Middleman and Other Stories, 676 77; The Tiger's Daughter, 674- 75; Wife, 674, 675

Muller, Arnold, Bram of the Five Corners, 383

Multicultural mass culture, 517 -18

Multinational culture, postmodern, 699

Mumford, Lewis, 360

Munro, Alice: The Beggar Maid, 560; Lives of Girls and Women, 561, 580; Who Do You Think You Are? 560

Munro, George, 291

Munro, Norman, 291

Munsey, Frank, 359

Murder mysteries. See Detective fiction

Murfree, Mary, In the 'Stranger People's' Country, 252

Murray, Anna, 39

Murray, John, 80

Murray, Judith Sargent, 115

Music: popular, mass culture, 517; postmodern, 516

Mystic experiences, Native American accounts, 43 -44

Nabokov, Vladimir, 327, 699, 704 -7, 797; Ada, 699, 708; Lolita, 699, 707, 710; Pale Fire, 699, 702, 707- 9, 710

Naipaul, Shiva, 600, 602; The ChipChip Gatherers, 602; The Fireflies, 602.

Naipaul, V. S., 587 -89, 594, 600, 601 -2; A Bend in the River, 602; The Enigma of Arrival, 595, 601, 602; Guerrillas, 601, 602; A House for Mr. Biswas, 601-2; The Middle Passage, 601; Miguel Street, 601; The Mimic Men, 595, 601, 602; The Mystic Masseur, 601-2; The Suffrage of Elvira, 601-2

Narrative, x- xi; autobiographical, 26 28; Latin American, 611, 625 -26; marketplace for, 695; postmodern voices, 704

Narrative frames, breaking of, 703

Nashoba Community, 820

Nashville Fugitives, 408, 414

Nation, Carry, 236

National Coming Out Day, 552

National consciousness, West Indian, 590

— 885-

National identity, 243 -44; African Americans and, 248; Connecticut Yankee and, 257; racism and, 263; regionalism and, 251

Nationalism: Canadian, 566; cultural, West Indian, 592; in dime novels, 294; postmodern, 519; story papers and, 288, 289

National literature, post-Civil War, 241

National mind, Stein's idea, 213

National narrative, technology and, 468

National reconciliation, post-Civil War: Connecticut Yankee and, 257; as fiction theme, 240 -41, 243- 49, 439; regionalism and, 251; Twain and, 245 -46

National traditions, 259

National unity, symbols of, 262

Nationhood, 242 -42

Native American Renaissance, 456 -57

Native Americans, 260 -61, 409; autobiographical writings, early, 43–44; Canadian, 575 -77; Canadian fiction and, 563; captivity narratives and, 31 -32; colonialization and, 30; Eastlake's view, 445; Faulkner and, 427; fiction of, 453 -57; nineteenth century, 268; in Southern states, 412; women authors, 270 -71, 280 -82

Nativism, nineteenth century, 146 -47

Naturalism, 697; economic depression and, 392; historical context, 263; immigrant novels, 394; James and, 200, 202; late nineteenth century, 157 -59, 202- 4; and national identity, 263; in Phelps's work, 226 27; in proletarian fiction, 345; and reform fiction, 225; Western, 438

Nature writers, environmentalists, 459

Naval reform, 149

Negroes. See African Americans

Nelson, Cary, 333

Nelson, Jane, 460

Neobaroque style, Latin American, 612 -13

Neogothic fiction, 327

Neorealism: African American writers, 496; Mailer and, 493; war novels, 491; in Western fiction, 461, 462

Neruda, Pablo, 609

Nettleford, Rex, 656

Neutral territory, for romance, Hawthorne's idea, 75 -76

Nevèrÿon series, Delany, 705

New, W. H., 584

The New Criterion, 517

New Criticism, 330, 488

'New ethnics,' 405 -6

New Harmony Society, 133

Newman, Charles, 690, 699, 734, 739, 742; The Post-Modern Aura, 687, 734- 35

The New Masses, 344, 353

'New Negroes,' 409, 421; Hurston and, 422

Newspapers, and fiction, 50, 203 -4

New-wave literature, Mexican, 631 -32

New World (story paper), 287

New York City: black population, 411; as literary center, 407

The New Yorker, 508

New York Ledger (story paper), 287, 289

New York State, Married Women's Property Act, 143

New York State Temperance Society, 137

New York Times, and Kerouac's On the Road, 446

New York Times Book Review: and Puzo's The Fortunate Pilgrim, 405; and Roth's Call It Sleep, 395

New York Tribune, dime novel advertisements, 293

New York Weekly (story paper), 287, 294, 297

New York Workingman's Party, 148

New York World, 250

Ngugi wa Thiong'o, 656, 668

Nichols, John, 449; American Blood, 450

Nichols, Mary Gove, 137

Nichols, Mary Sargeant, Mary Lyndon, 144

Nickel series, 287, 300, 301 -2

— 886-

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 750

Niggli, Josephina, Mexican Village, 501

Nineteenth Amendment, 269

Nineteenth century, 4–5; book market, 46 -71; captivity narratives, 32; domestic novels, 110 -29; immigration, 380; influence of women, 113 -17, 124 -25; Native American autobiography, 44; publishing, 52 -54; science fiction, 361; sentimental novels, 52; social reform movements, 216; symbolism of machinery, 471

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