
Megan stared at the carpet. “About money, I think. David wanted money and my mom laughed at him. He was mad. Really mad.”

Detective Grant’s gaze slid toward David. “Is this true, Mr. Cook?”

David struggled to regain his composure. Giving a small shrug, he said, “It was a minor disagreement, that’s all. I assure you, nothing more. You know how children exaggerate things,” he added with a patronizing smile.

“You called her a hateful bitch,” countered Megan.

David flushed as heads turned his way. “This is ridiculous,” he said. “I had no reason to kill Roni!” No one spoke. Seeing the doubt on our faces, something akin to fear crept into David’s eyes. “I didn’t do it!” His eyes darted around the room in panic. Then he met Harry’s gaze. Like a rat backed into a corner, he attacked. Desperately pointing his finger at Harry, he yelled, “Why don’t you ask Harry about killing Roni? After all, he’s the one who threatened to do just that!”

Chapter 11

Something unpleasant is coming when men are anxious to tell the truth.


The room fell silent at David’s accusation. Next to him, Claire gasped. “David!” she cried in dismay.

“Shut up, Claire. It’s the truth and you know it.” Turning to Detective Grant, he continued. “Harry threatened Roni last night in this very room.”

“That’s bullshit!” Harry shouted. Seeming to forget his epic hangover, he jumped out of his chair. The sudden movement cost him and he swayed slightly. Stretching his hand out, he grabbed the back of the chair. His face was pale and his frame seemed as if it might collapse in on itself. “That’s bullshit,” he repeated, in a quieter, less sure voice.

“No, it’s not!” David replied, his voice rising. “Harry got stinking drunk last night. Claire and I were getting ready to go to bed when he came lurching in, slurring his words, completely belligerent. Then Roni came in looking for Megan and Harry went crazy. He started screaming at her. Not only did he threaten her, but he tried to hit her! If we hadn’t restrained him, I don’t know what would have happened.”

“We?” I blurted. “Peter stopped him. You had nothing to do with it!” Too late, I snapped my mouth shut, but the damage was done.

His cold eyes bearing down on me with laserlike intensity, Detective Grant cleared his throat. “You were here for this altercation, as well? How interesting. Exactly how many interviews do I need to conduct with you before I get the whole story?”

I assumed that this was one of those snarky, rhetorical questions and so did not answer. I was right. He continued without missing a beat. “Perhaps you could be so kind as to tell me your version of events, Ms. Parker.” He made no attempt to downplay the anger in his voice.

I looked over at Harry’s curiously blank face and I wondered how much of the exchange he even remembered.

“Well, um.” I glanced to where Peter stood with Chloe by the window. He moved away from them both and stood by my side. “We were talking to Harry when Roni came in.”

Detective Grant cut in. “Who is ‘we’?”

I gestured to Peter. “Peter,” I said feebly.

Detective Grant’s eyes slid to Peter. “I see. Go on.”

“Well, we were talking with Harry, who was a little drunk, but I wouldn’t call him belligerent. It was only when Roni came in looking for Megan that he got upset. We’d seen Roni yelling at Megan earlier, and it was pretty brutal.” I paused, hoping I could stop there, but Detective Grant nodded at me to continue. Great. “Harry told Roni that he didn’t like how she treated Megan.” From the corner of my eye, I saw Megan raise her head and face Harry. “Roni got mad and said that it was none of Harry’s business. Words were exchanged, but it was Roni who slapped Harry. Just to make sure that the argument didn’t escalate further, Peter pulled Harry away. But Harry didn’t threaten Roni. Not really. If anything, it was Roni who threatened Harry.”

“How so?”

“She said that she was going to tell Avery and... ” Crap, now what was I doing? I was getting Harry into deeper trouble.

“She said she was going to tell Avery and make sure that Avery cut Harry off,” David finished.

“This is preposterous!” Avery bellowed, glaring at David. “I know my son, David. How dare you insinuate that he would hurt Roni! What would you know, anyway? You go through life half drunk! Asking you to recall anything past your first drink of the night is a waste of time!”

David’s complexion, normally mottled, became one solid blotch of red. “If you don’t believe me, ask Claire. She was there, too,” he shot back.

Detective Grant turned to Claire. “Yes, Mrs. Cook. We haven’t heard from you yet. Please give us your version of events.”

Claire closed her eyes and sighed. She’d always had a soft spot for Harry, doting on him like a son. She sat fidgeting—a trapped animal. Would she back up David’s version of events or would she try to soften the blow? David shifted in his chair and stared at her. I couldn’t see his face from where I sat, but his posture was nothing short of aggressive. He leaned in close, his shoulders hunched forward. I thought he whispered something to her, but I wasn’t sure.

I tried to catch Claire’s eye, but she averted her glance. I knew that she’d made her decision.

“Harry was drunk,” she said, her voice miserable. She didn’t look at Harry or anyone else. She squeezed her eyes shut as if to block out what she was saying. “He called Roni a bitch and she slapped him. Hard. I thought that Harry was going to strike her as well, but Peter grabbed Harry’s hand. That’s when Roni said that she’d ruin Harry. She was going to tell Avery what had happened and make sure that Harry was cut off.”

“I see,” said Detective Grant, sizing up Harry with obvious interest. “Is this true?”

Harry glanced uneasily at Avery before answering. “I’m not going to lie to you, Detective,” he said. “I didn’t like Roni and I didn’t like the way she treated Megan. She was particularly nasty to her this weekend. Last night, I had too much to drink and said some things I shouldn’t have. I’m not sure of all the details, but I know I told Roni that she was hurting Megan.”

“Did you threaten her?”

Harry spread his hands out. “I honestly don’t know. If they say I did, then I guess I did.”

Claire cleared her throat—twice. We all looked at her. “There’s something else you should know,” she said.

“I’m listening,” replied Detective Grant.

Taking a deep breath, Claire said, “After Roni’s fight with Harry, I took David upstairs and put him to bed.” She glanced briefly at David with an oddly challenging look. “I was... upset. I didn’t like the way Roni was behaving and I didn’t think she was being... fair to Harry.” Claire seemed to be choosing her words with care. “I went back downstairs to talk to Avery. I thought he should hear what had happened and not just from Roni.”

“I see,” said Detective Grant. “And did you talk to Mr. Matthews?”

Claire glanced nervously at Avery. “No. I knocked on his door but there was no answer. I opened it up and peeked inside. I saw that Avery was asleep and decided not to wake him. I thought I would tell him in the morning.”

“What time was this?”

“Around two.”

“Did anyone see you?”

Claire nodded toward Chloe. “Yes, Chloe did. I came down the back stairs, the ones that go to the kitchen. Chloe was there.”

Detective Grant looked at Chloe for affirmation. “Is this true, Miss Jenkins?”

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