with postal-code memory is trivial, something that the world's computer programmers do many times a day. But building a tree structure out of
Working with simple sentences, we're usually fine, but our capacity to understand sentences can easily be compromised. Take, for example, this short sentence I mentioned in the opening chapter:
People people left left.
Here's a slightly easier variant:
Farmers monkeys fear slept.
Four words each, but enough to boggle most people's mind. Yet both sentences are perfectly grammatical. The first means that some set of people who were abandoned by a second group of people themselves departed; the second one means, roughly, 'There is a set of farmers that the monkeys fear, and that set of farmers slept; the farmers that the monkeys were afraid of slept.' These kinds of sentences
— known in the trade as 'center embeddings' (because they bury one clause directly in the middle of another) — are difficult, I submit, precisely because evolution never stumbled on proper tree structure.*
* Recursion can actually be divided into two forms, one that requires a stack and one that doesn't. The one that doesn't is easy. For example, we have no trouble with sentences like
Here's the thing: in order to interpret sentences like these and fully represent recursion (another classic is
The trouble is, to do that would require an
As a result, efforts to keep track of the structure of sentences becomes a bit like efforts to reconstruct the chronology of a long-ago sequence of events: clumsy, unreliable, but better than nothing. Consider, for example, a sentence like
Perhaps the biggest problem with grammar is not the trouble we have in constructing trees, but the trouble we have in producing sentences
*Perhaps the most extreme version of remembering only the gist was Woody Allen's five-word summary of
·jThe problem with trees is much the same as the problem with keeping tracking of our goals. You may recall, from the chapter on memory, the example of what some
that are certain to be parsed as we intend them to be. Since our sentences are clear to
Take, for example, this seemingly benign sentence:
Put the block [(in the box on the table) in the kitchen].
Put the block [in the box (on the table in the kitchen)].
Put [the block (in the box) on the table] in the kitchen.
Put (the block in the box) (on the table in the kitchen).
Most of the time, our brain shields us from the complexity, automatically doing its best to reason its way through the possibilities. If we hear
times happens when we plan to stop at the grocery store after work (and instead 'autopilot' our way home, sans groceries). In a computer, both types of problems — tracking goals and tracking trees — are typically solved by using a 'stack,' in which recent elements temporarily take priority over stored ones; but when it comes to humans, our lack of postal-code memory leads to problems in both cases.
As it happens, there are actually two separate types of recursion, one that requires stacks and one that doesn't. It is precisely the ones that do require stacks that tie us in knots.
* According to legend, the first machine translation program was given the sentence 'The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing.' The translation (into Russian) was then translated back into English, yielding, 'The