'Yeah, they're amazing, huh?'
Elroy dropped Barko to the ground. I saluted him. He trotted back to the front.
'Pansy's in the car,' I reminded him.
'Barko's no dog fighter.'
'He's a pit bull.'
'It's all in how you raise them, man.'
Some of Elroy's receptor sites were burned out, but he knew the truth.
'Let's look at the paper,' I said.
It was spread out on a long clean table in the shed. Bearer bonds, beautifully engraved. Face value, ten grand each. Elroy had been a counterfeiter, but his last stretch in the pen had cured him of playing with funny money. Now he just worked in small lots: bonds, deeds, certificates. Takes some real skill, and you need specialists to move it, but the risk is lower.
'How many you got?' I asked him, turning the paper over in my hands, admiring the craftsmanship.
'Three point five million, you add it up.'
'You know how the quick flip works, Elroy…you're looking at maybe a hundred grand your end, tops.'
'That's okay. This'll be my last score. I got plans, anyway, do something else to make a living.'
I put the bonds into my attache case, walked out to the car. Barko was lying in the sun, basking in the glow of his recent triumph. Pansy's massive head was framed in the front window of the Plymouth.
'Could I look at her?' he asked.
'Tie your guy up first…just in case.'
I opened the door and Pansy strolled out. I gave her the hand signal for friends, and she stood patiently while Elroy pawed all over her, even pulled back her lips to check her teeth.
'She's gorgeous, man. True Italian stock, I can tell. The Italians breed them much lower to the ground. It's good you didn't dock her tail.'
I lit a cigarette, watching my dog.
'Her hips are like steel,' Elroy muttered. 'You work her on tree jumping?'
'No, she pretty much exercises herself.'
'Burke, I got a great idea.'
'What?' Shuddering inside. Elroy had this great idea in the joint once…pressurize a bunch of chemicals inside the home-brew the Prof was cooking up, turn the jungle-juice into high octane. The vat exploded, blew a big slab of concrete out of the wall in the kitchen. The Man thought it was an escape attempt and locked the whole place down for two weeks. The Prof hasn't spoken to Elroy since.
'You know what a Bandog is?'
'Not exactly.'
'The newspapers, you know how they have those headlines: baby chewed to death by pit bull, Rottweiler mauls toddler…like that?'
'Well, these fucking idiots, they don't understand. It's all in the way you raise them. It's not the dog, it's the owners.' The maniac paused for breath, ready to make his pitch. 'Anyway, you want to own a pit bull in New York now, you got to have special insurance, register it and all. Same for Rottweilers in England. See, what they really want to do is
'You can only ban a dog if it's a particular breed, right? Like a Doberman or a collie.'
'So some breeders got the idea of
I lit a smoke, wondering if he'd ever get to the point. If there was a point.
'So they started with pit bulls, 'cause they was the real targets. There's a lot of so-called Bandogs out there, crossing pits with Rhodesians, with bulldogs, Rotties, all kinds of crazy stuff. But the real thing, the true Bandog, you got to cross a male pit bull with a female Neo. That's the only way to go.'
'What do you get?'
'They look like giant pits, man. Run maybe ninety, a hundred and ten pounds. All bone and muscle. And dead game.'
'Yeah! Now the way I figure it, we mate my Barko and your Pansy, and we got the foundation stock for the best Bandogs in the world. Maybe get the first dogs to pull a ton and a half. What d'you think?'
'I never bred her, Elroy. Tried a couple of times, but she wasn't having any.'