devil i.e. Othello (the devil was popularly imaged as black) grandsire grandfather98 reverend respected102 charged ordered haunt loiter, lurk105 distemp’ring draughts intoxicating drinks107 start startle, disrupt110 spirits…place disposition and my position of authority114 grange isolated house in the country115 grave dignified, respected116 simple honest119 covered a term for copulation between a stallion and a mare120 Barbary horse i.e. Othello Barbary region in northern Africa including Morocco, Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis nephews grandsons121 coursers large powerful horses jennets small Spanish horses122 germans close relatives123 profane irreverent/foulmouthed125 making… backs i.e. having sex128 answer answer for, be held responsible for130 pleasure wish132 odd-even time that is neither day nor night—i.e. around midnight133 Transported with be transported by134 But with i.e. than knave servant, lackey135 gross lustful/vile136 allowance permission137 saucy insolent140 from contrary to civility civilized behavior141 your reverence the respect due to you/you, a respected person142 leave permission143 gross monstrous, flagrant/indecent144 wit intelligence, good sense145 In i.e. to extravagant and wheeling roaming and roving stranger foreigner146 Straight immediately150 Strike…tinder i.e. strike a light151 taper candle152 accident event156 meet appropriate wholesome beneficial, conducive place position (as Othello’s ensign)157 producted produced as a witness159 gall annoy check reprimand160 cast cast off, dismiss embarked engaged, committed161 loud reason resounding support162 stands in act are under way for i.e. to save163 fathom ability166 life livelihood167 sign show, display (plays on the sense of “military flag”)168 That in order that169 Sagittary inn or house named after Sagittarius, a centaur (half-man, half-horse) famed for his archery; centaurs were associated with lust, so Sagittarius, always depicted with bow and arrow, may be seen as a type of bestial Cupid raised search search party roused from sleep172 my despised time the miserable remainder of my life/the remainder of my life in which I will be scorned for what has happened174 unhappy misfortune-causing/ill-fated177 Past thought beyond belief (or “understanding”)180 treason…blood rebellion against her family/revolt of the (sexual) passions182 charms spells, enchantments183 property rightful nature maidhood girlhood, virginity190 discover reveal193 may command have the authority to demand aid195 deserve your pains reward you for your trouble1 trade (mercantile) dealings/craft2 very stuff fundamental material (stuff maintains the metaphor of trade with its senses of “fabric or goods for exchange/materials for manufacture”) 3 contrived premeditated iniquity wickedness5 yerked stabbed with a sudden movement him i.e. Rodorigo7 prated spoke insolently/told tales, blabbed8 scurvy contemptible11 I…him I restrained myself with great difficulty from attacking him/I tolerated him with great difficulty12 fast firmly13 magnifico i.e. Brabantio, one of the foremost noblemen, or Magnifici, in Venice14 in his effect at his disposal a…duke’s a powerful influence/an influence that is potentially double that of the duke voice influence/vote16 what whatever grievance hardship, oppression18 cable rope, i.e. scope20 signiory Venetian governing body21 ’Tis…know it is not yet known23 promulgate declare publicly24 siege throne, i.e. rank demerits merits, deserts25 unbonneted with my hat off (i.e. respectfully, modestly)/without removing my hat (i.e. on terms of equality)proud great, splendid28 unhoused unconfined29 circumscription and confine enclosure and confinement30 sea’s worth i.e. treasure lying under the sea yond yonder, over there31 raised roused from sleep/angered34 parts personal qualities title legal rights as a husband/high military rank perfect unblemished, guiltless36 Janus Roman god with two faces41 haste-post-haste speedy, urgent43 matter business44 divine guess45 heat urgency46 sequent successive51 several quests separate search parties56 makes he is he doing57 Faith truly boarded seized (a vessel) by force/had sex with
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