which one you think will taste best.”
I was grateful he’d distracted me from the erotic image, but it was still there burning itself into my memory, sending my mind racing. It was difficult to focus. “It’s so hard to choose, they all look so good. You’re very talented.”
“In that case, take two.” His eyebrow lifted. “I always find that two different flavors make the overall experience so much richer.”
He was definitely flirting. I laughed softly and then lifted the heart-shaped dark chocolate I’d admired in the window, and a tall crown-like confection that looked like a truffle with a nut inside the crown.
He watched as I savored the chocolates, first the heart, then the crown. Was he some sort of fortune teller, and he knew something about me because of what I’d gone for? Whatever, the way he looked was such a turn on. He reached for an appointment book. “I’ll book you in. Dani and…?”
“Eve.” I couldn’t repress the almost-moan of pleasure as I savored the rich chocolate in my mouth. I quickly licked melted chocolate off my fingers as he wrote in the book. “Name the time and I’ll bring Dani in.”
He barely reacted but it was there, a flicker in his eyes, a sensuous movement of his lips as he turned back to me and replied, “Six o' clock, closing time.”
Oh yes, there was no mistaking that this was going to be a special event.
Whether he meant it in exactly the way I thought he did, or not, would be revealed. The important thing was we had our own private Chocolatier, at least for a little while. Dani would adore it. Anything else that happened along the way, well, I was pretty sure that would be welcome too. We would both enjoy getting our hands on him, for sure. All I had to do now was keep it a secret until nearer the time. That was going to be the hard part.
“I saw the most delicious man,” I mentioned, ever so casually, over breakfast on Saturday, Dani’s birthday. I’d managed to keep it quiet until the day itself, which was no easy task. “I thought he might be just your sort,” I added, as nonchalantly as I could manage. My mind was full of images of Dani with The Chocolatier painting on her naked body, and I could scarcely keep still as I anticipated the event.
Dani glanced up from her newspaper, eyebrows lifting. She was curled in her armchair in her black kimono, legs folded under her. I was sprawled on the nearby sofa, in my robe. We'd opened her birthday gifts an hour before, in bed, and the start of a supposedly lazy day was well under way. I'd even given her a decoy gift, a booking for a day at the local spa, so that she wouldn’t expect anything else.
“You did?” she responded. “Where?”
“Oh, right here in the village, in the high street, when I was shopping. Let’s just say he was an unexpected find. You’ll like him, I have money on it.”
She put her newspaper down. “Who is he? Come on, Eve, spill the details, what’s he like and where did you meet him?”
I gave her a faux-frown. “Don’t get too excited or I'll fret that you don't want me anymore.”
Dani laughed softly. “Bollocks to that. You know that’s not true.” She unfurled one leg from under her and nudged my knee with her outstretched toes. The contact set loose an invitation for more, and my pulse rate lifted, a dense heat gathering in my centre.
“It’s just a bit of fun,” she added. “You know that I love you.”
“I know. I’m teasing you.” We were sure of each other, solid, because we were perfectly matched. That's why we could occasionally take a male lover to answer that physical and emotional need in our psyche. We trusted each other. Whenever it happened it was just that, a bit of fun with a man. We shared the fun, which made it all the more part of us and our bond. And it had been a while since we’d taken a man into our bed.
“Maybe I'll take you to see him later this evening.” My pulse raced, anticipation building as I saw her eyes light.
“Oh. Good.” Dani stared over at me.
It was then that I realized this was a first. Dani often told me about some guy she’d seen, but not the other way around. On one occasion she took me to the market in Canterbury to see a hunk on a fruit stall that had caught her attention. Another time it was a road maintenance bloke who was working in our area for a couple of weeks. She spotted him in the local pub and took me down there to see if we could lure him home for a bit of fun, which we did. I wasn’t usually the instigator in these encounters. But I was pretty sure she’d like Alain, and he was definitely up for some flirting while he fed her chocolates, if nothing else.
“We’ll go out to dinner later and I’ll show him to you then.” I eyed her across the space between us, my gaze lingering on her breasts, starkly outlined as they were in her clinging kimono. My body craved contact with hers, even though it was less than an hour since we’d been entwined in bed.
“Why don’t you tell me what he’s like in the meantime?” Her eyes flickered, and she abandoned her newspaper to the floor and then rearranged herself in the armchair, one hand toying with the belt on her kimono
It was a game we liked to play, sharing what people were like-or what we thought they'd be like, in bed- while we made love.
I barely restrained my smile and then put my cup down on the coffee table beside my chair. Sliding forward in my chair I dropped onto my knees and then crossed the floor between us on my hands and knees, looking up at her as I went. My beautiful Dani, so feminine, so lush and sexy. Just knowing that she wanted me to touch her made my pussy slick with anticipation. I arrested one of her ankles in my hand, and gently drew her body around to face me.
“His name is Alain.” Nudging her knees apart, I blew on the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs, making her tremble. “He’s French.”
Her hands locked over the arms of the chair, knuckles whitening. “Huh, where did you find a dishy French man?”
“Right here.” I tiptoed my fingers up the inside of her soft inner thighs, while I looked at her pussy, barely concealed as it was within the sheer lace panties she wore.
“In our village.”
“No way.” She laughed and then quieted as I kissed her inner thighs, first one, and then the other.
I was within a couple of inches of her pussy, when it lifted toward me, her hips responding to my touch. “Do you really want to know what I think he’d be like?”
“Yes…” Dani replied, her chest rising and falling as she looked down at me.
I stroked my hands down her bare legs.
“Oh, I think that Alain is a very attentive man, and I bet he’d make an attentive lover.” Attentive indeed, I pictured him decorating her bare breasts, and it made me both horny and proud. Kneeling up, I leaned in and kissed her breastbone, pushing her kimono open and down off her shoulders, my own robe beginning to loosen as I worked her, and I wasn’t even wearing panties. “And I bet that when he makes love to a woman he observes them for a long time first.”
I traced my fingers around the outline of her breasts, watching when I felt the soft but resilient flesh bounce gently beneath the surface of my fingers-so resident, yet to soft and inviting. Dani’s lips were parted, her nipples puckering as I squeezed them, testing them gently for sensitivity, loving the way she arched her back. I began to circle the soft rosy aureole, smoother than silk, tender, they were darkening and crimping beneath my fingertips. “I think he’d look at you until your skin is burning up with the intensity of his stare, all over your body, until you were gagging for it.”
“That sounds like torture.” Her voice was breathy, she was already deeply aroused. “This is torture,” she added, laughing softly.
“Maybe, but Alain is an attractive man, in an androgynous kind of a way, with long hair and sharp features… and when he looks…” I shook my head, and glanced at her quickly for her reaction. Her lips parted as I ran my fingernails over the surface of her lace panties. “Then he begins to get close to where he has looked for so long, and the woman is desperate by this time, for his hands, and his body, and his erect cock…pushing between her open thighs. I'd love to see him doing that to you.”
Dani’s pupils were dilated and her flesh was trembling. I shifted and leaned in to kiss her open lips. They swelled gently against my mouth, and my mouth opened wider, my tongue moving against hers. The contact was too good. It fired me up. My cunt was hot and heavy and I pictured her under the Chocolatier. This had become as much about my need to fuck her as her need to be fucked.