Humor, 328; in Eliot's work, 450 — 51; sentimentalism and, 183 — 84; sexual, 176 — 77

Humphreys, Emyr, 904

Hunter, J. Paul, 20, 217

Hutchins, Francis, 636

Hutton, R. H., 470

Huxley, Aldous, 867, 876, 902, 912; After Many a Summer, 749 — 50, 753 -54, 1002; Antic Hay, 748 — 49, 751 — 52, 754, 870 — 71, 1002; on architecture, 870 -72; Brave New World, 750 -52, 871 -72, 1002; Crome Yellow, 749 -51, 1002; The Doors of Perception, 1002; Eyeless in Gaza, 750- 53, 1002; family of, 746 — 47; Heaven and Hell, 1002; Island, 1002; life of, 747 — 48; Limbo, 1002; Mortal Coils, 1002; narrative style of, 749 -54; Point Counter Point, 748 -52, 754, 871, 1002; Those Barren Leaves, 749 -52, 1002

Huxley, T. H., 439, 746, 1014; 'The Physical Basis of Life,' 440

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, Arebours, 616

Hysteria, 628 — 29

Ibsen, Henrik: When We Dead Awaken, 785


Idealism, 127, 510

Ideas, 429; Eliot's use of, 438 — 40

Identity, 21, 107, 149, 362, 389, 444, 482, 655, 712, 721, 928; architecture and, 869 — 70; children and, 593, 597; class, 82–83, 737; of Defoe's characters, 44–45; in Dickens's works, 389- 90; female, 200, 377; gender, 120 - 21, 218, 367 — 68, 59 6; human, 107, 506; imperialism and, 639 -40, 645; making, 617 — 18; mistaken, 485 — 87; personal, xv, 105, 111 — 12; power and, 487 — 89; private, 43–44; professional, 490 — 93; role of, 105 -6; in Scotts' works, 311 -12; social, 42–43; women's, 208 — 15, 494 — 95; working-class, 387 — 88

Ideology, 248, 250, 274, 328, 378; domestic, 335, 346 — 49, 367; gender, 200, 215, 329 — 30; of heroes, 255 — 56; Romantic, 333, 339

Illness, 148, 629, 756

Imlay, Gilbert, 210, 1015

Immigrants: Irish, 411

Imperialism, 349, 450, 523, 560 — 61, 606, 631, 839, 1009; in Africa, 647 — 52; in Conrad's works, 694 — 96, 995; criticism of, 330 — 31; culture and, 652 -56, 918 — 19; and detective novels, 502 — 3; in India, 636 — 47; Kipling's views on, 632 — 35; marriage and, 369 -70; 1930s, 744 -45; in novels, 563 — 67; romance of, 577 — 78; Romantic, 565 -68; Victorian, 568 — 73; Victorian-Edwardian, 573 — 77; Waverley Novels and, 314 -15

Imprisonment, 144 — 46, 400

Incest, 52, 340; in Gothic novels, 220, 222 — 23, 226, 230, 235 — 36, 242

Inchbald, Elizabeth: I'll Tell You What, 1002; Lovers' Vows, 1002; narrative structure used by, 273 — 74; Nature and Art, 1002; A Simple Story, 249, 260 — 64, 267, 270, 273, 1002; use of emotions by, 260 -64

Independence: female, 358 — 59, 370

India, 563, 883, 978; culture in, 653 — 55; English, 562, 633 — 34, 636 -47; as setting, 568- 71, 829 — 32, 980, 1012

Indian Mutiny. See Great Mutiny of 1857

Indian National Congress, 634, 640

Individualism, xiv — xv, 23, 185, 271, 294, 389, 600, 703; Dickens on, 389 -90, 392, 394, 398; female, 364, 368, 369; in sentimental novels, 191 — 92

Industrial Revolution, 565

Injustice, 259 — 60

Innocence, 968 — 69

Inquisition, 237, 342

Intimacy, 75, 92

Intrigue, 6, 14, 16, 50, 136

Ireland, 155, 333; famine in, 411, 569; imperialism in, 565, 567; Joyce and, 769 -70

Irony, 127, 170, 183, 430, 682, 821; Conrad's use of, 693 — 94; Defoe's use of, 28, 33–35; Eliot's use of, 451 -52; Smollett's use of, 140 — 41

Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw, 746, 902; All the Conspirators, 755 — 57, 761, 1002; The Ascent of F6, 763, 1002; autobiography in novels of, 755 -57, 761- 63; Berlin Stories, 759, 763; Christopher and His Kind, 755, 760, 1002; on city life, 759 -61; The Dog Beneath the Skin, 763; Down There on a Visit, 761, 763, 1002; Goodbye to Berlin, 761 -63, 1002; Kathleen and Frank, 755; The Last of Mr. Norris (Mr. Norris Changes Trains), 759 -61, 763, 1002; life of, 747 — 48; Lions and Shadows, 756- 58,


1002; 'The Lost,' 758 — 59, 1002; A Meeting by the River, 763; The Memorial, 757 -59, 761, 1002; New Writing, 1002; Prater Violet, 761, 763; A Single Man, 763, 1002; on society, 757- 58

Ishiguro, Kazuo, 942, 967; An Artist of the Floating World, 973; Pale View of Hills, 972–731; The Remains of the Day, 973

Islam, xiv, 302, 316, 320

Italy, 51, 727, 820 — 21, 999

Jacobites and Jacobitism, 64, 67, 121 — 22, 310, 313, 566

Jacobs, W. W.: Mord Em'ly, 624

Jamaica Rebellion, 388

James, G. P. R., 461

James, Henry, xv, 21, 41, 128, 147, 481, 503, 568, 618, 659, 749, 765, 835, 906, 913, 999; children in works of, 582, 588, 594, 604 — 5, 606; on Eliot, 452 — 53; The Golden Bowl, 950; The Portrait of a Lady, 913; The Princess Casamassima, 613; on sensation novels, 484, 500; What Maisie Knew, 581, 594, 604- 6; on Zola, 609 — 11

James, P. D., 967; Devices and Desires, 971 — 72

Jameson, Anna, 453

Jameson, Fredric, 295; Postmodernism, 948

James II, King of England, 34, 64–65, 67

Jane Austen Society, 275

JanMohamed, Abdul: Manichean Aesthetics, 647 — 48

Janvier, Ludovic, 854

Japan, 144, 972- 73

Jarrell, Randall, 899

Jay, Arthur Osborne, 614; Social Problem, 611

Jeaffreson, John Cordy: Novels and Novelists from Elizabeth to Victoria, 428

Jerome, Jerome K.: Three Men in a Boat, 624

Jews, 449, 512, 623, 910, 944; in Lawrence's novels, 724 — 25; in Scott's novels, 315 — 18

Johnson, B. S.: Aren't You Rather Young to Be Writing Your Memoirs, 916

Johnson, Barbara, 231

Johnson, Diane, 941

Johnson, Pamela Hansford, 895, 897

Johnson, Samuel, 7–8, 17, 73, 111; London, 133; Rambler No. 4, 1, 2; Rasselas, 35, 565, 567; on Richardson, 94, 158; on Sterne, 159, 161 — 63

Jones, Ann H.: Ideas and Innovations, 327

Journalism, 20, 131 — 32, 410, 443 Journals: symbolism of, 77 — 78

Joyce, James, xix, 618, 661, 708, 715, 744, 898, 912, 915, 918, 1002; Amis on, 899, 902 — 3; autobiography in works of, 771 -72, 1003; children in works of, 587, 588; 'The Dead,' 770 — 71, 777; Dubliners, 765, 767 -71, 777, 1003; Exiles, 765, 769, 784; Finnegans Wake, 581- 82, 743, 765, 767- 68, 770 -72, 774 -78, 780 — 81, 784- 88, 1003; 'Ivy Day in the Committee Room,' 770; use of language by, 765- 69; narrative style of, 772 -88; opposition to, 895- 96; 'A Painful Case,' 777; Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 765, 767 -68, 771- 74, 777 -78, 780 -81, 787, 905, 907, 1003; 'The Sisters,' 770; Snow on, 904 -8; Stephen Hero, 765, 771; Ulysses, 620, 659, 680, 686, 698, 765-

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