Extending Interfaces

You can extend interfaces if you need to add new members to an existing interface. For example, you might want to define another interface named IManager to store information about managers. Basically, a manager uses the same members defined in the IPerson interface, with perhaps just one more additional property — Dept. In this case, you can define the IManager interface by extending the IPerson interface, like this:

interface IPerson {

 string Name { get; set; }

 DateTime DateofBirth { get; set; }

 ushort Age();


interface IManager : IPerson {

 string Dept { get; set; }


To use the IManager interface, you define a Manager class that implements the IManager interface, like this:

public class Manager : IManager {


 public string Name { get; set; }

 public DateTime DateofBirth { get; set; }

 public ushort Age() {

  return (ushort)(DateTime.Now.Year - this.DateofBirth.Year);



 public string Dept { get; set; }


The Manager class now implements all the members defined in the IPerson interface, as well as the additional member defined in the IManager interface. You can use the Manager class like this:

Manager m1 = new Manager() {

 Name = 'John',

 DateofBirth = new DateTime(1970, 7, 28),

 Dept = 'IT'



You can also extend multiple interfaces at the same time. The following example shows the IManager interface extending both the IPerson and the IAddress interfaces:

interface IManager : IPerson, IAddress {

 string Dept { get; set; }


The Manager class now needs to implement the additional members defined in the IAddress interface:

public class Manager : IManager {


 public string Name { get; set; }

 public DateTime DateofBirth { get; set; }

 public ushort Age() {

  return (ushort)(DateTime.Now.Year - this.DateofBirth.Year);



 public string Dept { get; set; }


 public string Street { get; set; }

 public uint Zip { get; set; }

 public string State() {

  //---some implementation here---

  return 'CA';



You can now access the Manager class like this:

Manager m1 = new Manager() {

 Name = 'John',

 DateofBirth = new DateTime(1970, 7, 28),

 Dept = 'IT',

 Street = 'Kingston Street',

 Zip = 12345




Interface Casting

In the preceding example, the IManager interface extends both the IPerson and IAddress interfaces. So an instance of the Manager class (which implements the IManager interface) will contain members defined in both the IPerson and IAddress interfaces:

Manager m1 = new Manager() {

 Name = 'John', //---from IPerson---

 DateofBirth = new DateTime(l970, 7, 28), //---from IPerson---

 Dept = 'IT', //---from IManager---

 Street = 'Kingston Street', //---from IAddress---

 Zip = 12345 //---from IAddress---


Console.WriteLine(m1.Age()); //---from IPerson---

Console.WriteLine(m1.State()); //---from IAddress--- 

In addition to accessing the members of the Manager class through its instance (in this case m1), you can access the members through the interface that it implements. For example, since m1 is a Manager object that implements both the IPerson and IAddress interfaces, you can cast m1 to the IPerson interface and then assign it to a variable of type IPerson, like this:

//---cast to IPerson---

IPerson p = (IPerson) m1;

This is known as interface casting. Interface casting allows you to cast an object to one of its implemented interfaces and then access its members through that interface.

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