Voyage (, 20ii)

Jessop, Violet, Titanic Survivor, introduced, edited and annotated by John Maxtone-Graham (Sutton Publishing, 2007) Thayer, John B., The Sinking of the SS Titanic April 14–15,1912 (Philadelphia, December 1940)

Winocour, Jack, ed., The Story of the Titanic as Told By Its Survivors, Lawrence Beesley, Archibald Gracie, Commander Lightoller, Harold Bride (Dover, 1960)

The Sinking of the SS Titanic

Barczewski, Stephanie, Titanic: A Night Remembered (Hambledon and London, 2004)

Behe, George, Titanic: Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy (Patrick Stephens, 1988)

Behe, George and Goss, Michael, Lost at Sea (Prometheus Books, 1994) Booth, John and Coughlan, Sean, Titanic: Signals of Disaster (White Star, 1993)

Bryceson, Dave, ed., The Titanic Disaster, as Reported in the British National Press April–July 1912 (W. W. Norton & Co., 1997)

Davie, Michael, Titanic: The Full Story of a Tragedy (The Bodley Head, 1986)

Eaton, John and Haas, Charles A., Titanic: TriumphandTragedy:A Chronicle in Words and Pictures (Patrick Stephens, 1994)

Everett, Marshall, Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic (L. H. Walter, 1912)

Gibbs, Philip, The Deathless Story of the Titanic (Lloyds of London, 1985)

Heyer, Paul, Titanic Legacy: Disaster as Media Event and Myth (Praeger, 1995)

Lord, Walter, A Night to Remember (Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1955)

------The Night Lives On (Penguin, 1986)

Loss of the Steamship Titanic, British Investigation (7Cs Press, 1975)

Marcus, Geoffrey, The Maiden Voyage (Allen and Unwin, 1969)

Marshall, Logan, Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters (John C. Winston Co., 1912)

Pellegrino, Charles, Her Name, Titanic: The Untold Story of the Sinking and Finding of the Unsinkable Ship (McGraw-Hill, 1988)

Report on the Loss of the SS Titanic (Blackstaff Press, 1990)

The Titanic Disaster: Report of the Committee on Commerce, US Senate (7Cs Press, 1975)

Wade, Wyn Craig, The Titanic: End of a Dream (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980) Young, Filson, Titanic (Grant Richards, 1912)

The White Star Line

Beaumont, J. C. H., Ships and People (Geoffrey Bles, 1936)

Cooper, Gary, The Man Who Sank the Titanic? Life and Times of Captain

Edward J. Smith (Witan Books, 1992) Eaton, John P. and Haas, Charles, Falling Star: Misadventures of White Star Line Ships (Patrick Stephens, 1989)

Fletcher, R. A., Travelling Palaces: Luxury in Passenger Steamships (Pitman and Sons, 1913)

Hyslop, Donald, Forsyth, Alastair and Jemima, Sheila, eds, Titanic Voices: The Story of the White Star Line, the Titanic and Southampton (Southampton City Council, 1994)

Jefferson, Herbert, Viscount Pirrie of Belfast (William Mullan, 1948)

Louden-Brown, Paul, The White Star Line: An Illustrated History 1870–1934 (Ship Pictorial, 1991)

Maxtone-Graham, John, The Only Way to Cross (Patrick Stephens, 1983)

Moss, Michael and Hume, John R., Shipbuilders to the World: 125 Years of Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 1861–1986 (Blackstaff, 1986)

Oldham, Wilton J., The Ismay Line: The White Star Line and the Ismay Family Story (Liverpool, Journal of Commerce, 1961)

Sanderson, Basil, Ships and Sealing Wax: The Memoirs of Lord Sanderson of

Ayot (Heinemann, 1967)


The following works by Conrad are all published by J. M. Dent:

Almayer’s Folly (1895)

‘Karain’ (1897), in Tales of Unrest (1908)

Lord Jim: A Tale (1900)

Youth, A Narrative, and Two Other Stories (1902) The Mirror of the Sea (1906)

‘The Secret Sharer’, in Twixt Land and Sea: Tales (1912)

‘Some Reflections, Seamanlike and Otherwise, on the Loss of the Titanic (1912), Notes on Life and Letters (1925)

‘Certain Aspects of the Admirable Inquiry into the Loss of the Titanic’ (1912), Notes on Life and Letters (1925)

A Personal Record (1912)

Chance: A Tale in Two Parts (1913)

The Shadow-Line: A Confession (1917)

‘Ocean Travel’ (1923), Last Essays, ed. Richard Curle (1926)

‘The Torrens: A Personal Tribute’ (1923), Last Essays, ed. Richard Curle (1926)


Baker, W. J., A History of the Marconi Company (Methuen, 1970)

Barker, Dudley, The Man ofPrinciple: A View of John Galsworthy (Heinemann, 1963)

Biel, Steven, Down with the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster (W. W. Norton, 1996) Bloom, Harold, ed., Marlow (Major Literary Characters) (Chelsea House, 1992)

Conrad, Borys, My Father Joseph Conrad (Calder and Boyars, 1970) Conrad, Joseph, Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad, 9 volumes, edited by Frederick R. Karl and Laurence Davies (Cambridge University Press, 1983–2008)

Dupre, Catherine, John Galsworthy: A Biography (Collins, 1976)

Eddleman, Ruth Ellie, The Function of Marlow in Joseph Conrad’s Fiction (MA thesis, 1962)

Foster, John Wilson, The Titanic Complex: A Cultural Manifest (Belcouver Press, 1996)

------Age of Titanic: Cross-currents of Anglo-American Culture (Merlin, 2002)

-------ed., Titanic (Penguin, 1999)

Girouard, Mark, The Return to Camelot: Chivalry and the English Gentleman (Yale University Press, 1981)

Guerard, Albert J., Conrad the Novelist (Harvard University Press, 1958)

Harpham, Geoffrey Galt, One of Us: The Mastery of Joseph Conrad (Chicago University Press, 1996)

Hay, Eloise Knapp, ’Lord Jim and Le Hamletisme, ‘L’Epoque Conradienne’, 1990, Societe Conradienne Frangais

Howells, Richard, The Myth of the Titanic (Macmillan, 1999)

Hughes, Robert, The Real New York (Hutchinson, 1905)

Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown s Schooldays (Macmillan, 1967)

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