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Ambrose, Dе Fide, tr. de Romestin, Н. Seleet иЬгагу о( Nieene and Post-Nieene Fathers, second series, vol.1 О (New York, 1896).

Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gеstагuщ tr. Hamilton, W. The Later Roman Empire: АD 354-378 (Penguin, 1986).

Andreau, J. Banking and Business in the Roman World (Cambridge, 1999).

Appian. The СМI Wars, tr. Carter, J. (Penguin, 1996).

Augustine. Arianism and Other Heresies, tr. Hill., The Works оf Saint Augustine: А Translation (ог the 27 st Century, part.1, vol.18 (New City Press, 1990).

Его же. City oа God, 7 vols. (Loeb, 1957-72).

Его же. Conаessions, tr. Watts, W., 2 vols. (Loeb, 1912).

Aquinas, Т., Summa Theologiea, tr. Fathers of the English Dominican Province Christian Classics (1981).

Babcock, М.А. The Night Attila Died: Solving the Murder о( Attila the Нun (Berkeley, 2005).

Beresford Ellis, Р. А Brieа History оа the Celts (Robinson, 2003).

Blockley, R.C. The History оf Menander the Guardsman (Cairns, 1985).

Его же (ed.). The Fragmentary Classieising Historians оf the Later Roman Empire: Еunарiщ Olympiodorus, Priseus and Malehus (Cairns, 1981-3).

Breeze, D.J. and Dobson, В. Hadrian's Wall (Allen Lane, 1976).

Brown, Р. The World о( Late Antiquity: From Mareus Aurelius to

Muhammad (Thames amp; Hudson, 1971).

Его же. Augustine оf Hippo: А Ыography (Faber, 2000).

Browne, P.R.L. 'Parthians and Sasanians' in Boyle, J.A. (ed.), Persia:

History and Heritage (British Institute of Persian Studies, 1978).

Browne, Т. 'Pseudoxia Epidemica; Keynes, G. (ed.), The Works оf Sir Thomas Browne (Faber, 1964).

Browning, 1. Palmyra (Chatto amp; Windus, 1979).

Вшу, J.B. History оf the Later Roman Empire (London, 1923).

Butcher, К. Roman Syria and the Near East (British Museum, 2003).

Caesar. The Gallie War, tr. Edwards, H.J. (Loeb, 1917).

Carey, J. et аl (eds.). IIdanaeh IIdireeh: А Festsehrift (ог Proinsias Мае Саnа (Celtic Studies, 1999).

Cauuet, В. L'Or dans l'Antiquite, de 'а Mine а l'Objet (Toulouse, 1999).

Осеro. Dе Re Publica, tr. Keyes, C.W. (Heinemann, 1961).

Claudian. Dе Bello Gothico, tr. Platnauer, М. (Heinemann, 1922).

Claudius Mamertinus. Panegyrici Latini: ln Praise of Later Roman

Emperors (California, 1994).

Codex Theodosianus, tr. Thatcher, O.J., The labrary of Original Sources:

Volume lV – Early Mediaeval Age (Hawaii, 2004).

Collins, R. Visigothic Spain 409-771 (Blackwell, 2004).

Cunliffe, В. Facing the Осеаn – Тhe Atlantic and its People (Oxford, 2004).

Его же. The Celts: А Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2003).

Его же. The Ancient Celts (Oxford, 1997).

Daryaee, Т. 'The Political History of Eran in the Sasanian Period' на сайте www.sasanika.com (и ожидаемая History of Sasanian Persia, I.B. Tauris).

Demosthenes. 'Third Philippic; tr. Leland, Т., А' the Orations of Demosthenes (London, 1851).

Dio Cassius. Roman History, tr. Cary, Е. and Foster, Н.В., 9 vols. (Loeb, 1914-27).

Diodorus 5iculus. иьгагу of History, tr. Geer, R.M. (Loeb, 1947).

Drinkwater, J. and Elton, Н. (eds.). Fifth-century Gaul: А Crisis of ldentity? (Cambridge, 1992).

Dubs, Н.Н. А Roman City in Ancient China (China Society, 1957).

Duncan-Jones, R. Моnеу and Government in the Roman Empire (Cambridge, 1994).

Его же. Structure and Scale in the Roman Есоnоту (Cambridge, 1990).

Encyclopedia lranica (Routledge, 1982).

Eutropius. Breviarum АЬ UгЬе Condita, tr. Ыrd, H.W. (Liverpool, 1993).

Ferrandus. Vita Fulgentii, Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina, 67 (1844).

Finley, M.I. Cfassical Slavery (Frank Cass, 1987).

Florus, Lucius Annaeus. Epitome of Roman History (Loeb, 1929).

Frank, Т. Аn Economic History of Rome (New York, 1962).

Freeman, С. The Cfosing of the Western Mind (Heinemann, 1998).

Freeman, Р. War, Women and Druids (Texas, 2002).

Frere, 5., Britannia (Routledge amp; Kegan Paul, 1973).

Frye, R.N. The Heritage of Persia (Cardinal, 1976).

Funari, Р.Р.А. Dressel 20 lnscriptions (гот Britain and the Consumption of Spanish Ofive Oil, BAR British Series 250 (1996).

Gerontius. The Life of Melania the Younger, tr. Clark, Е.А. (New York, 1984).

Ghirsman, R. lгаn: Parthians and Sassanians, tr. Gilbert, 5. and Emmons, J. (Thames amp; Hudson, 1962).

Ghirsman, R. et al. Persia, the Immortal Кingdom (Transorient, 1971).

Gibbon, Е. Decline and Fall ofthe Яоmап Empire (London, 1782).

Ginnell, L. The Brehon Laws: А Legal Handbook (Littleton, 1993).

Gobl, R. Die Munzen der Sasaniden im Koniglichen Munzkaыnett (The Hague, 1962).

Gordon, C.D., The Age of Attila: Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians (Апп АгЬог, 1960).

Gregory of Тours, History oft he Franks, tr. Brehaut, Е. (Columbia, 1916).

Gruen, Е.5. The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rоmе, 2 vols. (California, 1984).

Guterbock, К. Byzanz und Persien in ihren diplomatisch-volkeгrechtlichen Beziehungen im Zeitalter lustinians: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Volkeгrechts (Berlin, 1906).

Hanson, W.s. and Haynes '.Р. Rоmап Dacia: The Making of а Provincial Society (Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2004).

Heather, Р. The Goths (Blackwell, 1996).

Его же. Fall ofthe Rоmап Empire (Macmillan, 2005).

Herodian. History of the Empire, tr. Echols, E.G. (California, 1961).

Herodotus. The Persian Wars, tr. Godley, АД, 4 vols. (Loeb, 1920-5).

Неroп of Alexandria. 'Automata; Greek Mathematical Works, 11, tr. Thomas, 1. (Loeb, 1941).

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