In the next plate she is seen lying across his lap, her beautifully rounded bottom with its milk-white globes is turned up to meet his amorous gaze. He pats the cheeks and titillates the furrow between, while his prick is luxuriating in the soft folds of her melting cunt.

In another plate she is represented as astride of him, her bottom rubbing against his belly as he leans back. By the sweet suction of her mouth she has restored his prick to vigorous life, and, as it now stands up between her widely separated thighs, she presses it warmly against the lips of her longing cunt.

'How would you like to be in her place, Kate? And to feel a fine lusty prick pressing against your cunt and then pushing up into it filling you with rapture and delight?'

'I am sure it would be very pleasant if it were the prick of one I loved.'

'No doubt that would vastly increase the pleasure; but don't you feel when your cunt gets excited that any prick, if it were in the right condition, would give you pleasure? How does your cunt feel now? Would you mind my putting my hand on it, Kate?'

'Not in the least, Hilda, if you want to.'

'Lean back, dear, open your thighs. Might I see it?'

'I have no objection.'

I now became aware that the sliding panel was slightly open and though I saw something like an eye peering through the slit, I pretended to take no notice. I replied: 'You may, Hilda, provided you let me see yours afterwards.'

She quickly raised my petticoats, uncovering all my belly and thighs right up before the panel, which was now opened a little further. She played with my hairy turf and praised its colour. Then, separating my legs as far as possible she drew the lips apart. 'You have a sweet little cunt, Kate, with a wonderful clitoris, and a deep red recess. Oh, how hot it is inside! And how it sucks and presses my finger. If I only had a prick I would like to fuck you myself.' She stooped and kissed the lips and sucked the clitoris. I then got up and made her display her secret charms before the panel, which made her blush for she well knew what was there.

She had a very pretty cunt, daintily fringed with light red hair and the inside hot and juicy.

That night the Captain changed watches with Mr. Carle and before he went to our cabins made us take some of his grog. Hilda took it very freely and made me take more than I wished; in fact, when I stood up I felt quite giddy.

The Captain took me in his arms and made me sit on his knee. While I was warding off his kisses he slipped his hand under my dress and pushed it up between my thighs.

'Oh, Captain! Stop. Take your hand away – no, I won't allow it!'

'What is he doing?' Hilda asked, laughing. 'No matter, I won't allow it – stop! Oh, stop, how can you be so impudent?'

'Don't be angry, Kate, my pet. I won't harm you. Sure every pretty girl likes to have her cunt tickled. Doesn't she, Hilda?'

'Well, I don't, and I won't let you. Oh, Hilda, don't let him raise my dress – don't let him – you make me ashamed – how can you be so wicked?'

I was now stretched on my back and he over me holding my arms and stifling me with kisses.

'Hilda! What are you doing? don't let him push it in! Oh! Oh! Oh!'

Hilda with her sly cunning had trapped me. It was she that opened the lips of my cunt, pushed in the head of his prick and then held it by the roots.

At each thrust he cried: 'Sweet Katie – sweet pet – you have it now – in your delicious cunt – fuck – fuck – fuck! Hold my balls Hilda! Slap my arse, slap hard!'

At every smack she gave his bottom I felt his prick rush up with increased vigour into my cunt. I began to wriggle and heave.

'Ah, little one, you like it now – ah – oh, it comes – there – there it is.'

He then put himself in order and hurried on deck to take his share of the night duty.

When I stood up I could hardly walk, so Hilda supported me into my cabin and helped me to undress.

When she had settled me in my berth she kissed me and wished me good night.

I stopped her and said: 'It was a shame, Hilda, to allow me to be so treated.'

'Don't mind, dear,' she replied, laughing. 'You are nothing the worse. And if I am not much mistaken you will enjoy it better before you leave the ship. Good night.'

Though I was tired yet I was too excited to be sleepy.

After a short time I heard someone open the door of Hilda's cabin.

'Oh, Carle, what do you want here at this time of the night?'

'I want you, my pet, I can't live without you.'

'Sure you have me all day.'

'But I want you all night, too.'

'But that you can't have yet, you know.'

'Why not, love, don't you trust me?'

'Wait until we are married, Carle. You will have enough of me then. Go away now, there's a dear fellow. There, you've kissed me enough already to serve for a month. Well, I will sit on your knee just for a moment, if you promise to go away at once. Ah, where is your hand stealing?'

'Let me, my pet, I am curious to know if you are as nice here as I expected.'

'And if I am not, what then?'

'Well, let me try anyway – there – open.'

'Will you swear on your soul that you will marry me at the end of this voyage?'

'I will, indeed, dearest, on my soul. Thanks Hilda. Now I love you more than ever because you have confidence in me. You are very nice indeed, my sweet pet, you have a darling little pussey. Oh, how soft and warm it is. Now put your hand here and you will find something that is just made for it. Move it up and down, my love, it is all your own. Feel how strong and hot it is; it's longing to make acquaintance with its friend here. Won't you let them kiss, just to touch those loving lips?'

'Ah, Carle, it's not kind of you; you know I am so fond of you! You won't hurt me?'

'Open your legs more – there – it's in – in your sweet cunt. Darling Hilda, don't you like to feel my prick there, fucking, fucking?'

'Yes, but push gently, there's a dear.'

'My love – oh, my love! – How my prick loves to fuck your sweet cunt.'

Then they went on hugging and kissing for ever so long.

After a while I heard her asking questions about his prick and balls. 'Now it is beginning to get large again. There, see how it has stiffened up. Would you like me to put it into my mouth and suck it?'

'Yes, my love, that would give me great pleasure. Thanks, darling Hilda, your mouth is almost equal to your cunt. That's delicious.'

'But who can tell what queer places this has been in. How many girls have you had, Carle?'

'Ah, Hilda, don't be getting jealous. I have fucked, as you know, a good many girls. And if you are a wise little wife you won't object to my fucking a few more besides yourself, even after we are married. Now, let us make an agreement, love, which I am certain will tend to our mutual happiness. Give me perfect liberty and I will promise never to do anything without your knowledge and consent. I will give you the same liberty to have anyone you please and as often as you please, on the same conditions. I am satisfied we will love each other better and enjoy each other more than ever when we are not tied up exclusively to each other. Do you agree?'

'Well, Carle, I don't desire any liberty myself but if it will make you happier and cause you to love me more, I agree. But, remember, the condition must be carried out.' ('Just a moment, Kate! Were they married afterwards, and did they follow that agreement?'

'They were, and the last time I met them, I thought I never saw a happier or more loving couple.'

'Another word: what do you think of the arrangement yourself, Kate? I ask you because Mr. T has proposed the same thing to myself, that is, if I marry him.'

'Well, dear, it is hard to give an opinion. Most women like to have a man all to themselves and as a rule they are satisfied with one; but in cases where either party has led a free life before marriage, I can quite understand that such an arrangement would be expedient and wise. But you may have an opportunity of judging for yourself as your papa intends inviting them here as soon as Carle returns from his present voyage.'

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