Within the Gates of Hell sate Sin and Death,In counterview within the Gates, that nowStood open wide, belching outrageous flameFarr into Chaos, since the Fiend pass'd through,Sin opening, who thus now to Death began.O Son, why sit we here each other viewingIdlely, while Satan our great Author thrivesIn other Worlds, and happier Seat providesFor us his ofspring deare? It cannot beBut that success attends him; if mishap,
Ere this he had return'd, with fury driv'nBy his Avenger, since no place like thisCan fit his punishment, or their revenge.Methinks I feel new strength within me rise,Wings growing, and Dominion giv'n me largeBeyond this Deep; whatever drawes me on,Or sympathie, or som connatural forcePowerful at greatest distance to uniteWith secret amity things of like kindeBy secretest conveyance. Thou my Shade
Inseparable must with mee along:For Death from Sin no power can separate.But least the difficultie of passing backStay his returne perhaps over this GulfeImpassable, impervious, let us tryAdventrous work, yet to thy power and mineNot unagreeable, to found a pathOver this Maine from Hell to that new WorldWhere Satan now prevailes, a MonumentOf merit high to all th' infernal Host,
Easing thir passage hence, for intercourse,Or transmigration, as thir lot shall lead.Nor can I miss the way, so strongly drawnBy this new felt attraction and instinct.Whom thus the meager Shadow answerd soon.Goe whither Fate and inclination strongLeads thee, I shall not lag behinde, nor erreThe way, thou leading, such a sent I drawOf carnage, prey innumerable, and tasteThe savour of Death from all things there that live:
Nor shall I to the work thou enterprisestBe wanting, but afford thee equal aid.So saying, with delight he snuff'd the smellOf mortal change on Earth. As when a flockOf ravenous Fowl, though many a League remote,Against the day of Battel, to a Field,Where Armies lie encampt, come flying, lur'dWith sent of living Carcasses design'dFor death, the following day, in bloodie fight.So sented the grim Feature, and upturn'd
His Nostril wide into the murkie Air,Sagacious of his Quarrey from so farr.Then Both from out Hell Gates into the wasteWide Anarchie of Chaos damp and darkFlew divers, & with Power (thir Power was great)Hovering upon the Waters; what they metSolid or slimie, as in raging SeaTost up and down, together crowded droveFrom each side shoaling towards the mouth of Hell.As when two Polar Winds blowing adverse
Upon the Cronian Sea, together driveMountains of Ice, that stop th' imagin'd way