82. But she took five-mile walks: Ibid.; Tad Bartimus, “Queen Elizabeth Visits Wyoming,”
83. Meals were simple American fare:
84. “Queen-sized
85. “because I have never tasted them”: Bartimus, “Queen Elizabeth Visits Wyoming,”
86. “What kind of salad dressing”: Catherine Murdock interview.
87. she handed out gifts: Ibid.
88. “looking at beautiful thoroughbreds”: Queen Elizabeth II to Ronald Reagan, Oct. 14, 1984, Reagan Library.
89. “closed off”: Morton, p. 51.
90. “monstrous carbuncle”: Dimbleby, p. 384.
91. “catastrophe … time bomb”: Strong, p. 361.
92. “The Queen could not be more pleased”:
93. “Horlicks … bitter”: Andrew Neil interview (May 6, 1998).
94. she memorably danced: Prince Charles to Ronald Reagan, Nov. 11, 1985, Reagan Library.
95. “in her clever way”:
96. “touched perhaps by the sadness”: Lees-Milne,
97. Most of the bluegrass breeders:
98. “Suddenly from the bushes to the left”: Anne Glenconner interview.
99. “felt favored and blessed”: Sarah, the Duchess of York, with Jeff Coplon,
100. “I was robust and jolly”: Ibid., p. 107.
101. “She’s very sharp and clever”: Wyatt, Vol. 3, p. 410.
FIFTEEN: Family Fractures
1. The Queen purportedly took issue:
2. “astute political infighter”: Ibid.
3. “It was like a scene out of Trollope”: Confidential interview.
4. “Margaret Thatcher was very upset”: Charles Powell interview.
5. “ordinary people”: Shawcross,
6. “commiserated with each other”: Turner, p. 181.
7. He was more distraught: Confidential interview.
8. an appointment that raised eyebrows:
9. There had been press reports: Wyatt, Vol. 1, p. 167.
10. The Queen had encouraged Canadian: Brian Mulroney interview.
11. “moral obligation”: Ibid.
12. Thatcher eventually compromised: Mulroney, p. 404.
13. “She never expressed her views”: Confidential interview.
14. To shield its informant:
15. “misinterpreted”:
16. “crucial parts”:
17. The press secretary’s colleagues: Confidential interviews.
18. “I think he has megalomania”: Wyatt, Vol. 1, p. 173.
19. “He personally didn’t go for Margaret Thatcher”: Angela Oswald interview.
20. “Don’t worry, dear”: Pimlott, p. 514, citing interview with Sir John Riddell.
21. “Well, I can’t do anything”: Wyatt, Vol, 1, p. 178.
22. “deliberate act by the Queen”: Shawcross,
23. “Now Kenneth”: Brian Mulroney interview.
24. “How is the emotional one?”: Mulroney, p. 466.
25. “There was no doubt”: Brian Mulroney interview.
26. “I think Mr. Deng would be rather happier”: Shawcross,
27. “didn’t move a muscle”: Shawcross,
28. “The British press went nuts”: Confidential interview.
29. “puncture the balloon”: McDonald,
30. “I don’t know why he has the gift”: Confidential interview.
31. “My only claim to fame”:
32. including a gold bracelet:
33. In 1982 he began driving: McDonald,
34. “energy saving”: Ibid.
35. “Sometimes I would take an idea”: Confidential interview.
36. One of his favorite photographs: David Airlie interview.
37. “Do you really want to be”: Confidential interview.
38. “enormously practical … extremely businesslike”: BBC interview with David Airlie: transcript, Feb. 21, 1994.
39. “to sit on it and think”: Ibid.
40. “The reason why she moves”: Ibid.
41. After he had spent six months: David Airlie interview.
42. the press reported that his father:
43. “They always try to make him out”: Wyatt, Vol. 1, p. 309.
44. “It was a disaster”: Ibid., p. 492.
45. “cold, drafty, and expensive”: James Murray interview.
46. The two queens took walks: June Webster interview; Helen Markham interview.
47. After dinner he played: Confidential interview.
48. “stripped naked”: Strong, p. 430.
49. In 1985 Diana had taken up: Smith, p. 197.
50. in November of the following year: Ibid., p. 212.
51. “warmth … understanding and steadiness”: Dimbleby, p. 481.
52. the tension was obvious enough:
53. “civilized space”: Penny Thornton,
54. “new Diana”: Smith, p. 234.
55. Sarah was expected to live: Ibid., p. 239.
56. “bad royal”: Sarah, the Duchess of York, p. 148.
57. “crass, rude, raucous, and bereft”: Ibid., p. 155.
58. For a number of years”:
59. She was linked: Ibid.
60. as well as Camilla’s husband:
61. “darling … affectionate terms”:
62. At the end of 1988 she had been reading: Monty Roberts interview.
63. “advance-and-retreat”: Monty Roberts,
64. The Queen sent: Monty Roberts interview.
65. She invited some two hundred guests: The description of Roberts’s demonstration at Windsor Castle and the reactions from the royal family are drawn from author’s interview with Roberts and from his autobiography.
66. “I saw a mind open up”: Monty Roberts interview.
67. “knew every move”: Ibid.
68. “getting it right”: Ibid.