He pushed again, the head entered, it passed up, the whole prick was in, it filled my cunt.

My hungry cunt, with what eagerness it sucked in a morsel so delicious! Oh! there is nothing to be compared to a standing prick for gratifying a girl who knows and understands the supreme delights of fucking.

So I lay back and let him work away.

'Tom, what are you doing?'

'I am only – fucking – fucking your cunt – Miss May. Oh! how good you are – ain't that nice!' he said, as he drove up his prick with most thrilling effect.

'It is, dear Tom, press up to my heart.'

'Do you like my fucking you, Miss?'

'Yes, Tom, you have a very nice prick, but take care or you may do me harm.'

The dear fellow understood me, and just before he spent drew out his prick. I took it in my hand, and held it while it poured forth a torrent of love's juice.

I need not say that after this many happy love scenes were enacted in the summer-house.

Tom proved very docile and prudent. He had a wonderful prick, always ready for its work, and eager for a fuck. He knew well how it use it with effect, and I soon found that he was no tyro in the art of love.

He told me many curious things; among others, that papa was in the habit of fucking our milk-maid Sarah in the hayloft. It was she herself told him, for he had been the first to open her maiden channel.

He offered to place me in a position where I could safely witness all that passed between them.

'Meet me early to-morrow morning. For it is after Sarah brings in the milk, and while Robert the groom is at his breakfast, that the master comes out.'

So the next morning Tom conducted me to the hay-loft. He covered himself and me lightly with the hay.

We had not long to wait, for we soon heard papa talking in a low voice to Sarah as they came up the ladder.

They came down near us.

Papa then said: 'Take him out, Sarah, I have been longing for a fuck all night.'

She unbuttoned his trousers and drew out his prick. It was in good order, with a fine large ruby head.

The sight of my father's prick had a curious effect on me. At first I did not like to look at it, but at length the amorous feeling overpowered every other; and I almost envied Sarah as she held it admiringly in her hand, slowly moving it up and down. Then she took out his balls, and putting her hand underneath pushed it on to his bottom.

He had meanwhile pulled up her coats, and uncovered a fine thick-lipped cunt, which pouted in fleshy luxuriance.

'What a splendid affair you have, Sarah! It is the most lascivious cunt I ever looked at. Now tell me, who fucked you last?'

'La, sir, why do you ask me that?'

'Just because it excites me more to hear you tell. You know I don't care who fucks you, provided you hide nothing from me, and keep yourself from harm. Did not Robert fuck you last evening? Your face was so red when I met you after leaving him.'

'Well, to tell the truth, sir, he did.'

'Tell me how it happened.'

'I went into the stable to borrow a lantern, he caught me in his arms and kissed me. Then he forced me back on a heap of straw, pushed his hand under my petticoats, and got hold of my cunt. I scolded him, and boxed his ears. He did not mind, but squeezing in between my thighs, he thrust his big tool into my cunt, and fucked me like mad.'

'Has he a big tool, Sarah?'

'Yes, it is very big and strong, but he does not use it so nicely as you do, he is always in too great a hurry.'

Papa now got over her, she held his prick, and with her hand directed it into her cunt. He pushed it slowly up until his balls pressed her bottom. She grasped his buttocks, and vigorously heaved up to meet every thrust he gave, saying at every heave, 'Dear sir, oh, how nice – push it in – drive it home – that's the way – how your prick fills my cunt – fuck me fast – fuck me hard.'

I was leaning forward on the hay, and Tom over me, his prick and balls resting on my naked bottom; but as soon as papa commenced fucking Sarah, he lodged his prick in my cunt.

He then timed his strokes, so that each time papa pushed I felt Tom's prick driving up my cunt, and his hair tickling my bum.

I spread my thighs and raised my bottom, Tom suddenly drew out his prick, and holding open the cheeks of my bottom, popped it in there. As it was well moistened with the juice of my cunt, it slipped in easily. I dared not speak, so had to let him have his own way.

He pushed it home, and bending his arms round my hips he frigged my cunt. After a few strokes, which were far from disagreeable, he administered a warm and soothing enema, just as papa with a grunt of satisfaction poured his libation at the shrine of Sarah's cunt.

He then got up and went away, after telling her to remain until he was out of the yard.

He had not gone many minutes when Robert popped up his head.

'Holloa, Sarah, so master has been just oiling your notch. I heard him fucking you, and all you said too. And now I'll have my revenge.'

He seized her in his arms, threw her on the hay, and pitched her clothes over her head.

She struggled and kicked her legs about in the air, but Robert held her down while he gloated over her wriggling bum and inflamed cunt. It looked very red and open, while the rich juices of her previous fuck trickled down her bottom.

'So you say master fucks better than I do, and that I am always in too great a hurry. Well, I will be slow enough now.'

He took out his prick, and held it in his hand, while he opened the lips of her cunt.

It was the largest prick I ever saw, and had a tremendous head. I was curious to see how she could take it in. He pushed it against her cunt. She plunged about.

'Be quiet,' he shouted, giving her a slap on the bottom. 'Keep your arse quiet, I say, and mind your fucking.'

He forced the head in, and, to my surprise, it passed easily in. The huge prick must have filled her belly. He grasped the cheeks of her bottom on each side, and held her up, as he plunged his great prick with wonderful force in and out of her smoking gap.

I had seen many a fuck, but never a fuck like this. I admired the wonderful size and strength of Robert's prick, and could not repress a longing for a taste of its prowess.

Tom too was greatly excited by the scene, and fucked me in his best style. But it was the idea of Robert's prick that filled my mind.

The next afternoon, drawn by an irresistible attraction, I went into the stable.

'Robert, I have come to look after my mare, I think she wants to be clipped,' and I stepped up.

'Take care, Miss,' he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, 'she is very restive just now.'

'Oh, I am not afraid,' and I began to pat her.

He made some kind of noise that caused her, I think, to plunge and kick.

'I told you so, Miss,' he said, passing his hand down over my bosom, and drawing me towards him. 'It is a mercy you were not killed.' And he pressed me in his arms.

'Robert, let me go – where are you drawing me – you will make me fall. Oh! what do you mean – don't push your knees there – don't attempt to raise my dress. Robert, what are you about – I won't let you – take it away – you must not do it- Oh! oh!! – you are hurting me – Oh, my! what are you pushing in – yes, I do feel it – hold me in your arms – yes, I like that – you may fuck me, Robert, as hard as you like.'

The monstrous prick was in my cunt. I felt it everywhere. He grasped my buttocks. He lifted me up. As he arose I clasped my arms round his neck, and crossed my legs over his back. He carried me around the stable, with his prick still embedded in my cunt. It seemed to penetrate to my very heart. Every nerve within me thrilled with rapture, as he shot into my vitals a stream of gushing sperm.

It was the first time I had ever received into my cunt the seed of man, and the feeling was intensely

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