= Q. F = Gent. 47 Thanks, you = Ed. F = Thankes you, 54 hopes = Ed. F = hope’s 56,103 SH [VOICES] = Ed. F = Within 71 engineer spelled Ingeniuer in F 97 tell of = F. Q = tell me of 101 of sea = F. Q = of the sea 158 indeed, one = Ed. F = indeed? One authority spelled authorithy in F 180 gyve = F2. F = giue 185 courtesy spelled Curtsie in F 186 clyster-pipes = Q (Clisterpipes). F = Cluster-pipes 228 hither = Q. F = thither 237 prating? = Q. F = prating, 248 fortune = Q. F = Forune 249 does? = Q. F = do’s: 253 has = Q. F = he’s 269 mutabilities = F. Q = mutualities 279 haply spelled happely in F 298 accountant spelled accomptant in F 304 evened spelled eeuen’d in F for wife = Q. F = for wift 311 right = F. Q = ranke 312 night-cap = Q. F = Night-Cape
2.2.9 present = Q. F = presenr Bless = F. Q = Heauen blesse[Act 2 Scene 3] = Ed. Scene is continuous in F
2.3.26 stoup = Ed. F = stope 53 to put = Q. F = put to 71 Englishman = Q. F = Englishmen 85 Then = Q. F = And auld = Ed. F = awl’d. Q = owd 98 Forgive = F. Q = God forgiue 100 left = F. Q = left hand 103 SH GENTLEMEN = Q. F = Gent. 134 You = F. Q = Zouns, you 148 Sir Montano— Sir = Ed. F = Sir Montano: 151 lieutenant! = F. Q = Leiutenant, hold, 154 I bleed