behind me. I would think that given the circumstances, you would be a little more...
Elsie placed both of her hands palm down on the desk and leaned forward. “Oh, don’t misunderstand me, Detective Grant. I am
“It seems inconceivable to me that you would do otherwise.”
“My daughter-in-law was not a very nice person. She was vain, shallow, and greedy. And I don’t think she particularly cared for my son. But she had a life outside of this family. I just want to make sure that the police focus on
Detective Grant tasted his coffee. “For your sake, I hope you’re right, Mrs. Matthews.”
So did I, I thought, staring at Elsie’s shoes.
Chapter 10
If a man’s character is to be abused, say what you will, there’s nobody like a relation to do the business.
A commotion in the living room ended the ensuing stare down between Detective Grant and Elsie. Striding briskly to the door, Elsie yanked it open. “Oh, thank God!” she said, placing her hand on her chest. “Megan!”
At that, both Detective Grant and I leaped out of our seats and dashed for the door. As Elsie had indicated, Megan stood, dazed, in the middle of the living room. Her upsweep was undone, leaving her hair hanging around her face. She was still wearing the dress she’d worn to the wedding. Harry stood with his arms wrapped around her, whispering in her ear. I saw her eyes widen at his message. Avery rolled his chair up next to her and grabbed one of her hands. “Oh, Megan,” he said, “thank God, you’re all right.”
My eyes sought out Peter’s, and to my sharp dismay I saw that while I was in with Detective Grant, Chloe had co-opted my seat. She sat snuggled in next to Peter. My mind quickly noted the depressing fact that Chloe’s silky blond hair and lithe frame and Peter’s dark curls and athletic build made the two of them look like something out of a catalog for shiny happy people. I, on the other hand, with my humidity-induced frizzy hair and nonathletic, nonlithe anything, presented an image more appropriate for the before segment on an episode of
Next to me, Detective Grant stepped forward. “Megan Matthews?” he said, his voice ominous.
Megan turned confused eyes in his direction. “Yes. What’s going on? What’s happened?”
Detective Grant paused. “Why don’t you sit down.” He indicated one of the club chairs. With an apprehensive glance at Harry, Megan detached herself from his arms and sank into the chair. Avery rolled his chair next to hers and gently took her hands in his. Shooting Detective Grant a quelling look, he said, “Megan, I don’t know how to tell you this, but it’s about your mother.”
Megan stared at Avery, her round face white and frightened. Taking a deep breath, Avery continued. “She’s dead, honey. Someone... someone killed her last night.” Avery’s voice broke and he lowered his head, still clinging to Megan’s hands.
Megan stared at Avery’s bowed head. Slowly, she raised her eyes and sought out Detective Grant’s. “Someone killed my mother?” she asked in a small voice.
“I’m afraid so,” Detective Grant replied.
“But why?” asked Megan, looking back to Avery.
“That’s what we’re trying to find out. Do you know of anyone who wished her harm?” asked Detective Grant.
Megan’s eyes snapped back to Detective Grant’s. I saw wariness in their depths as she answered. “My mother is... um... was... um... a difficult woman at times.” She glanced back to Avery as if afraid of offending him. “But I can’t imagine someone killing her because of that.”
Detective Grant nodded. “I have to ask you about your whereabouts last night.”
Before he could finish, Elsie stepped forward. “I’m going to have to insist that that question wait, Detective. As anyone can see, Megan is in shock. She needs some time to process this before she answers. You can interview the rest of us while Megan gets herself together. Elizabeth, please take Megan upstairs to your room.” Elsie turned to Blythe. “Blythe, why don’t you get Megan a cup of hot tea? I think that might help.” Blythe nodded her head, rose briskly from the couch, and started for the kitchen.
I walked forward and extended my hand to Megan. “Come on, sweetie.” I hoped she would take my hand and leave before Detective Grant thought better of Elsie’s decree. Luckily, Megan seemed to be on the same wavelength. She nodded and quickly rose from her chair. With a brief backward glance at Avery, she crossed the room with me and headed for the stairs. I didn’t look directly at Detective Grant as we exited the room, but I did catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye as we rushed past. He looked as if he were about to object, then suddenly stepped back and nodded for us to continue.
In our room, I shut the door. Megan sank down on her bed, staring numbly at the floor. Now, alone with her, I had no idea what to say. I crossed to my bed and sat down opposite her.
“Somebody actually killed her,” she said. It was more of a statement than a question, so I didn’t answer.
She looked up at me. “Why don’t I feel anything?” She dropped her head in her hands, her brown hair spilling all over. “My mother is dead and I don’t feel anything! What kind of monster am I?”
I quickly moved off the bed and knelt in front of her. “Megan, you are not a monster! You’re in shock.”
She moved her hands away from her face and stared at me. Her eyes were dry and clear. “No, you don’t understand. I really don’t feel anything! She was a bitch and I’m glad she’s dead! You’ve no idea the living hell she made my life!”
“Megan, I know living with her must have been hard, but—”
“But nothing, Elizabeth! You don’t know the half of it! When I was twelve, my father divorced her. I remembered wishing
Sobs racked her body and she curled up on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. A soft knock sounded at the door. It was Blythe. She held a steaming mug of tea. Looking over to the bed, she saw Megan. “Poor thing!” she whispered. “She’s really taking Roni’s death hard, isn’t she?”
Twenty minutes later, Megan, if not calm, was at least calmer. She had finished the tea and was sitting on her bed, her back pressed against the wall and her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. Blythe and I sat opposite her on my bed.
“Do you want to tell us where you’ve been all night, honey?” Blythe said.