cheaper than it seems.'

'It's a lot cheaper as long as the market goes up,' Flora said. 'If it comes down, you need to pay more money or lose your shares.'

'It's gone up for a long time now,' Bruck replied. 'I don't see why it should do anything else all of a sudden.'

Flora wasn't sure how to answer that, or even if it had an answer. She turned to Maria Tresca. ' You're putting money into Wall Street? You, of all people?'

'Yes, some,' Maria answered defiantly. 'If capitalism can make a secretary rich, let's see it happen. I hope it can. And if it can't'-she shrugged-'I'm not putting in more than I can afford to lose.'

'Well, that's good,' Flora said. 'I can think of a lot of people who aren't being so careful, though.'

'What we need is more regulation of the market, to keep cheats and swindlers from having their way with people,' Maria Tresca said. 'I don't know too much about what goes on in the stock market, but that looks pretty clear to me. Some of those people will yank the shirt off your back and then sell it to you.'

Sadly, Flora answered, 'I think you're right, but getting the legislation through Congress is a different story. The Democrats are against it, and so are the Republicans. And more than a few Socialists have made so much money in the market, they think it's the goose that lays golden eggs, too.'

She looked over at her husband. He held their sleeping son, all his attention, for the time being, resting on the little boy. But Flora knew Hosea also had money invested in Wall Street. She didn't know exactly how much; he'd never talked much with her about that. Socialism in Dakota was altogether a milder thing, a more natively American thing, than it was here in New York City. What was shocking from Herman and Maria would have been nothing out of the ordinary for Hosea Blackford, though he and they belonged to the same party. He'd never cared to rub Flora's nose in the ideological differences between them.

But if even thoroughgoing Socialists were buying and selling stocks, where had those differences gone? Would you use your own money to try to make a killing in the market? Flora asked herself. She didn't think so, even now, but she admitted to herself that she wasn't sure.

Are you a capitalist? Do you want to be a capitalist? It was like asking herself if she wanted to become a Christian. Very much like that, she realized-Socialism was about as much an article of faith with her as was Judaism. And yet… If I can provide for my family, why not? But that was the question: could she? One thing she'd learned in school still seemed true-what went up had to come down. Herman Bruck didn't seem to believe that any more. For his sake, and the sake of many more like him, Flora hoped the rules had changed since she'd got out of Public School Number 130.

R ain pattered down on Hipolito Rodriguez's farm outside of Baroyeca. Here in the south of Sonora, winter rains were less common than those that came off the Gulf of California in the summertime. Rain at any season came seldom; were it not for the streams and ditches bringing water down from the mountains into the valley near whose edge Baroyeca sat, the town, the farms around it, and the silver mine close by couldn't have survived.

Chickens hopped in surprise when raindrops hit them. They pecked at the puffs of dust the raindrops kicked up. Maybe they thought those puffs were bugs. Rodriguez wasn't sure what, if anything, went through their minds. He could think along with the rest of the livestock; the mule, though a powerful animal, was as evil as any beast ever born. But trying to think like a hen was more trouble than it was worth. The pigs seemed brilliant next to hens.

Dark gray clouds rolled down from the northwest. The day was chilly, as chilly as it ever got near Baroyeca. Rodriguez was glad to stand close by the fire in the kitchen. His wife patted cornmeal into tortillas. Looking up from her work, Magdalena said, 'Do you know what we need, Hipolito?'

'No. What?' Rodriguez answered.

'We need a stove,' his wife said. Most of their conversation was in Spanish, but the key word came out in English. She went on, 'A good iron stove would cook better than I can with an open fire. It would pay for itself, too, because it would save fuel. It would even keep the kitchen warm on days like this, because less heat would go up the chimney. And I think we can afford one.'

'A stove?' Rodriguez also said it in English. He scratched his head. Magdalena had always cooked over an open fire. So had his mother. So had everyone, he supposed, for as long as his ancestors had lived in Baroyeca. But times weren't what they had been back in the old days. He knew that. Cautiously, he asked, 'How much would a stove cost?'

'Twenty-seven dollars and sixty cents,' Magdalena said without a moment's hesitation. 'I saw just the one I want in the Henderson and Fisk catalogue.' Henderson and Fisk was a leading Confederate mail-order house, and had been since before the Great War. Only after the currency stabilized again, though, had its catalogues started coming to places as remote from the concerns of most of the CSA as Baroyeca. Magdalena went on, 'It's called the Southern Sunshine cook stove, and it will do everything I need.' Again, the name of the stove came out in English.

'A stove,' Rodriguez said musingly. 'I'd bet a lot of women in Baroyeca itself don't cook on stoves.' Changes filtered down to southern Sonora more slowly than almost anywhere else in the CSA, and the Confederate States had been founded on the principle that change was a bad idea.

'I'm sure you're right,' his wife agreed. 'But I don't care. We have the money. We even have the money for the stovepipe to take the smoke outside-another eighty-five cents.'

If she said they had it, they had it. She kept track of finances with an eye that watched every penny. Even when the money went mad after the Great War, when a billion dollars had been nothing much, Magdalena had stretched things as far as they would go. The patron had never had cause to complain about the Rodriguezes. The patron… 'Does Don Gustavo's wife cook on a stove?' Rodriguez asked.

Magdalena let out a dismissive snort. 'Dona Elena doesn't cook at all. They have a cook of their own, as you know perfectly well.' But it was a serious question. If the patron didn't have an iron stove in his house, what would he think of a peasant family's getting one? Seeing the worry on Hipolito Rodriguez's face, Magdalena said, 'Don't worry. I found out. Dona Elena's cook does use a stove.'

'All right. Good. Very good.' Rodriguez didn't try to hide his relief. Things weren't so rigid in the CSA as they were down in the Empire of Mexico, and they weren't so rigid now as they had been in his father's day, but he didn't want to offend Don Gustavo even so. Better safe than sorry, he told himself. To his wife, he said, 'Next time I go to town, I'll send the order to Henderson and Fisk.'

'Good, yes.' Magdalena nodded. 'And then the railroad will bring the crate, and then we will have a stove.'

A hamlet like Baroyeca would never have had a railroad connection if not for the mine close by. In plenty of places in Sonora and Chihuahua, the last leg of the journey from merchandiser to customer would have been by rattling wagon (or possibly, these days, by rattling truck). But not here. The trains that took out precious metal could bring in a stove from Birmingham.

The mine also meant Baroyeca boasted a post office, a few doors down from La Culebra Verde. The Stars and Bars floated above the whitewashed adobe building. When Rodriguez went in, Jose Cordero, the postmaster, put aside the newspaper he'd been reading. He was a plump man with a small mustache and with his hair parted on the right and greased immovably into place. 'And what can I do for you today?' he inquired. 'Postage stamps?'

'No, senor. I have some,' Rodriguez replied politely; by virtue of his office, the postmaster was a person of consequence. 'I wish to purchase a postal money order, and to send the money to Henderson and Fisk.' He spoke with a certain amount of pride. Not every farmer could scrape together the cash for such a purchase.

Cordero's answering nod was grave, for he recognized as much. He made a small ceremony of taking out the book of money orders. 'What is the amount?'

'Thirty-one dollars and seventy-six cents,' Rodriguez said; that included the stove, the stovepipe, and third- class freight. He set banknotes and coins on the counter till he had exactly the right amount.

The postmaster counted the money, then nodded again. 'Yes, that is correct for the order itself,' he said. He filled out the money order, then added, 'You must also know, of course, there is a fee of thirty-two cents for the use of the order.'

Rodriguez winced. He hadn't sent a money order in so long, he'd forgotten that one-percent fee. He fished in his pockets. He had some change lurking there; he'd intended to visit La Culebra Verde after sending away for the stove. He found a quarter and a dime. Jose Cordero solemnly gave him back three cents. He sighed. He couldn't buy a beer for that. Then he found another dime. He brightened. He could go to the cantina after all.

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