In loving thou dost well, in passion not,Wherein true Love consists not; love refinesThe thoughts, and heart enlarges, hath his seatIn Reason, and is judicious, is the scaleBy which to heav'nly Love thou maist ascend,
Not sunk in carnal pleasure, for which causeAmong the Beasts no Mate for thee was found.To whom thus half abash't Adam repli'd.Neither her out-side formd so fair, nor aughtIn procreation common to all kindes(Though higher of the genial Bed by far,And with mysterious reverence I deem)So much delights me, as those graceful acts,Those thousand decencies that daily flowFrom all her words and actions, mixt with Love
And sweet compliance, which declare unfeign'dUnion of Mind, or in us both one Soule;Harmonie to behold in wedded pairMore grateful then harmonious sound to the eare.Yet these subject not; I to thee discloseWhat inward thence I feel, not therefore foild,Who meet with various objects, from the senseVariously representing; yet still freeApprove the best, and follow what I approve.To love thou blam'st me not, for love thou saist
Leads up to Heav'n, is both the way and guide;Bear with me then, if lawful what I ask;Love not the heav'nly Spirits, and how thir LoveExpress they, by looks onely, or do they mixIrradiance, virtual or immediate touch?To whom the Angel with a smile that glow'dCelestial rosie red, Loves proper hue,Answer'd. Let it suffice thee that thou know'stUs happie, and without Love no happiness.Whatever pure thou in the body enjoy'st
(And pure thou wert created) we enjoyIn eminence, and obstacle find noneOf membrane, joynt, or limb, exclusive barrs:Easier then Air with Air, if Spirits embrace,Total they mix, Union of Pure with PureDesiring; nor restrain'd conveyance needAs Flesh to mix with Flesh, or Soul with Soul.But I can now no more; the parting SunBeyond the Earths green Cape and verdant IslesHerperean sets, my Signal to depart.
Be strong, live happie, and love, but first of allHim whom to love is to obey, and keepHis great command; take heed least Passion swayThy Judgement to do aught, which else free WillWould not admit; thine and of all thy SonsThe weal or woe in thee is plac't; beware.I in thy persevering shall rejoyce,And all the Blest: stand fast; to stand or fallFree in thine own Arbitrement it lies.Perfet within, no outward aid require;
And all temptation to transgress repel.So saying, he arose; whom Adam thusFollow'd with benediction. Since to part,Go heavenly Guest, Ethereal Messenger,Sent from whose sovran goodness I adore.Gentle to me and affable hath beenThy condescension, and shall be honour'd everWith grateful Memorie: thou to mankind