To call by Vision from his Fathers house,His kindred and false Gods, into a LandWhich he will shew him, and from him will raiseA mightie Nation, and upon him showreHis benediction so, that in his SeedAll Nations shall be blest; hee straight obeys,Not knowing to what Land, yet firm believes:
I see him, but thou canst not, with what FaithHe leaves his Gods, his Friends, and native SoileUr of Chaldæa, passing now the FordTo Haran, after him a cumbrous TrainOf Herds and Flocks, and numerous servitude;Not wandring poor, but trusting all his wealthWith God, who call'd him, in a land unknown.Canaan he now attains, I see his TentsPitcht about Sechem, and the neighbouring PlaineOf Moreb; there by promise he receaves
Gift to his Progenie of all that Land;From Hamath Northward to the Desert South(Things by thir names I call, though yet unnam'd)From Hermon East to the great Western Sea,Mount Hermon, yonder Sea, each place beholdIn prospect, as I point them; on the shoareMount Carmel; here the double-founted streamJordan, true limit Eastward; but his SonsShall dwell to Senir; that long ridge of Hills.This ponder, that all Nations of the Earth
Shall in his Seed be blessed; by that SeedIs meant thy great deliverer, who shall bruiseThe Serpents head; whereof to thee anonPlainlier shall be reveald. This Patriarch blest,Whom faithful Abraham due time shall call,A Son, and of his Son a Grand-childe leaves,Like him in faith, in wisdom, and renown;The Grandchilde with twelve Sons increast, departsFrom Canaan, to a Land hereafter call'dEgypt, divided by the River Nile;
See where it flows, disgorging at seaven mouthesInto the Sea: to sojourn in that LandHe comes invited by a yonger SonIn time of dearth, a Son whose worthy deedsRaise him to be the second in that RealmeOf Pharao: there he dies, and leaves his RaceGrowing into a Nation, and now grownSuspected to a sequent King, who seeksTo stop thir overgrowth, as inmate guestsToo numerous; whence of guests he makes them slaves
Inhospitably, and kills thir infant Males:Till by two brethren (those two brethren callMoses and Aaron) sent from God to claimeHis people from enthralment, they returnWith glory and spoile back to thir promis'd Land.But first the lawless Tyrant, who deniesTo know thir God, or message to regard,Must be compelld by Signes and Judgements dire;To blood unshed the Rivers must be turnd,Frogs, Lice and Flies must all his Palace fill
With loath'd intrusion, and fill all the land;His Cattel must of Rot and Murren die,Botches and blaines must all his flesh imboss,And all his people; Thunder mixt with Haile,Haile mixt with fire must rend th' Egyptian SkieAnd wheel on th' Earth, devouring where it rouls;What it devours not, Herb, or Fruit, or Graine,A darksom Cloud of Locusts swarming downMust eat, and on the ground leave nothing green:Darkness must overshadow all his bounds,