When Satan who late fled before the threatsOf Gabriel out of Eden, now improv'dIn meditated fraud and malice, bentOn mans destruction, maugre what might hapOf heavier on himself, fearless return'd.By Night he fled, and at Midnight return'dFrom compassing the Earth, cautious of day,
Since Uriel Regent of the Sun descri'dHis entrance, and forewarnd the CherubimThat kept thir watch; thence full of anguish driv'n,The space of seven continu'd Nights he rodeWith darkness, thrice the Equinoctial LineHe circl'd, four times cross'd the Carr of NightFrom Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure;On the eighth return'd, and on the Coast averseFrom entrance or Cherubic Watch, by stealthFound unsuspected way. There was a place,
Now not, though Sin, not Time, first wraught the change,Where Tigris at the foot of ParadiseInto a Gulf shot under ground, till partRose up a Fountain by the Tree of Life;In with the River sunk, and with it roseSatan involv'd in rising Mist, then soughtWhere to lie hid; Sea he had searcht and LandFrom Eden over Pontus, and the PooleMæotis, up beyond the River Ob;Downward as farr Antartic; and in length
West from Orontes to the Ocean barr'dAt Darien, thence to the Land where flowesGanges and Indus: thus the Orb he roam'dWith narrow search; and with inspection deepConsider'd every Creature, which of allMost opportune might serve his Wiles, and foundThe Serpent suttlest Beast of all the Field.Him after long debate, irresoluteOf thoughts revolv'd, his final sentence choseFit Vessel, fittest Imp of fraud, in whom
To enter, and his dark suggestions hideFrom sharpest sight: for in the wilie Snake,Whatever sleights none would suspicious mark,As from his wit and native suttletieProceeding, which in other Beasts observ'dDoubt might beget of Diabolic pow'rActive within beyond the sense of brute.Thus he resolv'd, but first from inward griefeHis bursting passion into plaints thus pour'd:O Earth, how like to Heav'n, if not preferrd
More justly, Seat worthier of Gods, as builtWith second thoughts, reforming what was old!For what God after better worse would build?Terrestrial Heav'n, danc't round by other Heav'nsThat shine, yet bear thir bright officious Lamps,Light above Light, for thee alone, as seems,In thee concentring all thir precious beamsOf sacred influence: As God in Heav'nIs Center, yet extends to all, so thouCentring receav'st from all those Orbs; in thee,
Not in themselves, all thir known vertue appeersProductive in Herb, Plant, and nobler birthOf Creatures animate with gradual lifeOf Growth, Sense, Reason, all summ'd up in Man.With what delight could I have walkt thee roundIf I could joy in aught, sweet interchangeOf Hill and Vallie, Rivers, Woods and Plaines,Now Land, now Sea, & Shores with Forrest crownd,Rocks, Dens, and Caves; but I in none of theseFind place or refuge; and the more I see