I feel that I'd never have done;

She is brimful of sweetness and spirit,

And sparkles with freedom and fun.

It is bliss then to hold her and win her, She never proves peevish or coy;

But the farther and deeper I'm in her,

The fuller she fills me with joy.

She opens her thighs without fear or dread, She points to her sweet little crack, Its lips are so red, and all overspread With hair of the glossiest black.

Reclined on her breast, and clasped in her arms, With her my soft moments I spend;

And revel the more in her melting charms, Because they are shared with a friend.


My Jamie is a lover gay,

He is so very funny.

When last we met to sport and play,

He took me by the cunny.

Then drawing out his sturdy prick,

Right in my hand he placed it,

And said 'twould be a jolly trick,

If in my mouth I'd taste it.

I kissed its bright and rosy head,

And then began to suck it;

He felt about my cunt, and said,

He wanted now to fuck it.

Down on the bed he laid me,

With bursting balls, and prick's round head, Love's sweetest debt he paid me.

Let maidens of a tim'rous mind

Refuse what most they're wanting;

Since we for fucking were designed,

We surely should be granting.

So when your lover feels your cunt,

Do not be coy, nor grieve him;

But spread your thighs and heave your front, For fucking is like heaven.

When Kate had repeated these songs she asked me what I thought of them.

I told her they were excellent, especially the mate's, and that I certainly should learn that one and sing it to Mr. Trevor. Kate then continued her narrative:

I ought to tell you that during our voyage my maid Nina had not been idle. She attended me every morning to assist in giving me a sponge-bath and in dressing me. She amused me by the recital of her adventures with the sailors who coaxed her to come to them at night in their hammocks. She said fucking in that position was quite new.

She had an adventure which I must repeat to you. Our passengers were a sailor, Jim Murphy, sent home on sick-leave, is wife and her sister Jenny, a buxom damsel about twenty.

Now, Mrs. Murphy kept a sharp look-out on Jenny, with whom the boatswain soon fell in love, and he tried to find opportunities of being alone with her to press his suit, or in plain language, to get a fuck out of her.

Mrs. Murphy had at times to be in her husband's cabin to give him medicine or attend to his wants, so she told Nina in her absence never to leave Jenny alone with the boatswain.

Nina faithfully promised and kept her word in the following manner.

One evening Mrs. Murphy was sent for to attend to her husband and the moment she was out of sight the boatswain came and sat down by the side of Jenny and Nina and asked Jenny to sew a button on his shirt.

'Yes,' said Jenny.

'Then come to my cabin and I will give it to you.'

Nina said: 'Yes, Jenny, we will both go.'

So all three went into the boatswain's little cabin and Nina said: 'Now if you want to show Jenny your prick Mr. Boatswain, now's your chance, and I will unbutton your breeches for you.' And suiting the action to the word she did so, and released his noble pego from prison. His swelling head stood proudly erect, and Nina, taking hold of it, said: 'Look, Miss Jenny, here's a noble plaything for you to put in your cunt.'

Jenny blushed scarlet all over neck and face, and said: 'Oh, for shame, Nina, to talk about such names!' boatswain. – 'Well said, Nina! You know a thing or two and pretty Jenny here will soon know how pleasant it is to make love. Come sit on my knee, darling, and give me a kiss before your mother comes back. You know, I want to make you my wife if you will marry me as soon as we get ashore. And then I have a nice little house of my own we can live in. Give me a kiss and sit on my knee, there's a darling.'

Jenny did both and the boatswain made her grasp his prick with one of her hands while one of his own quickly slipped under her dress and touched her knee. Jenny called out, 'Don't, don't,' but the hand goes further up until the bower of bliss is reached and one finger gently intrudes and tickles her slit.

'Say yes, darling Jenny, and I swear to marry you and to give you a silk dress and a home of your own. For I am very sure your mother is cross to you.' jenny. – 'Yes, that is true, she is cross, but I'm afraid.' nina. – 'Now Jenny don't be a fool! Do you expect to get a better husband than the boatswain who earns more than a pound a week? You do all he asks and I will be a witness for fair play! You will find it most delicious to have his sugar-stick stirring you up – you will like it so much that you will ask for it afterwards.'

'But will you be certain to marry me, Mr. Boatswain?'

'Yes, by the Holy Virgin, I will, as soon as ever we get on shore and can find a priest to marry us.'

'I should like a house of my own and to live away from mother, for she is very cross at all times.'

'Then that is all settled, darling Jenny! I consider you my wife; and now I will teach you a wife's duty. Lay down on my bed here, dear Jenny, I suppose you know a wife and husband occupy one bed?' jenny. – 'Yes.' boatswain. – 'Now, Nina, keep watch at the door. There now, my prick is getting into Jenny's cunt. Oh, it's heavenly! Why, Jenny, what is the meaning of this? Where's your maidenhead?'

'Oh, the priest took that when I had my first communion. Mother knows all about that.'

'Well, I'm going to have a good fuck now.'

And Nina said it was half-an-hour before he left off and she saw Mrs. Murphy coming. I went into the boatswain's cabin and Mrs. Murphy followed me and saw him fucking her daughter.

'Oh, you villain, you dirty blackguard!' she exclaimed: 'you have ruined my daughter, my precious Jenny! Stop your fucking this minute,' trying to pull him off and turning to me: 'As to you, you promised to keep a close watch over Jenny, you wretch!' And she gave Jenny a look and Nina a blow on the shoulder with her fist that stretched her on the floor.

Nina got up and said: 'And so I did keep close to Jenny and I have watched over her, and I it was who saw Mr. Boatswain's prick slip in and out of her cunt, and I have been watching her while he did it! What could be closer watching than that, Mrs. Murphy?'

'But he has promised to marry me,' called out Jenny.

'Yes,' said the boatswain, 'I swear I will, but she must let me have a fuck every day until we are ashore.'

Mrs. Murphy was obliged to give her consent as she saw the mischief was done.

All our love-matters went on in much the same manner, until at last our brig reached London docks, when we wished Jenny and the boatswain good-bye, and with Nina and our luggage, Captain Lemberg took us to the hotel, where he usually put up when he returned from his voyages.

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