Herculean Samson from the Harlot-lapOf Philistian Dalilah, and wak'dShorn of his strength, They destitute and bareOf all thir vertue: silent, and in faceConfounded long they sate, as struck'n mute,Till Adam, though not less then Eve abasht,At length gave utterance to these words constraind.O Eve, in evil hour thou didst give careTo that false Worm, of whomsoever taughtTo counterfet Mans voice, true in our Fall,
False in our promis'd Rising; since our EyesOp'nd we find indeed, and find we knowBoth Good and Evil, Good lost and Evil got,Bad Fruit of Knowledge, if this be to know,Which leaves us naked thus, of Honour void,Of Innocence, of Faith, of Puritie,Our wonted Ornaments now soild and staind,And in our Faces evident the signesOf foul concupiscence; whence evil store;Even shame, the last of evils; of the first
Be sure then. How shall I behold the faceHenceforth of God or Angel, earst with joyAnd rapture so oft beheld? those heav'nly shapesWill dazle now this earthly, with thir blazeInsufferably bright. O might I hereIn solitude live savage, in some gladObscur'd, where highest Woods impenetrableTo Starr or Sun-light, spread thir umbrage broad,And brown as Evening: Cover me ye Pines,Ye Cedars, with innumerable boughs
Hide me, where I may never see them more.But let us now, as in bad plight, deviseWhat best may for the present serve to hideThe Parts of each from other, that seem mostTo shame obnoxious, and unseemliest seen,Some Tree whose broad smooth Leaves together sowd,And girded on our loyns, may cover roundThose middle parts, that this new commer, Shame,There sit not, and reproach us as unclean.So counsel'd hee, and both together went
Into the thickest Wood, there soon they choseThe Figtree, not that kind for Fruit renown'd,But such as at this day to Indians knownIn Malabar or Decan spreds her ArmesBraunching so broad and long, that in the groundThe bended Twigs take root, and Daughters growAbout the Mother Tree, a Pillard shadeHigh overarch't, and echoing Walks between;There oft the Indian Herdsman shunning heateShelters in coole, and tends his pasturing Herds
At Loopholes cut through thickest shade: Those LeavesThey gatherd, broad as Amazonian Targe,And with what skill they had, together sowd,To gird thir waste, vain Covering if to hideThir guilt and dreaded shame; O how unlikeTo that first naked Glorie. Such of lateColumbus found th' American to girtWith featherd Cincture, naked else and wildeAmong the Trees on Iles and woodie Shores.Thus fenc't, and as they thought, thir shame in part
Coverd, but not at rest or ease of Mind,They sate them down to weep, nor onely Teares