Chapter 5: The Convergence of the Twain

1 Conrad, letter to James B. Pinker, 22 April 1912, The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad, edited by Frederick R. Karl and Laurence Davies (Cambridge University Press, 1983- 2008), Vol. 5.

2 Conrad, letter to Ted Sanderson, 12 October 1912, Collected Letters, Vol. 2.

3 Norman Sherry, Conrad’s Eastern World (Cambridge University Press, 1966), p. 86.

4 Conrad, letter to Galsworthy, 20 July 1900, Collected Letters, Vol. 2.

5 Albert Guerard, Conrad the Novelist (Harvard, 1958), p. 142.

6 Conrad, Author’s Note, Youth, Heart of Darkness, The End of the Tether (J. M. Dent and Sons, 1902), p. vi.

7 Conrad, to John Quinn, 10 May 1912, Collected Letters, Vol. 5.

8 Conrad, Notes on Life and Letters (J. M. Dent and Sons, 1921).

9 Ibid.

10 Virginia Woolf, ‘Joseph Conrad’, Collected Essays (London, 1968), vol 1:302.

11 Quoted in Zdzislaw Najder, Joseph Conrad: A Life, translated by Halina Najder (Camden House, 2007), pp. 31-5.

12 Conrad, A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences (J. M. Dent and Sons, 1919), p. 194.

13 Najder, Joseph Conrad, p. 41.

14 Ibid., pp. 182-3.

15 Conrad to Agnes Sanderson, 22 April 1896, Collected Letters, Vol. 9.

Chapter 6: The Secret Sharer

1 TRNISM 1/1.

2 LMQ/7/2/32.

3 Thayer, The Sinking of the SS Titanic, pp. 29–30.

4 The letters from Ismay to Marian Thayer, sections of which have been published in Pauline Matarasso, A Voyage Closed and Done, are in private hands.

5 TRNISM/1/1.

6 Wilton Oldham, ‘The Titanic and the Chairman’, The Titanic Commutator, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1989, p. 25.

7 Oldham, The Ismay Line, pp. 219–20.

8 TRNISM/1/1.

9 Ibid.

10 ‘The Titanic and the Chairman’, The Titanic Commutator, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1989, p. 46.

11 Oldham, The Ismay Line, pp. 220–24.

12 John Masefield, Manchester Guardian, 16 October 1912.

13 In ‘The Titanic and the Chairman’, his sequel to The Ismay Line, Wilton Oldham describes wanting to be Ismay’s secret sharer himself. ‘Bruce Ismay would have talked about it [the Titanic] with the right person, who had a sympathetic understanding and who was a complete outsider. I am not praising myself at all but Mrs Bruce Ismay, her sister Mrs Bower Ismay, Bruce Ismay’s favourite child, Mrs Margaret Cheape, and Mrs Mary Quirk, a very old friend of the family, have all said that he would have talked to me if I had known him.’ (Titanic Commutator, Vol. 12, No. 1).

Chapter 7: The Super Captain

1 Illustrated London News, 4 May 1912.

2 Lightoller, ’Titanic’, p. 304.

3 Michael Davie, The Titanic, p. 173.

4 Filson Young, Titanic, p. 189.

5 Lightoller, ’Titanic’, p. 305.

6 Rabelais, Gargantua andPantagruel, p. 830.

7 ‘The Titanic and the Chairman’, Titanic Commutator, Vol. 13, No. 1, i989.

Chapter 8: Ismay’s Unrest

1 The author is aware that the details of his poem are not in all cases factually correct.

2 Matarasso, A Voyage Closed and Done, p. 24.

3 The transcripts of the Limitation of Liability Hearings are available at

4 Emily Ryerson gave her evidence first in a letter sent to her lawyer on 18 April 1913 (LMQ/7/2/22), and then in an affidavit for the Limitation of Liabilities hearings.

5 Matarasso, A Voyage Closed and Done, p. 71.

6 Ibid., p. 19.

7 Conrad, letter to Edward Garnet, 12 November 1900, Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters, ed. G. Jean-Aubry (New York, 1927), i, pp. 298-9.

8 Matarasso, A Voyage Closed and Done, p. 18.

9 ‘Fear’ was written by Basil Sanderson in an army issue notebook. Never shown to his children - who discovered it only after his death — it is now kept with his papers in Trinity College, Oxford.

10 Conrad, letter to John Quinn, 27 March 1912, Collected Letters, Vol. 5.

11 Conrad, letter to J. B. Pinker, early April 1912, Collected Letters, Vol. 5.

12 Thayer, The Sinking of the SS Titanic, p. 9.

13 Lightoller, ‘ Titanic, p. 305.

14 From Walter Lord, foreword to Patrick Stenson, Lights, p.

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