begin with me, I am not afraid.'

She then placed herself on the sofa with her naked bottom up, and making me tuck up my shift, she put her arm round my hip and told me to whip away.

I touched up her beautiful white posteriors while she played with my cunt.

'You may hit harder than that, Kate,' she said, wriggling her bottom about.

I began to enter into the sport and struck her so smartly that the cheeks of her bottom assumed a rosy hue like two blooming apples.

'Oh,' she cried, as she rolled over, 'my cunt is on fire- put your finger into it, Kate. How I would enjoy being fucked now. How I wish Carle was here.'

'Well, you have your wish,' he said, as he stepped in quite naked and holding in his hand his fine red-headed prick in stiff erection.

He seized her round the waist and making her stoop forward he plunged his prick into her cunt from behind.

'Stay a moment, Carle,' she said. 'Kate is to get her whipping now, and lest you should cover it with your hands let me tie them here.'

And without asking my leave she secured my wrists and tied them firmly to the legs of the sofa, and then to keep my legs apart, she tied my ankles, too. I did not quite like my position but as I was helpless I only said:

'Remember, you must stop when I tell you.'

Then she leaned forward and Carle introduced his prick into her cunt from behind.

They both laughed while she played away at my poor innocent bum. At first I tried to bear it as patiently as I could; but Carle became more energetic in his strokes, and she imported more force to her blows. At last I said: 'I say – Hilda – stop! Hilda, you wretch, what do you mean? You cruel girl let me up, you are torturing me!'

My whole bottom felt in a flame. I made frantic effort' to release my hands and I began to sob. Just then she fell forward, and Carle pressing against her bottom discharged into her cunt. Then, coming to me, she untied my hands and laying her cheek against mine, said: 'Forgive me, dearest Kate, I was so excited. I am just burning!'

'Oh, Hilda, you cruel girl, how could you? Oh, I am so hot; I am just burning!'

'Where are you so hot, darling Kate?'

And I felt a hand slip up between my thighs and press the lips of my cunt. Looking up I saw the Captain's good-humoured cheery face.

'Never mind, Kate, we will punish her for this. Let me give you what relief I can.'

Then, gently separating my thighs he pushed in his prick while Hilda kissed away my tears. The soft head of his prick had a most soothing effect on the terribly excited folds of my cunt and as it gradually passed up I forgot the pain of the whipping in the intensely amorous excitement I now experienced. I never felt anything more delicious than the sweet friction of the Captain's cock in my fevered cunt; it made every nerve thrill again with pleasure.

'Does not that repay you?' Hilda whispered.

'Oh, yes,' I replied. 'Push it in; drive it home, fuck me- fuck me. Oh, fuck – fuck – fuck!'

The Captain now declared that Hilda ought to be well whipped for her cruel treatment of my poor bottom.

'Very well,' said Carle, 'but as I am the real offender I will bear it in her place.'

So putting the rod into my hand he leaned over the berth and stuck out his great fleshy rump, while Hilda sat below him, holding his prick and sucking it in her mouth.

'Now, Kate,' said the Captain, 'lay it on strongly; don't spare his impudent backside, hit him, hit him hard! Don't mind, he used to be flogged every day at school!'

I whipped away and soon his bottom began to glow, his balls were tightened up and his prick swelled and stiffened. He heaved gently so as to work it in and out of her mouth and then with a tremendous 'Oh!' he spurted his seed down her throat.

Now, sweet May, that must do for the present. Good night, my love, good night.

chapter V.

Kate 's narrative concluded.

Before I resume Kate's narrative I must tell something that happened to myself the following night.

Kate was later than usual in coming and when she did I was in bed, my lamp out and the room quite dark. When she got into bed she put her hand on my cunt, and asked if I had ever any longing for a prick now. I told her I had but that I was waiting for my lover to come and then I should have plenty of fucking.

'But would not any other prick do you as well as his,' she asked, all the while frigging my cunt until she had it in a glow.

'Well, Kate, you have so excited my cunt with your finger that I could enjoy being fucked by most any prick.'

'Well dear, your finger has done the same for me. Let us try to relieve each other and as the night is hot let us get outside the clothes. Come, lie over me.'

And placing herself on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor, she put me astride over her, my breast and belly resting on hers, and my bottom turned out. Then she threw her arms around me and thrusting her tongue in my mouth held me firm. I felt something touch my bottom and then a soft round stiff thing poked against my cunt. I spluttered out: 'Let me up, Kate, I am sure there is someone behind us.'

'Nonsense,' said Kate, 'it is only your own overheated imaginative mind.'

'I tell you it is no imagination. Oh! – it is pushing in – let me up – there is someone fucking me. Oh, Kate, I feel his prick, my cunt is filled with it, do let me up.'

But she held me tighter than ever.

'Don't be foolish, keep your bottom quiet. It is only my finger.'

'No, it is a prick, I feel its head – in – ever so far. Oh!'

'What is it doing?'

'It is fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking. Oh, there the feeling comes, how delicious!' And I lay motionless on her bosom. Then the prick was suddenly drawn out and must have been thrust into her for I felt a belly with hair on it rubbing against my bottom as the prick was worked in and out.

Then a pair of strong arms clasped us both together and after holding us for a moment, quickly withdrew.

After we had returned to our usual places in the bed I asked: 'Who was it, Kate?'

'Oh, never mind, let me go on with my story.'

'Both the Captain and the mate had good voices and they sometimes sang for us when taking their grog in the evening.

'Our custom was to sit reclining on the broad stern locker which was well covered with cushions. Carle was generally between Hilda and me, and with a hand on each of our cunts. I would be occupied petting his prick and balls while she would be similarly engaged with the Captain. The latter while sipping his grog would strike up one of his favourite ditties in a bold rollicking tone, and Carle would quickly follow suit. After which there would be a general fuck such as I have already described.

'I only remember two of their songs, which I will repeat for you as specimens if you like.'

'Do please, I would like to hear them.'


I care not what squeamish lovers may say, The maiden that best suits my mind Is the sweet girl that will meet me half way, And while she is free, be as kind.

With her rich beauties I never am cloyed, Fresh pleasures I find at her side;

I don't love her less because she's enjoyed By many another beside.

Shall I try to describe all her merit,

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