245 'could end in great violence': Sullivan to DeLoach, memorandum, March 20, 1968, quoted in ibid., p. 570.

246 'Chicken a la King': Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 31, 1968.

247 'The headline-hunting high priest': Dallas Morning News article reprinted in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 2, 1968, p. 6.

248 'A Judas goat': St. Louis Globe-Democrat article cited in Honey, Going Down Jericho Road, p. 364.

249 'a man who gets other people into trouble': Senator Robert Byrd news footage reproduced in the Insignia Films documentary Roads to Memphis, produced for the PBS program American Experience, WGBH, Boston.

250 'a powerful embarrassment': New York Times, March 31, 1968, p. 46.

251 'like striking a match': Memphis Commercial Appeal, March 30, 1968, p. 1.

252 took a shower and pulled on some clothes ... just buttoning his shirt: In Beifuss, At the River I Stand, p. 253, the Invader Calvin Taylor is quoted as saying, 'Dr. King came in. He had gotten out of the shower.' In At Canaan's Edge, p. 737, Branch says, 'King emerged just then buttoning his shirt.'

253 warned him of a plot: Honey, Going Down Jericho Road, p. 373.

254 'What can I do to have a peaceful march?': My description of the conversation in the Rivermont suite between King and the young Invaders is primarily drawn from oral histories recorded in Beifuss, At the River I Stand, p. 254.

255 'He wasn't raising his voice': Ibid.

256 large sporting goods store: My depiction of Galt's visit to the Aeromarine sporting goods store is primarily drawn from the initial FBI interviews conducted on April 5, 1968, by Special Agent Neil Shanahan and other agents working out of the Birmingham field office. Among those interviewed were the salesclerks U. L. Baker and Don Wood, as well as the Aeromarine customer John DeShazo.

257 'I did not run away': King's quotation from the Rivermont press conference are taken from newsreels housed in the Sanitation Strike Collection, Memphis Multi-Media Archival Project, March 29, 1968, reels 35-37.

258 'It was perhaps his finest performance': Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, p. 422.

259 'must be called': Lee, quoted in Coretta Scott King, My Life with Martin Luther King Jr., p. 311.

260 'Can you get me out of Memphis?': Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, p. 422.

261 dropped King off at the Butler Street YMCA: Ibid.

262 somber dinner at the Abernathy house: The dinner is described in detail in Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, pp. 423-24. Also in Raines's interview with Abernathy in My Soul Is Rested, pp. 466-67. See also Garrow, Bearing the Cross, p. 615, and Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 741.

263 Galt returned to Aeromarine: My description of Galt's second trip to Aeromarine is adapted from the aforementioned FBI interviews, conducted in Birmingham on April 5, 1968, with store employees.

264 'The pump-action aids': Remington company literature describing the Gamemaster 760's attributes is quoted in Huie, He Slew the Dreamer, p. 138.

265 'wide enough field of view': Specifications and special features of the Redfield scope come from company literature reproduced in McMillan, Making of an Assassin, pp. 292-93.



266 'was a set up': James Orange, quoted in Honey, Going Down Jericho Road, p. 381.

267 'We are in serious trouble': Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 742.

268 'Memphis is the Washington campaign in miniature': Ibid.

269 'You guys come up': Garrow, Bearing the Cross, p. 616.

270 'Ralph, give me my car keys': My description of the argument and King's abrupt exit from the SCLC meeting primarily derives from Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, pp. 425-27.

271 'Everything's not going to be all right': Ibid. See also Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 743.

272 'The leader is confused': Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, p. 426.

273 'We had never seen Martin': Young, Easy Burden, p. 459.

274 war whoops and hallelujahs: Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 744.

275 one of his mistresses: Ibid. See also Garrow, Bearing the Cross, p. 617.

276 'one of the most unjust wars': My depiction of King's sermon comes from the Washington Post, April 1, 1968. See also Garrow, Bearing the Cross, p. 618; Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 745; and Kotz, Judgment Days, p. 409.

277 'I see an alternative': Kotz, Judgment Days, p. 409.

278 'I would be glad': Garrow, Bearing the Cross, p. 618.

279 'I felt that I was being chased': Goodwin, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, p. 343.

280 'With the world's hopes': Kotz, Judgment Days, p. 411.

281 'His air was that of a prisoner let free': Dallek, Flawed Giant, pp. 529-30.

282 'I never felt so right': Branch, At Canaan's Edge, p. 749.

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