I held his hand. 'Oh, you hurt me!'

'Why, you are not my Nina at all.'

'No, I am only Nina's friend.'

'Well, whoever you are, you have a sweet cunt. Put your hand on this, it won't hurt you.'

'But it will do me harm.'

'No, trust me, my pet, I won't harm you.'

He then got over me and began to push his prick against my cunt.

'Oh, no, I can't, I am afraid. Oh, pray don't, it is too big!'

I held him by the hips and pushed him back.

'I can't bear it – it will kill me!'

Every time he pushed the head of his prick at the entrance, I shrank from him.

He begged me. He prayed me just to let it in and he would be so very gentle.

He got it in a little way inside the entrance.

'Oh, push easily, or you'll kill me. Oh! Oh!'

'There, now – it is quite in. My precious I shall not hurt you any more.'

He moved his prick very slowly in and out, in and out.

I began to heave and twist.

'Darling, this is exquisite! Your cunt is delightfully tight, and its soft pressure most delicious. Put your arms round me, my love! I only once before had such a fuck as this.'

I pressed him in my arms, thrust up my bottom to meet every thrust of his prick. I raised my thighs and crossed my legs on his back.

He ran his prick with delightful friction in and out of my throbbing, heaving, panting cunt. I felt a soft hand on my bottom and soft fingers playing about my cunt. I knew they were Nina's, I did not mind. I was intoxicated with pleasure. I squeezed in my bottom to nip his prick.

'Oh! That's grand, who taught you that sweet trick – do it again. Oh! That's splendid!'

Nina got into the bed and pressed against his bottom.

'Oh, Nina you are just in time. Let me get on you that I may spend in your cunt.'

He drew out his prick, saying to me: 'You know I promised not to harm you; but Nina does not mind the risk for she knows she will be well taken care of. Let us get outside the clothes and take off everything, the night is so warm.'

He then got between her uplifted thighs, and resting on her breast, told me to put it in.

I felt her cunt, it was very hot and flowing. I took his prick and rubbed its throbbing head between the soft lips, placed it at the entrance. He pushed, it passed in. I went behind him and holding him around the hips rubbed my cunt against his bottom while he fucked.

He discharged immediately and soon afterwards he bid us good-night and went away.

Nina begged me to excuse her. She said she heard all that passed and got so excited that she could not help coming in to us.

I asked: 'Did papa know who your friend was?'

She said she was not certain but thought he did.

There was something peculiar about papa's manner the next morning. He put his arms around me several times, called me his sweet girl, his darling pet. He told me he was making arrangements to send me to England, to have my education completed there. He told me that he had taken my passage in a sugar-brig which was to start in a few days, and which was commanded by a friend of his, a Captain Lemberg, who would take good care of me.

I said I would like it very much but would be sorry to leave him and put my arms round his neck kissing him.

He enfolded me in his; he lifted me off the ground, carrying me to a sofa and laid me down. He sat by me and slipping his hand under my dress put it on my naked bottom. 'My darling,' he said, 'let me pet you, I feel so fond of you and I won't have you long.' ''Dearest papa, you may do anything you please with me, I love to give you pleasure.'

He kissed me warmly, turned me on my back, lifted my dress, opened my thighs, and looked at my cunt.

'You are beautifully made here. Tell me, my darling, was it you in Nina's bed last night?'

'It was I, dearest papa; was I very wicked?'

'No, my darling, you gave me the sweetest pleasure I ever had in my life. Did you enjoy what I did to you then?'

'I did indeed, it was most delightful.'

'Might I do it to you again?'

'You may, dear papa, if you like.'

He drew me to the end of the sofa, made me raise my legs and open them as widely as possible. Then kneeling on the floor, he kissed my cunt. He praised its shape and colour. He opened the lips, put in his tongue and licked the inside round and round. He introduced his prick, pushing it slowly up, and fucked me most delightfully.

I tried all I could to increase and intensify his pleasure. I asked if he was enjoying it much.

'Do you like it, papa?'

'Yes, my sweet pet, your cunt is perfection itself. I envy the man who gets you for a wife.'

I now ventured on a request I had long in mind.

'Dear papa, I have one thing to ask you for.'

'What is it my pet? I would do anything in the world to gratify you.'

'Will you give Nina her freedom and send her to England with me?'

'Surely, my pet, I will do more; if she marries with your consent and approbation I will allow you to present her with Ј50 dowry, and besides, you may order whatever dress she may require for the voyage.'

Need I describe the response I made to these kind words, how I clung to him, how I tightened the pleasure girths within, what a glowing reception I gave to his prick as it darted into my quivering cunt, or how he grunted his satisfaction: 'Oh, Katie! Oh! Katie, my pet!'

Nina was overjoyed when she heard that she was to have her freedom. She thanked me on her knees and promised to be the most faithful of servants.

Now, dearest May, I have told you more than ever I told anyone else, because I find in you a kindred soul and I want someone to sympathize with me. Don't judge me too harshly; I was little more than a child and alone, my father has been a widower ever since I could remember. Do you love me less?

'No, dearest Kate, I love you a hundred times more for your confidence and affection; but go on and tell me about the voyage and how you first met papa.'

'I will dearest; but not to-night. I am tired and sleepy. Kiss me, my love, good night.'

chapter IV.

kate's narrative continued; the voyage; Captain Lemberg and his niece Hilda.

On the next occasion that May and her friend Kate were snugly stretched in bed, their arms fondly circling one another and their hands tenderly plucking the hair of each other's cunt, they soon grew so excited that she, throwing off everything and May reversing her position, lay over her friend and gamahuched her most lovingly, Kate's tongue returning those fiery kisses of love with such interest that in a few minutes both were dissolved in a balmy emission.

As soon as they were recovered a little and more composed, May said softly: 'Now, dear Katie, proceed with your most interesting and exciting narrative.'

Well, when the time came, papa brought me word to board the brig, and after taking a most affectionate leave he left me in charge of Captain Lemberg and his niece, Hilda. I was delighted to have her as a companion for she was a merry, spritely girl, and had made the voyage before.

I had a little cabin adjoining hers and opening on the salon.

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