Her cousin’s kid had her in class at Constance Paine Elementary.
After that, the silence in the car began to fester. Debra had never heard of anyone on the island named Rodriguez, much less an owner of the house she was trying to sell. Yet Chrissie seemed certain. Why would she lie?
At last the sleet seemed to slacken, and Mark decided to take a look under the hood after all. The tow truck guy was taking an awful long time coming. There were a few awkward moments when he asked Deb to pop the Impala’s hood. She offered him her flashlight before she realized she was sitting on it. Squirming aside so he could reach it, she noticed two of her blouse buttons had popped open, baring the lacy edge to her slip and the swell of her pale breasts. Mark retrieved the flashlight, but in sitting up, lost his balance and tumbled into Debbie. She was sure his hand grazed her breast before he regained his balance. She couldn’t have imagined his strong fingers pattering across her nipple-she’d felt him right through the thin crepe blouse. It couldn’t be her suppressed desire- could it?
“Got it! Thanks.” Without another word, he was out of the car, whistling Orinoco Flow as he strolled towards the engine.
Flustered, Debra sat staring forward, enjoying the male eye candy moving around in front of her car as she wondered what had happened-what she should do.
“He’ll do you, if you want. Just ask him.”
“You heard me. I know you want to.” Sighing heavily, Christine positioned herself directly behind Debbie, letting her long fingers skitter spider-like over the top of the front seat. “I said Mark will fuck you-you know you want him to. You’re a pretty hot lady yourself-in spite of the frumpy clothes. He’ll love it. He can’t fix shit on cars. He’ll be back in a minute-then we’ll ask him. He'll be frozen stiff and we'll need to warm him up anyway. I know you want him-I can see it in your eyes, Debbie. He’ll waggle his dipstick and check your oil. It is what you want, right, Deb?”
“How can you talk like that about your boyfriend? You should be ashamed, young lady. I figured you for lovers.”
“Don’t you
“But what’ll
“I don’t intend to, Debbie.” Chrissie’s hands did snake down the back of the bench seat then and slither onto Debbie’s silky shoulders, wriggling on down to touch her breasts. “Mark isn’t the only one you turn on, sweetie. Haven’t you ever heard of a threesome?”
Debbie thought she should protest-that would be the lady-like thing to do, even though her heart was racing with the thought of having Mark’s strong thighs thrusting between her legs. Debbie meant to, but then Chrissie’s lips engulfed her own, as her pale fingers unbuttoned her blouse, shoved aside her lingerie straps and began kneading her soft breasts.
“Markie babe is taking a while playing his little mechanic-game. Let’s get you all primed and greased for him, Debbie dear. I know I’m well oiled just thinking about it.”
The icy rain made sure Mark didn't monkey around under the hood too long. As he slid back into the car, he noticed two horny partly undressed ladies watching his every move.
'Sorry, Debbie, I couldn't find your problem.'
'Don't you worry about that, Mark, baby.' Chrissie giggled. Her partly closed blue eyes drifted down his body as though she might peel away his clothes just by staring. A glance toward the horny real estate woman revealed her watching him with only slightly less obvious lust. 'Get your little ass in here, honey, out of the cold. You must be freezing to death. Don't worry about the damned car. Debbie and me-well, we discovered she's got a more immediate problem for you to fix. We found this dark wet hole needs plugging.'
'Maybe he doesn't want to, Christine. We really shouldn't force him.' Debra blushed, suddenly very aware that her breasts were flaunting themselves, all but popping out of her half-unbuttoned blouse. 'After all, you don't really know me.'
'Nonsense. I know my Markie-he'd love to. Didn't slow me down. I don't know you, and you and me been sucking face the whole time he was out there freezing his balls off. I told you he'd love to, Debbie-ain't that so, Mark?' Her fingers still playing inside Debra's dainty blouse, Chrissie twisted around to beam at her boyfriend. The lipstick smears decorating Chrissie's face proved that Miss Primm wasn't all frigid prude.
'I'm filthy, Chrissie. Got grease and oil all over my shirt and hands. Your Miss Primm isn't going to want me touching her. But I will watch.'
'Men can be so dense. Take the damned shirt off, sugar bum.' Looking exasperated with her man, Chrissie crossed her arms under her heavy breasts, pulling her lacy chemise tight across her large rigid nipples. 'Maybe you should take your blouse off too, Debbie. It looks expensive and my Mark can be a bit of an animal.'
As he removed his dirty shirt, Mark noticed an almost perfect lipstick imprint of Debra's lips marring the yellow silk at one of Chrissie's breasts. Apparently, Debra Primm had no hang-ups about making out with other women. Cool-if she didn't want him to touch her cause of his dirty fingers, he could always just lay back and watch. He was warming up just thinking about it.
It kind of looked like that was going to be the case-as he watched, she buttoned up most of her blouse. Damn. Too bad; she appeared to have really nice breasts-a bit smaller than Chrissie's jugs, but by no means small. Real pretty face too. He was disappointed-he'd been hoping to look at those big green eyes staring back at him as she sucked on his throbbing wang.
'Actually, Mark, I'm not worried about the car. I'm sure the tow truck or one of Chief De Costa's officers will be along any time. Likewise, I'm not worried about your dirty hands. In fact, if you don't think it too weird of me, I was kind of hoping you and Chrissie could help me live out a little fantasy I have.' As she talked, Debra Primm lowered her face seductively, her large emerald eyes riveted to the swelling bulge between Mark's thighs. Although the image she cultivated announced she was a proper lady, her burning gaze screamed she was anything but. 'I've always wondered what it 108
would be like to be taken against my will. To be completely at the mercy of a handsome stranger and fucked silly. Will you, Mark-fuck me without mercy?'
Mark allowed a nasty grin to ooze across his handsome face. 'You'd better listen to Chrissie and take off that pretty blouse, Debbie. Your slip and bra too, if they're nice.'
'Why don't you take them off me, you brute. Pretend I'm completely at your mercy.'
Mark backed out of the car then, ordering Chrissie to slip over the seat top and stay up front. As he got back in, scooting himself across the Impala's wide back seat, Debbie indulged herself in watching the graceful movements of his broad tanned chest, his well defined six-pack, and just a hint of paler narrow hips as he undid the front of his jeans and let them slither lower on his torso. Catching her ogling stare, he pumped his muscular arm, watching her wonder about the lurid skull and crossbones riding his biceps. Suddenly, his thick forearms shot out, snaring her thin wrists, and beginning to drag her across the seat back towards the rear seat. 'Chrissie, grab her ankles and give her ass a shove. I want this bitch in the back seat with me.' Switching his attention, Mark glared at Debra, letting his face split in a wide feral grin. 'Okay, Miss Primm. It's play time. Just the way you want it.'
Trapped across the top of the front seat, held by ankles and wrist, Debra wished she'd remembered the old adage,
lacy cups. A few moments of brutal tugging and it was gone, her full breasts almost bare beneath her flimsy slip. She sputtered at him, begging him to be a little less rough, slow down a bit, let her enjoy it. But by then he was into her silk panties, shoving them aside, tearing them away.
When he rammed into her it was like somebody had shoved a hot railroad spike up her pussy. Debbie screamed. He came almost right away, his thick cum scalding like liquid fire. Debra felt like she'd been brutally violated by a wild beast; she wished she'd kept her fantasy to herself, and asked him to be gentle.