Wells, H. G., 249, 361; The War of the Worlds, 362

Wells, Ida B., 236, 269

Welty, Eudora, 817- 18

West, Cornel, 521, 699

West, James L. W., American Authors and the Literary Marketplace Since 1900, 685

West, Nathanael, 451, 818; Anderson and, 327; The Day of the Locust, 327; Miss Lonelyhearts, 327

West: deromanticization of, 261 -63; idealization of, 255, 259 -61

Westbrook, Max, 442, 443

Western fiction: Canadian, 562 -65; dime novels, 294- 97; formulaic, 366 -71; gentrification of, 304; late twentieth century, 437 -64

Western Story Magazine, 302

West Indies, 586; Canadian novels set in, 584. See also under Caribbean

Wharton, Edith, 267, 270, 273, 275 77, 282, 283, 283, 818- 29; The Age of Innocence, 276; The House of Mirth, 225; The Touchstone, 276

Wheat, symbolism of, 262 -63

Wheeler, Edward L., 296, 299, 438; Deadwood Dick, the Prince of the Road; or, The Black Rider of the Black Hills, 301


Whistler, Henry, 89

White, E. B., The Elements of Style, 478

White, Edmund: The Beautiful Room Is Empty, 553; A Boy's Own Story, 551, 552 -53

White, Walter, 411, 420; The Fire in the Flint, 420

White City, 189 -91

Whitehead, Alfred North, 314

Whiteness, symbolism of, 106, 108 -9, 189-91

Whiteside, Thomas, 680, 686, 687

White Southern writers, and blacks, 417 -20

Whitman, Elizabeth, 16

Whitman, Sarah Helen, 104

Whitman, Walt, 8, 104; and Civil War, 157; Franklin Evans, 138; Leaves of Grass, preface to, 104; Specimen Days, 157

Whittaker, Frederick, 285, 293; Larry Locke, the Man of Iron; or, A Fight for Fortune. A Story of Labor and Capital, 301

Whyte, William H., The Organization Man, 485

Wiebe, Rudy, The Temptations of Big Bear, 563

Wilder, Billy, Double Indemnity (film), 378

Wilderness, importance of, in Western fiction, 459

Wild West Weekly, 296

Willard, Frances, 236

Williams, Denis, 597; Other Leopards, 598

Williams, Jeanne, 440

Williams, Raymond, 304, 526; Keywords, 286; Television: Technology and Cultural Form, 481 82

Williams, Tennessee, 430

Williams, William Carlos, 311

Williamsburg trilogy, Fuchs, 393

Williamson, Jack, The Humanoids, 365 -66

Willis, N. P., 63

Willis, Sara Payson. See Fern, Fanny

Wilmington, North Carolina, Riot (1898), 179

Wilson, Amrit, Finding a Voice, 676

Wilson, Augusta Evans, St. Elmo, 110

Wilson, Edmund, 323

Wilson, Ethel, Swamp Angel, 564

Wilson, Harriet E. Adams, 282, 819; Our Nig; or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, 55–56, 127 -28, 152 -53

Wilson, Sloan, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 507 -8

Wilson, Woodrow, 411

Winchell, Mark Royden, 451

Winther, Sophus K., Take All to Nebraska, 441

Winwar, Frances. See Vinciguerra, Francesca

Wiseman, Adele, 574

Wister, Owen, 304, 819; The Virginian, 259 -60, 304, 368 -70, 439

Woiwode, Larry, Beyond the Bedroom Wall, 461

Wolfe, Thomas, 575

Wolitzer, Meg, This Is Your Life, 466 -67

Wolman, John, 31

Womanhood: nineteenth-century ideal, 57, 60, 65, 118 -19; Victorian stereotype, 219

Woman Movement, 270

Women: abolitionists, 142 -43; and art, 272 -73; change in status, 298; colonial, education of, 657; early American views, 15–19; exploitation of, nineteenth century, 152; idealization of, slavery and, 102; metaphoric exile, 651; moral superiority of, 124 26; nineteenth century, 50, 114, 142-43, 276; and social change, 268 -70; and social reform, 236; Southern, 424 -25; and temperance movement, 137; Victorian ideal, 279; West Indian, 594; Wright and, 433 -34

--- African American, 268, 269; and domesticity, 127-28; Hurston and, 423 -24


Women (Continued)

--- as audience, 688 -89; for dime novels, 297, 301

--- fictional representations: in adventure fiction, 378; in detective novels, 371 -73, 376 -78; in frontier novels, 438; by Hemingway, 322; in Latin American fiction, 615; by Poe, 94 95, 97, 101 -2; in realist fiction, 187, 200 -201; in Western fiction, 367 -68, 371

--- immigrant, 269; suffragists and, 126; as writers, 273

--- status of: nineteenth century, 142 43; post-World War II, 486; reform novels and, 230- 32, 235 -36; in slavery, 153

--- work of, 268, 269; antebellum novels and, 51; domestic ideology and, 125 -26; 1930s, 338

--- as writers, 5, 270 -84, 338, 694 -95, 695; of adventure narratives, 52; African American, 270, 173, 283, 421 -25, 496; Canadian, 561; Cather and, 278 -79; of detective stories, 297, 373; of dime novels, 297; and divorce, 143 -44; of experimental fiction, 699; Hawthorne and, 69; immigrant, 273; Irish American, 397 -98; Italian American, 398, 399; Latin American, 623 -25, 629, 633 -47; male writers and, 62 63; Native American, autobiographical writings, 45; nineteenth century, 46, 56 -57, 59 -60, 110, 114, 282 83; Norris's view, 267 -68; Poe and, 70; postmodern, 698, 723; professionalism of, 64 -65; of proletarian fiction, 333; Southern, 425 -26; of technological utopias, 475; of Western fiction, 367-68, 457 -58, 462; working class, 350 -56

Women's clubs, 268

Women's magazines, 303

Women's movement, abolitionism and, 142-43

Women's narratives, in story papers, 289 -90

Women's novels: Canadian, 579 -81; Caribbean, 603 -4; detective novels and, 373; nineteenth century, 110 11; post-World War II, 505 -7; temperance themes, 138 -40

Women's suffrage: domestic ideology and, 126 -27; Emerson and, 131

Wong, Jade Snow, Fifth Chinese Daughter, 500

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