I put my hands down and opening the lips with one while with the other I directed the head of his prick to the right spot and told him to push. He did so. It entered. He pushed harder. It got in more and more until it was all enclosed and I felt its head far back.

Oh, sweet sensation! Nothing can exceed the pleasure of feeling one's cunt for the first time filled up with a throbbing, heaving prick!

His eyes sparkled and his breath came hard and fast as I hugged him in my arms, and told him to push in his prick and fuck me very well.

Having now ascertained for ourselves the wondrous power we each possessed of conferring pleasure on the other, our play always turned on the practice and enjoyment of love.

We were never tired of examining and petting each other's privates.

And our senses being now fully aroused, we were always on the watch to enlarge our experience of the ways and means of enjoyment.

My father had several slaves almost white, and most of them good-looking. These were all retained in the house and never sent into the fields.

One pretty little girl named Nina was assigned to me as my waiting-maid. She always attended me in my bath, and used to dry me when I came out. She was particularly attentive to my little slit, on which the hair was just beginning to grow. She used to perfume it, and comb it, and kiss it.

'You have a beautiful cunt, Missy, the sight of it would set any young fellow wild!'

'I suppose it is much the same as other girls', your own for instance. Show it to me, Nina.'

She lifted her dress, and opening her thighs, gave me a full view of her cunt. It was a pretty little mouth, with a full rosebud clitoris, and the lips covered with brown silky hair. I put my hand on it, and pushing up my finger, said: 'Did this ever set any young fellow wild?'

'Oh, Missy, you must not ask me such questions, or I will have to tell you lies.'

'Nina, if you want me to be your friend you will tell me everything. But this will do for the present.'

My father was in the habit of walking in the garden after sunset when it was nearly dark, to smoke his cigar, and I found out that he always had with him one or the other of the white slaves.

One night I missed Nina, and guessing where she was, I threw on my shawl and went out softly into the garden. I heard voices in a sheltered walk, and as it was almost dark, I was able to get within range of hearing without being seen.

'Now, Nina, be kind and you'll be my pet, and I will give you all sorts of pretty things – there, let me feel it, that's a sweet girl, open your legs more, lean against this tree, hold up your dress, give me your hand, place it here, close your fingers round it. That's the way. You have a dear little cunt, very fat and plump. But I wonder you have much hair on it. How old are you, Nina?'

'Just fifteen, sir.'

'Now then, press out in front. Hold my prick, while I push it – there it's in – put your arms round me – press my bottom. How do you like the feel of my prick in your cunt?'

'It feels very nice, push it in more.'

I heard them kissing and panting as they shoved together, and then they rested in each other's arms.

She soon left him, after promising to go out at that same hour that day every week.

I often followed him out now, and found he always had one of the slave girls with him.

I then learned all the terms and ways of enjoyment, for he was fond of variety, and loved to make them talk, and say all manner of words while he fucked them. And I was astonished to hear how freely they spoke of pricks, cunts, arses, frigging, fucking, pissing, etc.

Joe had been sent to school and my cunt, not having been entered for a long time, was in an aggravated state of longing and desire.

So, when Nina's turn came next, the thought flashed upon me, why not personate her for one occasion.

I was about her height and size, and my cunt was now pretty well furnished with hair. So when the hour came, I set her to a task which would occupy her for some time, and said I was in a hurry to have it done.

Then, going out in the dark I quietly strolled up the walk. Someone met me, put his arm round me, and pushed his knee in between my thighs.

'How is your sweet cunt tonight?'

I said nothing but only pressed against him as he lifted my dress and felt my cunt.

Moving his finger about, he said: 'It's very hot and juicy tonight. I am sure it is longing for a fuck. Put your hand here, my love.'

I felt his firm upstanding prick. I moved the loose skin up and down as Joe had taught me. I put my other hand below and felt the two soft balls in their hairy bag.

'Take it in your mouth, dear, for a moment.'

I had gone too far to recede now, so I stooped and sucked its glowing head while I tickled him behind the balls.

'Oh, Nina, that's delicious! Now lie back on this moss bank, raise your legs, open your dress, that I may press your soft bubbies, while my prick is in your cunt.'

He knelt between my uplifted thighs. He leaned over me, He opened the lips of my cunt. He introduced his prick. He moulded my breasts. He kissed me and darted his tongue into my mouth.

'Say you like it, Nina, my love!'

'Oh, yes dear sir!' I whispered heaving up my bottom. 'I feel your prick in my cunt – fucking – fucking – oh! so – deliciously!'

The rapturous feeling increased. He pushed and panted. I heaved and gasped: 'Oh, yes, push, fuck, oh! oh! oh!'

He lay over me, his face on my shoulder and his prick buried in my cunt.

After a while he said: 'I don't know how it is, Nina, but I never enjoyed fucking you so much before, your cunt closes on my prick with such a hot compression, and you nipped the head of my prick when I drove it home as you never did before, and which only a few women can do. Oh! there! I feel it now!' (Here I interrupted Kate by asking: 'What do you mean by nipping the head of his prick?'

'Well, my dear, I'll teach you. When you feel the entire prick driven in as far as it can go, draw up your bottom inside, as hard as you can. If you do it right you will squeeze the head of the prick as it rests on the mouth of your womb. Try it now while I have my finger in. Yes, that's the way.'

'Well, go on, what did he say next?') He asked me: 'Is Miss Kate kind to you?'

'She is,' I whispered in reply.

'Don't you attend her in the bath?'


'Does she let you see her cunt?'

'Yes, I dry it and sometimes kiss it.'

'Is it a nice little cunt?'

'Very nice.'

'Do you think she has any longing to have it fucked?'

'I am sure she has, it is always red and hot.'

'I guessed as much. Indeed, I often think of it when I observe her swelling hips. How I would enjoy fucking her, if I could only do it without letting her know who it was.'

'Perhaps I could manage it for you. Come to my bed tomorrow night and I'll prevail on her to take my place. I'll tell her I expect a young fellow who will take her for me, and give her the greatest pleasure but without doing her any harm. If you find the door of my room unlocked you will know I succeeded.'

Next evening, papa did not go out at all and I saw he was regarding me with a peculiar look in his eyes. He was also more affectionate and made me sit on his knee when I was bidding him good-night and he pressed my bottom and thighs in the warmest way.

Nina readily agreed to my taking her place for the night when I told her I had been restless of late and thought a change of my bed would do me good.

About midnight someone entered the room and felt his way to where he heard me breathing. He quietly put off his clothes, and slipped into bed. He put his arm over me and felt my cunt. He opened the lips and rubbed about the clitoris and then tried to push his finger up.

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