Carlisle, Alexander 119, 251–2
arrival in New York 57–60
Ismay aboard 30–2, 37–41, 46–7, 51–4, 124–5, 145–7, 152, 203
movements of ix
passengers 29
receives distress call 28, 124, 246
rescue preparations 28
rescues survivors 28–32
roll call of survivors 29–30
survivors aboard 45–6, 54–7
thanksgiving and remembrance service 45
wireless 48–9, 134, 246
Carter, Lucille 7, 8, 208
Carter, William E. 7–8, 9, 12, 140, 160, 200, 208, 223
Cavendish, Tyrell William 79
‘Certain Aspects of the Admirable Inquiry into the Loss of the
Chadwick, Admiral F. E. 49
Chang Chip 13
Cheape, Brigadier General Ronald 106, 273
Cherbourg 113
Chesterton, G. K. 232, 286
Churchill, Winston 40
Collyer, Charlotte 14, 16
compensation claims 263–6
Conan Doyle, Arthur 286
Congo, the 194
Conrad, Joseph,
aims 182
appearance 195
arrival in England 193–4
background 180, 191–2
Beesley uses as model 37
birth 191
on Captain Marlow 182–3
first novel 195
Galsworthy on 195
and Ismay 184, 274–7 ‘Karain: A Memory’ 14, 277–9
and language 180–1
letter to Ted Sanderson 167–8
as Modern Romantic 190
‘Ocean Travel’ 184–5
opinion of Lord Mersey 233
response to
seafaring career 192–6 ‘The Secret Sharer’ 220–2
and speed 190
suicide attempt 193
and symbolism 189
theme 168
on US inquiry 126, 185–6, 187–8
use of doubleness 166
use of Marlow character 180–4
use of recorded events 276–7
use of Yamsi codename 185– 6
visits to Elstree 72
voyage on the
on “White Star liners 184–5
and Williams 206
writing 184
writings on loss of
Continental Hotel, Washington 138–9
‘The Convergence of the Twain’
(Hardy) 287
Costelloe Lodge, Galway 260–1, 262, 267, 268, 283
Cottam, Harold 28, 47, 134
courage 273–4
Cox, Katherine 286
Cracow, Poland 192
Cumings, Florence 210
Cunard, Samuel 65, 67
Cunard Company 67, 96–7
Cunard White Star Limited 266, 268
Currie, James 70–1
Daher, Banoura Ayorb 12