104 'A nice fellow': This 'graduation' scene is primarily drawn from FBI interviews with Tomas Lau and former students at the bartending school. See 'Investigation of International School of Bartending, Los Angeles, Attended by Galt from January 19, 1968, to March 2, 1968,' FBI, MURKIN Files, 2325, sec. 22, pp. 135-36. I have also relied here on Huie,
105 St. Francis Hotel: My description of the St. Francis Hotel is drawn from Huie,
106 he had amphetamines: There are several telltale signs that Ray continued his amphetamine use after escaping from Jeff City, including the discovery, several months later, of a syringe in his bed-and-breakfast room in London. Charles Stein, an acquaintance of Ray's in Los Angeles, told the FBI that Ray may have been 'a pillhead.' See FBI interview with Stein, May 5, 1968, MURKIN Files, 2751-2925.
107 fizzly neon sign: The large orange neon sign outside the St. Francis is mentioned in multiple documents and books, including Posner's
108 recently bought himself a set of barbells: Frank,
109 'I don't think that a man': McKinley, 'Interview with James Earl Ray,' p. 174.
110 'to get his knob polished': McMillan,
111 'I find myself attracted': McKinley, 'Interview with James Earl Ray,' p. 76.
112 'He was the withdrawn type': My rendering of Galt's lessons at the National Dance Studio is largely drawn from the FBI report 'Investigation at National Dance Studio, Long Beach, California, Where Galt Attended Classes, December 1967 to February 1968.' Also, FBI interview with Arvidson, National Dance Studio, April 13, 1968, MURKIN Files, 1051-1175, sec. 9, pp. 276-77.
113 'overcome his shyness': My account of Ray's visits with Freeman is primarily drawn from the journalist George McMillan's transcription of his interviews with Freeman, box 9, McMillan Papers.
114 'He had the old power idea': Frank,
115 'He was a good pupil': McMillan,
116 'a moral crusader': Clark,
117 'Here we all were biting our nails': Author interview with Clark, Oct. 9, 2008, New York City.
118 'We must create a reverence': Clark,
119 'a humane and generous concern': Ibid., p. 8.
120 'the Jellyfish': Hersh,
121 'What kind of person is
122 'I describe our relationship': Ibid., p. 601.
123 'by the excessive domination': Clark,
124 'Surreptitiousness is contagious': Ibid., p. 271.
125 'more than a mere dirty business': Ibid., p. 276.
126 'Hoover had three': Gentry,
127 'a man of monstrous ego': DeLoach,
128 'crotchety, dictatorial': Ibid., p. 111.
129 'you were not so much': Ibid., p. 24.
130 'Such behavior': Ibid., pp. 202-3.
131 'like the biblical mustard seed': Ibid., p. 200.
132 'We need this installation': Garrow,
133 'A.G. will not approve': Ibid.
134 'There has not been an adequate': Ibid.
135 Galt told a representative: Posner,
136 'Several recruits': Carter,
137 'The Rockefeller interests': Ibid., p. 311.
138 stock car track: My description of the Burbank rally for Wallace is primarily drawn from Carter,
139 'He has a bugle voice of venom':
140 'the heat, the rebel yells': Lesher,