58 He had a mirror: Huie,
59 'I couldn't accomplish anything': Ray,
60 'I don't believe you can live in Mexico': Ray interview, HSCA,
61 in the direction of Tijuana: Ray,
62 Burrhead--that was one of his many names: Garrow,
63 'Based on King's recent activities': Ibid., p. 182.
64 weird phobias: Gentry,
65 'mental halitosis': DeLoach,
66 'a mythical person': Buchwald, quoted in Richard Gid Powers,
67 'Are you familiar': Capote, quoted in Hersh,
68 'You must understand': Gentry,
69 'Watch the borders': DeLoach,
70 Helen Gandy: Ibid., p. 109.
71 'high and distant and quiet': Hugh Sidey,
72 'transformed the FBI': Jack Anderson,
73 'dangerous and rather a psycho': Robert Kennedy, quoted in Richard Gid Powers,
74 'I'd rather have him': Ibid., p. 393.
75 'J. Edgar Hoover is a hero': President Johnson, Executive Order 11154, May 8, 1965, quoted in Ralph de Toledano,
76 'is a pillar of strength': Johnson, quoted in Gentry,
77 'the most notorious liar':
78 'They had to dig deep': Richard Gid Powers,
79 'top alley cat': Garrow,
80 'I am amazed': Ibid., p. 121.
81 'There are as many Communists': King 1965 interview in
82 'a tom cat': Richard Gid Powers,
83 'narrow his eyes': DeLoach,
84 'saw extramarital sex': Ibid.
85 'if the country knew': Hersh,
86 'I don't understand': Ibid., p. 379.
87 'King, look into your heart': Richard Gid Powers,
88 'They are out to break me': Garrow,
89 'Hoover is old': Ibid., p. 124.
90 the Cicero of the Cabdriver: The reporter James Dickenson, quoted in Lesher,
91 'bit himself': Ibid., p. 401.
92 'the surly orphan': Frady,
93 'pointy-headed intellectuals': Carter,
94 'the nigra would still be in Africa': Ibid., p. 161.
95 'Let 'em call me a racist': Frady,
96 'a fraud, marching and going to jail': Lesher,
97 'who could go to bed': Ibid., p. 199.
98 'the blood of our little children':
99 'how costly Wallace': Abernathy,
100 'He has just four [speeches]': King to Dan Rather, quoted in Carter,
101 'In both the North and South':
102 'The capital of Alabama':
103 'political ventriloquism': Carter,