torture: O, enforce it!
Myself will straight aboard, and to the state This heavy416 act with heavy heart relate.Exeunt
TEXTUAL NOTESQ = First Quarto text of 1622Q2 = a correction introduced in the Second Quarto text of 1630F = First Folio text of 1623F2 = a correction introduced in the Second Folio text of 1632F3 = a correction introduced in the Third Folio text of 1663–64F4 = a correction introduced in the Fourth Folio text of 1685Ed = a correction introduced by a later editorSH = speech heading (i.e. speaker’s name)
List of parts based on “The Names of the Actors” at end of F text, with additional information provided in parenthesis
RODORIGO spelled thus in F (throughout). Q = Roderigo throughout EMILIA spelled Aemilia in F (throughout)
1.1.1 Never = F. Q = TVsh, neuer 4 But = F. Q = S’blood, but 25 toga’d = Q (toged). F = Tongued 29 Cyprus spelled Ciprus in F (and elsewhere) 33 bless = F. Q = God blesse 68 full = Q. F = fall thick-lips = Ed. F = Thicks-lips. Q = thicklips. 75 chances = F. Q = changes 90 Sir = F. Q = Zounds sir 91 soul: = Ed. F = soule 117 Sir = F. Q = Zouns Sir 121 jennets for germans spelled Gennets for Germaines in F 125 making = F. Q = now making 165 hell-pains = Ed. F = hell apines. Q = hells paines 168 sign. That = Ed. F = signe) that
1.2.41 haste-post-haste = Ed. F = haste, Post-haste 70 You, Rodorigo? Come = F (corrected). F (uncorrected) = You Rodorigo, Come 98 Whither = F2. F = Whether 103 I do = Q. F = do
1.3.24 gaze. When = Ed. F = gaze, when 58 nor = Q. F = hor 62 and = Q. F = snd 66 SH SENATORS ambiguously spelled Sen. in F 84 your = Q. F = yonr 100 tale = Q. F = u Tale 110 maimed spelled main’d in F imperfect = Ed. F = imperfect. 117 wrought upon = Q. F = wtought vp on 118 SH DUKE = Q. Not in F 119 overt