Jameson Raid, the 232–3
Jekyll, Gertrude 267
Jessop, Violet 14
Jewell, Archie 230
Jones, Ernest 156
Jones, Mary 215
Joseph, Anna 12
Joseph, Catherine 12
Joseph, Michael 12
‘Karain: A Memory’ (Conrad) 14, 277–9
Kerr, Mark 2I4–I5
Kiamie, Adele Najib 12
Kipling, Rudyard 223–4
Korzeniowski, Apollo 191–2
Kylsant, Lord 266
Lardner, Dionysius 64
Lawrence, D. H. 286
Lawton, Frank 280
Lee Bing 13
Leyland, Frederick 82
Leyland Line 94
Lightoller, Second Officer Charles account of Astor’s final moments 111 account of evacuation of
account of Ismay’s actions 129
account of Ismay’s departure 6
account of loss
appearance 128
appointment to
arrival in Washington 138–9
and Beesley’s letter to
on British Board of Trade inquiry 233
British Board of Trade inquiry testimony 235–7
career 38
defence of Ismay 145–53, 272
duty to White Star Line 153,
156–7, 222–3
escape from
131 and Hichens 155–6
and the ice warning 130, 147–8
knowledge of
memoirs 280–1 opinion of US inquiry 130–1 portrayal in
relationship with Ismay 149–50, 236
religious beliefs 156
rescue of Bride 136
on sinking of
Smith’s orders to 44
testimony to US inquiry 127–31, 145–53
use of language 156–7
women and children only policy 159
and the Yamsi messages 145–7
Lightoller, Sylvia 281
Conrad on 184–5
design 67–8
development of 64–8
dining rooms 67–8
increasing size of 100–1
luxury 67–8, 85, 186
Lines, Elizabeth 263
Ling Hee 13
Liverpool 70–1, 81–2, 194, 207, 266
Liverpool and London Steamship Protection and Indemnity Association 266
London 229–30
London and Globe Insurance Company 266
London and North-Western Railway 266
Long, Judge Charles L. 9
Lord, Walter 7, 17, 25, 46, 260, 280, 281
Lord Hartington’s Commission 69, 88
appeal of 180
Beesley uses as model 37
Captain Marlow 173–4, 274–6
Captain Marlow’s previous appearances 181–2
Captain Marlow’s role 178, 180–1, 182–3, 270
claims to realism 179
close 270
comparison with Hamlet 179
division into two parts 269–70
Jim aboard the
Jim’s death 269
Jim’s escape from the
model for Jim 175–6
narration 178
opening 178
origins 175, 276
plot 177
preface 175–6