Carlisle, Alexander 119, 251–2


arrival in New York 57–60

Ismay aboard 30–2, 37–41, 46–7, 51–4, 124–5, 145–7, 152, 203

movements of ix

passengers 29

receives distress call 28, 124, 246

rescue preparations 28

rescues survivors 28–32

roll call of survivors 29–30

survivors aboard 45–6, 54–7

thanksgiving and remembrance service 45

wireless 48–9, 134, 246

Carter, Lucille 7, 8, 208

Carter, William E. 7–8, 9, 12, 140, 160, 200, 208, 223

Cavendish, Tyrell William 79

Cedric 51–3, 58, 141, 145, 147

Celtic 66, 86

‘Certain Aspects of the Admirable Inquiry into the Loss of the Titanic (Conrad) 187–9, 277

Chadwick, Admiral F. E. 49

Chance (Conrad) 183–4, 185, 255, 276

Chang Chip 13

Charles Jackson 62–3

Cheape, Brigadier General Ronald 106, 273

Cherbourg 113

Chesterton, G. K. 232, 286

Christian Science Journal 38, 156

Christian Science Sentinel 33

Chronicle 47

Churchill, Winston 40

Collyer, Charlotte 14, 16

compensation claims 263–6

Conan Doyle, Arthur 286

Congo, the 194

Conrad, Joseph, see also Lord Jim (Conrad)

aims 182

Almayer’s Folly 195

appearance 195

arrival in England 193–4

background 180, 191–2

Beesley uses as model 37

birth 191

on Captain Marlow 182–3

Chance 183–4, 185, 255, 276

completes Lord Jim 177

first novel 195

Galsworthy on 195

Heart of Darkness 176, 181–2

and Ismay 184, 274–7 ‘Karain: A Memory’ 14, 277–9

and language 180–1

letter to Ted Sanderson 167–8

The Mirror of the Sea 39–40, 193, 195–6

as Modern Romantic 190

The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ 182

‘Ocean Travel’ 184–5

opinion of Lord Mersey 233

An Outcast of the Islands 196

response to Titanic affair 167, 184– 90

seafaring career 192–6 ‘The Secret Sharer’ 220–2

and speed 190

suicide attempt 193

and symbolism 189

Tales of Unrest 277

theme 168

Twixt Land and Sea 220–2

on US inquiry 126, 185–6, 187–8

use of doubleness 166

use of Marlow character 180–4

use of recorded events 276–7

use of Yamsi codename 185– 6

Victory 202, 209

visits to Elstree 72

voyage on the Torrens 194–6, 199

Under Western Eyes 181

on “White Star liners 184–5

and Williams 206

writing 184

writings on loss of Titanic 185–90, 277, 284, 285

Youth 181

Continental Hotel, Washington 138–9

‘The Convergence of the Twain’

(Hardy) 287

Conway, HMS 221

Cornhill Magazine 190, 285

Corsair 95

Costelloe Lodge, Galway 260–1, 262, 267, 268, 283

Cottam, Harold 28, 47, 134

Country Life 104

courage 273–4

Cox, Katherine 286

Cracow, Poland 192

Cumings, Florence 210

Cunard, Samuel 65, 67

Cunard Company 67, 96–7

Cunard White Star Limited 266, 268

Currie, James 70–1

Cutty Sark 222

Daher, Banoura Ayorb 12

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