Here shalt thou sit incarnate, here shalt ReigneBoth God and Man, Son both of God and Man,Anointed universal King; all PowerI give thee, reign for ever, and assumeThy Merits; under thee as Head Supream
Thrones, Princedoms, Powers, Dominions I reduce:All knees to thee shall bow, of them that bideIn Heaven, or Earth, or under Earth in Hell;When thou attended gloriously from Heav'nShalt in the Skie appeer, and from thee sendThe summoning Arch-Angels to proclaimeThy dread Tribunal: forthwith from all WindesThe living, and forthwith the cited deadOf all past Ages to the general DoomShall hast'n, such a peal shall rouse thir sleep.
Then all thy Saints assembl'd, thou shalt judgeBad men and Angels, they arraignd shall sinkBeneath thy Sentence; Hell, her numbers full,Thenceforth shall be for ever shut. Mean whileThe World shall burn, and from her ashes springNew Heav'n and Earth, wherein the just shall dwellAnd after all thir tribulations longSee golden days, fruitful of golden deeds,With Joy and Love triumphing, and fair Truth.Then thou thy regal Scepter shalt lay by,
For regal Scepter then no more shall need,God shall be All in All. But all ye Gods,Adore him, who to compass all this dies,Adore the Son, and honour him as mee.No sooner had th' Almighty ceas't, but allThe multitude of Angels with a shoutLoud as from numbers without number, sweetAs from blest voices, uttering joy, Heav'n rungWith Jubilee, and loud Hosanna's fill'dTh' eternal Regions: lowly reverent
Towards either Throne they bow, & to the groundWith solemn adoration down they castThir Crowns inwove with Amarant and Gold,Immortal Amarant, a Flour which onceIn Paradise, fast by the Tree of LifeBegan to bloom, but soon for mans offenceTo Heav'n remov'd where first it grew, there grows,And flours aloft shading the Fount of Life,And where the river of Bliss through midst of HeavnRowls o're Elisian Flours her Amber stream;
With these that never fade the Spirits ElectBind thir resplendent locks inwreath'd with beams,Now in loose Garlands thick thrown off, the brightPavement that like a Sea of Jasper shonImpurpl'd with Celestial Roses smil'd.Then Crown'd again thir gold'n Harps they took,Harps ever tun'd, that glittering by their sideLike Quivers hung, and with Præamble sweetOf charming symphonie they introduceThir sacred Song, and waken raptures high;
No voice exempt, no voice but well could joineMelodious part, such concord is in Heav'n.Thee Father first they sung Omnipotent,Immutable, Immortal, Infinite,Eternal King; thee Author of all being,Fountain of Light, thy self invisibleAmidst the glorious brightness where thou sit'stThron'd inaccessible, but when thou shad'stThe full blaze of thy beams, and through a cloudDrawn round about thee like a radiant Shrine,