But I shall rise Victorious, and subdueMy Vanquisher, spoild of his vanted spoile;Death his deaths wound shall then receive, & stoopInglorious, of his mortall sting disarm'd.I through the ample Air in Triumph highShall lead Hell Captive maugre Hell, and showThe powers of darkness bound. Thou at the sightPleas'd, out of Heaven shalt look down and smile,While by thee rais'd I ruin all my Foes,Death last, and with his Carcass glut the Grave:
Then with the multitude of my redeemdShall enter Heaven long absent, and returne,Father, to see thy face, wherein no cloudOf anger shall remain, but peace assur'd,And reconcilement; wrauth shall be no moreThenceforth, but in thy presence Joy entire.His words here ended, but his meek aspectSilent yet spake, and breath'd immortal loveTo mortal men, above which only shonFilial obedience: as a sacrifice
Glad to be offer'd, he attends the willOf his great Father. Admiration seis'dAll Heav'n, what this might mean, & whither tendWondring; but soon th' Almighty thus reply'd:O thou in Heav'n and Earth the only peaceFound out for mankind under wrauth, O thouMy sole complacence! well thou know'st how dear,To me are all my works, nor Man the leastThough last created, that for him I spareThee from my bosom and right hand, to save,
By loosing thee a while, the whole Race lost.Thou therefore whom thou only canst redeeme,Thir Nature also to thy Nature joyne;And be thy self Man among men on Earth,Made flesh, when time shall be, of Virgin seed,By wondrous birth: Be thou in Adams roomThe Head of all mankind, though Adams Son.As in him perish all men, so in theeAs from a second root shall be restor'd,As many as are restor'd, without thee none.
His crime makes guiltie all his Sons, thy meritImputed shall absolve them who renounceThir own both righteous and unrighteous deeds,And live in thee transplanted, and from theeReceive new life. So Man, as is most just,Shall satisfie for Man, be judg'd and die,And dying rise, and rising with him raiseHis Brethren, ransomd with his own dear life.So Heav'nly love shal outdoo Hellish hate,Giving to death, and dying to redeeme,
So dearly to redeem what Hellish hateSo easily destroy'd, and still destroyesIn those who, when they may, accept not grace.Nor shalt thou by descending to assumeMans Nature, less'n or degrade thine owne.Because thou hast, though Thron'd in highest blissEqual to God, and equally enjoyingGod-like fruition, quitted all to saveA World from utter loss, and hast been foundBy Merit more then Birthright Son of God,
Found worthiest to be so by being Good,Farr more then Great or High; because in theeLove hath abounded more then Glory abounds,Therefore thy Humiliation shall exaltWith thee thy Manhood also to this Throne;