
'What have you done Robert? Perhaps you have ruined me for life.'

'Not at all, Miss, look here,' and he showed me a large syringe, 'and there happens to be warm water in this bucket. Let me syringe your cunt at once, it will remove all danger.'

I lay back with my thighs widely extended, while he poured such a flood of water into my cunt as must have washed out every trace.

Robert then wiped and kissed it, after which he knelt by my side, and presented before me his prick once more in splendid condition.

'What a great fellow you have, Robert,' I said as I chafed it in my hand, and uncovered its rosy head. I kissed it, and with difficulty took part of it in my mouth.

'Oh, Miss May, you are very good, and you have the sweetest cunt I ever fucked, may I put it in again?'

'Not this time, Robert, I would rather pet this fine fellow, while you are tickling my cunt.'

So keeping its glowing head in my mouth, with one hand I frigged the shaft, and with the other stirred his balls and touched his bottom, while he was equally busy about my seat of pleasure, deliciously frigging with his fingers each sensitive orifice.

And just as I felt my cunt flooded with love's effusion, he shot into my mouth such a torrent of seed that I could not swallow it fast enough, and it squirted out on each side of my mouth. It was pungent and pleasant to the taste.

Before I left him he swore on his oath never to speak of what had just happened, and he proved loyal and true.

I had now two esquires both able and willing to gratify me at any time, or in any way. And although I soon found out more of papa's secret amours, yet I myself exercised the greatest care and circumspection.

A few days after this adventure papa told me that as he considered I must be very lonely so much by myself, he had asked a young lady named Kate L- to come and stay with us for some time.

In due course she arrived. She was a nice, pleasing girl, with dark hair and eyes, and three years older than I was. I found her amiable and obliging, and ready to enter into my plans and share in my amusements.

Papa paid her particular attention, and I observed she did not seem at all averse.

They were often alone together, and I guessed something was going on, but she never told me anything.

Her bedroom was separated from mine by a bathroom, into which both our rooms opened.

One night, when we went upstairs, I sat for some time with her, and after bidding her good night, I passed through the bathroom, leaving the doors slightly opened. When I had undressed I put out my candle, and sat by the fire to warm my feet before going to bed.

I had not sat long when my curiosity was excited by hearing whispering in Kate's room.

I crept softly to the open door and listened.

'Oh, sir, why have you come into my bed?'

'Because I am so fond of you, my darling.'

'If you were really fond of me you would not come to me in this way – don't – I pray you leave me – oh, my! – how can you be so nasty – take your hand off me – I don't like it – no, it is not nice – let my hands go – I won't hold it – I won't move it up and down – don't separate my thighs with your knee – what are you getting over me for? What are you pushing into me?'

'My prick, darling Kate. There, don't struggle, my pet, let it in, don't be frightened, I won't harm you in any way. Open your thighs, that's the sweet girl. Now I'll push it in as gently as possible. There, it is in, it is all the way up.'

Then the bed began to creak, and the clothes to rustle.

'Put your arms around me, my love. Heave up your dainty little bottom. That's right. Do you know what doing this is called?'

'No sir.'

'It is called fucking. Isn't fucking very pleasant?'

'Yes, it is now. Do I heave up right?'

'My darling, you heave as if you had been fucking all your life. Pinch my bottom. May I pinch yours?'

'Yes, as hard as you like.'

'Now place your hand here. Hold my prick. Hold it tight. Oh! there it comes.'

And rolling off her he lay panting at her side.

I felt greatly excited, and crept into the room, close up to the bed. I heard them kissing.

'Did I hurt you, my love?'

'You did a little at first, but when your prick was well in, and you commenced fucking, there was no feeling but pleasure. Would you like me to pet your prick now?'

'I would, darling, rub it up and down, this way, put your other hand on the balls, move your fingers further back, still further, there.'

'Have you much feeling there?'

'Yes, there is great feeling behind the balls; don't you feel the root of the prick extending back to the little hole? That's a dear girl, the touch of your finger there is delicious. Push it in a little, my sweet pet. Kate, did you ever look at May's cunt?'

'Yes, I have seen it when she was in the bath; it looks well covered with hair.'

'I am sure if you made free with her you would have great fun together, for, unless I am greatly mistaken, she has a very randy disposition. Promise to try to-morrow night, and tell me next day all that you have succeeded in finding out.'

She promised to carry out his wishes.

'But now that you have worked up my prick we must have another fuck. Lie over me this time.'

I heard her getting over him.

'Now it's in, heave away my love. You must do all the fucking yourself.'

She panted as she worked her nimble bottom up and down over him.

'Do you like it this way, my love?'

'Yes, as a variety, but I like better to have you lying over me, and pushing in your prick.'

He now prepared to leave, and I started for my own room, and was soon fast asleep.

I had several amorous dreams that night. I thought that Robert was fucking me in the loft, when papa came behind, pulled him off, and thrust his own prick into my cunt, and fucked me most delightfully. In my dream I felt no surprise at papa's fucking me; on the contrary, the idea seemed to add greatly to my enjoyment.

The next evening Kate offered to sleep with me. I could not repress a smile as I consented.

When we were undressing Kate said: 'I would like to see you quite naked, May. You know we girls need not be ashamed of one another, and I will set the example.'

She threw off her shift and stood before me, then pointing to my cunt she remarked that I had a great deal of hair there.

I replied that her dark hair was prettier, for it set off the whiteness of her skin.

She put her hand on my cunt, and asked me to let her feel it, 'and you may feel mine if you like.'

She touched the clitoris, and passing her finger down the slit pushed it up the passage, and said:

'Dear May, you are very open, were you always as open as you are now?'

'No, I was not; but are not you very open too?'

She smiled as she said: 'May, if you will give me your full confidence I will promise you mine.'

'Agreed,' said I.

'Did you ever see what a man has here?'

'I did, did you?'

'Yes, do you know what it is called?'

'I have heard it called a prick, is that it?'

'It is. Had you ever a prick in here?'

'I have Kate, haven't you?'

'Yes, dear. Now tell me how it happened, and I'll tell you about myself afterwards.'

I related my adventure with Mr. T-, and how he was so fond of kissing and sucking my cunt.

'Would you like me to kiss it?'

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