I had blamed Chase for her death. The facts had seemed so clear to me. But when I reviewed the scenario, they became distorted, out of focus. He’d been the scapegoat of the MM’s wrath just for being himself. Blaming him no longer made sense.

I could not stop the tears now. They flooded me, as did my grief, my sorrow, my hatred. So much deeper was my self-loathing than what I had seen reflected in Chase’s eyes. And so much more justified.

I had made a horrible mistake.

Chase had come back after the War to find me. He had reported for the draft because I had told him to. He had always tried to protect me, even when it included the possibility of losing his life or taking another. His lies were meant to be a shield. That was wrong, but I couldn’t entirely fault him for hiding the truth once I thought about what he’d faced.

He had wanted me safe all along. I had expelled that, shoved it back in his face. I had tried to hurt him more than he was already hurting. And I had succeeded.

It was Sean’s words that slid through my torment.

It’s them Miller. Not us. It’s the FBR that should be sorry.

I understood this now, more than ever before. What had happened was not Chase’s fault. It wasn’t mine; it wasn’t even really Tucker’s. It was the FBR. The president. They were making everyone suffer, and those who didn’t feel the pain had been brainwashed.

I twisted the little gold ring around my finger vigorously.

By morning I had my plan.

I was leaving this base. I was going to the resistance and then to find Chase, wherever he was. I had to try to make things right. For him. For my mother. For Rebecca.

And if I couldn’t, then I would die trying.

* * *

TO my horror, a second soldier was “completed” in the morning. A man I had fed less than a day before lay stretched across the floor, half beneath the bed. His lips were white, his face gray. His eyes were open and dead.

I was just as revolted. I couldn’t help but wonder if I could have stopped it. If I could have saved him. I would never get used to this, as Delilah clearly had.

We followed the same protocol from the day before. Only this time, I swallowed down the bile creeping up my throat to focus on the intricacies of the task. Which way Delilah exited the elevator. The dark hallway downstairs that no one seemed to occupy. Every instance she used her key. Where exactly she left the cart at the crematorium.

I had to get it perfect. The next time I made this trip, I’d be alone.

We had more mash from the cafeteria for lunch. It did little to calm my stomach, but I needed the fuel for what was to come.

At the end of the day, I followed Delilah into the storage room. I was wearing the blanket over my shoulders, even though the unit was warm during working hours. I needed Tucker to think I was grateful for his compassion, and he did. When I’d seen him earlier, he’d been the only guard not to balk at my appearance.

My acceptance of the gift made him feel like he was in control. Like I wasn’t a threat. He lowered his guard around me, which was exactly what I needed.

I watched Delilah as I had all day. I needed the master key hanging around her neck. She wouldn’t give it up; she was far too institutionalized. I was going to have to steal it. And to assure she wouldn’t sabotage the plan, I needed to gain the upper hand.

That was where Tucker came in.

Delilah was emptying her bucket of bleach and water into the utility sink as I approached.

“I’ve got to go talk to Morris,” I told her.

She waved her hand at me without looking up, but the color rose in her drooping cheeks. We both remembered the scene she had walked in on last night.

“I’ll come get you in the morning,” she said.

I nodded.

I forced myself to walk nonchalantly across the hall to Tucker’s office. The adrenaline coursed through my body as I anticipated what I had to do. Fighting the urge to glance nervously toward the door, I hugged the blanket tighter around my shoulders.

He was finishing paperwork, as he had been yesterday. He said nothing, only cocked an eyebrow up at me.

“I want to know about Rebecca Lansing.”

“You know the price for that.”

“I do.”

He put down the paperwork with a self-righteous smirk and rounded the desk.

“Then pay up.”

“Wait. I’m… afraid the guard is going to walk past.” I tried to sound nervous. I thought Tucker would like that. I played with the tips of my hair for effect.

“He just rotated through five minutes ago.”

“Just go check,” I said. “I don’t want any interruptions like last night.”

A glow spread across his face. “All right. Stay here.”


He was gone for only a few minutes. Long enough for me to do what needed to be done. To set the wheels in motion for tomorrow’s escape.

I was sitting on a hip-high cabinet above the safe when he returned. The discarded blanket was piled beside me. I swung my heels against the wood impatiently and made myself think about freedom, rather than what was to come.

“We’re clear,” he told me, sauntering over.

He didn’t hesitate. He shoved himself between my knees, jerking my hips to the edge of the tabletop. Then his face lowered to mine.

He smelled wrong. Tasted wrong. His mouth was too hard. His hands were selfish. I tried to back away, but he wrapped his casted arm unyieldingly against my back. His other hand slid up my stomach. It rose higher, over the itchy fabric covering my ribs. Higher, to where I would not allow those fingers to roam.

“That’s enough.” Every nerve inside of me flatlined. I shoved him away, appalled with myself.

“Not yet.” Tucker leaned in again, but I pushed his shoulders back hard and then lifted my knee between us. The next time he tried to advance, my foot was pressed against his crotch. Ready to kick.

“Just try it,” I dared him.

He chuckled, lifting his hands in surrender.

“God, I wish Jennings could have seen that. We wouldn’t even have to kill him. He’d off himself.”

My temper spiked. “You sure talk about him a lot. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were heartbroken, Tucker.”

I’d said too much.

His grin vanished. Then it returned, with a vindictive light in his green eyes. His fingers skimmed my throat, feeling the jugular vein. His touch was too delicate, and I could feel the power thrumming beneath it. I breathed out unsteadily, hands clenching into fists. Tucker was jealous of Chase, of all the attention he had received. He could hurt me just to get back at his old partner.

“Are you scared?” he whispered. “Do you know what I could do to you?”

“Rebecca Lansing,” I prompted, working hard to swallow.

To my relief he released my throat.

“Rehab center in Chicago.”

My stomach dropped. Chicago. Where Chase had lived with his uncle. Where he had been drafted. It wouldn’t be easy to find her in a war-torn city that housed one of the biggest bases in the country.

“They didn’t kill her?”

“She got lucky. Who knows, maybe you will, too.”

It was time to go. I pushed off the cabinet.

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