210 'You are demonstrating': My account of King's March 18 speech in Memphis is drawn from the Memphis Commercial Appeal; from news footage of the speech captured in the PBS documentary
211 The Lorraine had long been popular: My sketch of the Lorraine's history largely comes from the National Civil Rights Museum Web site, clippings in the
212 The old part of the lodge: Wills, 'Martin Luther King Is Still on the Case,' reprinted in
213 'the King-Abernathy suite': See Abernathy's testimony concerning the Lorraine Motel in House Select Committee on Assassinations,
214 'seeming so modern': Young,
215 Flamingo Motel: My account of Galt's stay at the Flamingo Motel comes from the following sources: Huie,
216 Nature ... had gone on strike: Honey,
217 'We've got a perfect work stoppage': Beifuss,
218 'Well, the Lord has done it again': Ibid., p. 203.
219 'It had never snowed': Honey,
220 He located a rooming house: My description of Galt's Atlanta rooming house is based on several accounts in the
221 'Every time I look at Atlanta': Reed, quoted in Horwitz,
222 'wouldn't have to answer': Ray,
223 'this place was just
224 looked 'like a preacher': Blair,
225 'to bone up': Ray,
226 One of his circles A description of the markings found on Ray's Atlanta map are in the FBI summary report of Ray chronology, MURKIN Files, 4143, sec. 52, p. 34. See also Frank,
227 'losing hold' of his faculties: Garrow,
228 'just wrong': McKnight,
229 'All the police would have to do': Beifuss,
230 'Make the crowds stop pushing!':
231 'If you were black': Thomas, quoted in Bond and Sherman,
232 'Turn around!': Honey,
233 'Take Dr. King out of the way': Beifuss,
234 'never had trouble': Ibid., p. 227.
235 'the march was abandoned': Honey,
236 'We have a war': Holloman, quoted in the
237 'Until then, King really didn't have any idea': Garrow,
238 'Get your ass out of Memphis': Honey,
239 ''Martin Luther King is dead'': Garrow,
240 'Ralph, we live in a sick nation': Abernathy,
241 He made his way over to a salesman: My account of Galt's visit to the Long-Lewis hardware store is based on the initial FBI interview with the salesclerk Mike Kopp, April 8, 1968, FBI, MURKIN Files, 2323, sec. 21, pp. 143-44.
242 'Mr. Sullivan requested': Halter, quoted in Garrow,
243 'Did Martin Luther King do anything': Sullivan to Halter, memorandum, March 28, 1968, FBI files on the Memphis sanitation strike, doc. 167.
244 'The fine Hotel Lorraine': G. C. Moore to Sullivan, blind memorandum, March 29, 1968, quoted in Friedly and Gallen,