'Yes it is exceedingly nice and exciting,' and he buried his mouth in the pouting slit, while I caressed his prick and balls.

Rising up, he presented his prick, which had now regained its former size and strength, and asked, 'Which of you will take it in?'

Susey said, 'Fuck May, Mr. T-. I would so like to put your prick into her cunt, and see you fuck her.'

He leaned over me as I lay back on the bed, and Susey, looking up between his legs, popped his tool into my cunt, and held his balls as he pushed it up.

Then, at his request, she laid down beside me, with her thighs up, and her pretty little cunt open before him. He leaned over and kissed it, at the same time softly working his prick in and out of my cunt, and not being so hot as before, he was able to prolong the pleasant exercise. After a minute or two he stopped and said, 'I must take it out now, as I feel it coming. Hold it in your hand Susey, and you will soon see what a man's seed is like.'

She held it over my belly, while he pressed his balls against my cunt. And the white seed, like fluid starch, spouted in spurts from his excited tool.

'Oh! isn't it funny,' she said, stooping down, and touching with her lips the tip of his prick, when a fresh spurt darted into her mouth.

'Oh! there is very little taste. Will it do me any harm in my mouth?'

'None whatever, not even if you swallowed it all, indeed, it is considered most invigorating.'

He told us afterwards how greatly he enjoyed seeing us playing together, and especially doing our pee, for, he added, nothing excites a man so much as seeing a woman doing her pee, the water streaming out of her hairy chink is most suggestive of love's delights.

We spent many nights after this when we sported and fucked in every possible way. His great delight was to have one of us sucking his prick and tickling his bottom, while he sucked and frigged the cunt of the other. He loved to make us spend in his mouth, at the same time that we swallowed his seed.

We let him fuck us in our bottoms too.

He said this gave him great pleasure, for our bottom-holes were smaller and tighter than our cunts. We did not like it so well, but we were so fond of him we could not refuse.

Mr. T- often lent us pictures that were a great source of amusement. Among others, a set of scenes between a handsome white girl and a negro. In the first he is sitting on a chair, playing the banjo, his trousers open, and his great black tool sticking out. She has her eyes fixed on it, while she holds up her dress, and points to a most voluptuous cunt between a pair of widely extended fat thighs, as much as to say, 'Look here, Sambo, here is a place that will soon take the stiffness out of your prick.'

In the next behold him on his knees, between her thighs, holding open the thick furry lips of her cunt, while with his tongue he licks round the clitoris, and the red chink below it, muttering, 'Oh, sweet cunt! how I lub to taste you, to suck you, and to fuck you.'

In the next she is seen stooping forward, with the full orbs of her snowy bottom naked before him. With one hand he pats those delicious prominencies. With the other he directs his prick, now larger than ever, into her cunt.

It seems to quiver with delight, as the organ of bliss penetrated its soft folds.

Now Sambo, work your active bottom; drive home your noble tool, and make this willing fair one feel the vast pleasure that can be given by the sturdy prick of the despised negro.

chapter II.

When vacation came, and the school broke up, I returned home to my father, who was a widower. And Susey went to keep house for her bachelor uncle in Scotland.

We promised to keep up a regular correspondence, and to write a full account to each other of everything interesting.

I felt very lonely after Susey had gone, and missed Mr. T- more than I could tell.

My cunt demanded a large share of my attention. I did not know what to do with it. In vain I looked at it in the glass, I combed it, I petted it, I frigged it with my finger, I poked it with a candle until I spent, but it was a poor substitute, I panted for that reality.

About this time I noticed Tom, the gardener's son, a lad of eighteen. He was always eager to work in my garden, and never seemed so happy as when I commended him.

One morning I was sitting in the summer-house when he returned from his breakfast.

Not seeing me he came to a corner near the summer-house, and, taking out his prick, began to make water. I could see it through the leaves as he held it in his hand. It was a large, strong-looking prick, and I feasted my eyes on its fair proportions. He seemed in no hurry to put it up, but looked at it as he drew back the skin, making its red head swell and bound in his hand. Then, with difficulty, he forced it into its usual hiding place, and went to his work.

The sight of this prick set my cunt on fire, and I resolved to get possession of it if I could.

I returned to my room, and taking off my drawers, carefully washed and dressed my cunt.

Then going back to the garden I called Tom, and told him to set up the ladder against the pear tree by the wall, as I wanted to see if the fruit was ripe. He held the ladder as I climbed up. He was just below me, and as I moved my legs about, reaching to the pears, he must have had a full view of all I had between them.

I glanced down to observe the effect. His face was flushed, and he was gazing up with all his eyes.

'Take care, Miss, or your will fall.'

'No fear, Tom,' I replied, stretching out to one side, when my foot slipped, and I came sliding down, just over him, so that his head passed up between my thighs.

He caught me in his arms, and as he held me for a moment I felt him kiss my cunt.

'Oh, Miss, are you hurt?'

'Not much, only a little stunned. Carry me into the summer-house.'

He took me in his arms, his hand still resting on my naked bottom, and laid me on a seat.

'Shall I call anyone, Miss? You seem very faint.'

'No Tom. I shall be all right in a few minutes; it is only my knee.'

I lay on my back with one leg up. He was kneeling on the ground at my side. I saw him peeping up under my dress.

'Is it here, Miss?' Putting his hand on my knee, 'May I rub it?'

'Yes Tom, thank you, that makes it better.'

He rubbed my knee, he touched my thigh above the stocking, he moved his hand gradually higher and higher, until at last he slightly touched the hair on my cunt. He looked up at my face. I lay with my eyes closed.

He grew bolder, he pressed the lips, he felt the chink between, he rubbed the clitoris.

'Tom, where are you putting your hand?' I said, in a languid tone.

'Oh Miss, I can't help it. You are so beautiful.'

He convulsively grasped my cunt, and pushed his fingers into its glowing slit.

'Tom, I cannot allow this, let me up.'

'Darling Miss May, don't be angry.'

He forced his head under my clothes, and rapturously kissed my cunt.

I trembled with delight as I felt the touch of his lips, and the soft probing of his tongue, yet for appearance' sake, I cried, 'For shame, Tom, let me up, you are making me very angry.'

I raised myself on my elbow, and saw that his prick was out and standing in fine condition.

'Tom, how dare you expose yourself in that manner. Go away.'

'Miss May, I can't help it, indeed I can't.'

He still kept his hand on my cunt, opening and closing the lips, and pinching the clitoris.

He drew me across the wide seat, and getting in between my thighs, pushed the head of his prick against the lips of my cunt.

'Sweet Miss May, do let me put it in, oh do.'

'No Tom, I won't allow it. Let me up now, perhaps I may some other time.'

Вы читаете My Grandmother_s tale
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