1. Turner had mystical attachment to nature.
2. Turner liked to accompany the labels with quotations from poetry.
3. Turner often painted landscapes which he constructed in the studio.
4. Turner always sent finished works to the Royal Academy.
5. Turner painted the pure movement of masses of colour – a kind of colour music, strikingly relevant to Abstract Expressionism of the 1950s.
6. Turner's heightened and liberated colour sense provided a revelation to the Impressionists.
II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?
1. What countries did Turner visit? What did he want to experience?
2. Where did Turner paint his pictures? What colour did he favour?
3. What subjects did Turner like to paint? What canvases were found after Turner's death?
4. What did Turner enjoy to paint?
5. What does the
6. What is depicted in one of the first paintings with the Romantic idealisation of «progress»?
III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:
Mystical attachment to nature; to make frequent trips; mountain landscapes; to experience the full force of the wind; to make colour notes; to live under an assumed name; to abandon smth in favour of smth; to accompany the labels with quotations from poetry; unfinished canvases; identifiable subject; to paint the pure movement of masses of colour; shortly before; on varnishing day; to make the pictures exhibitable; to bring into completion; colour sense.
горный пейзаж; незадолго до; подготовить картины для выставки; совершать частые поездки по; незавершенные полотна; передавать мгновенные изменения в природе; сопровождать картины цитатами из поэзии; загадочная привязанность к природе: испытать всю силу волн; в день открытия; чувство цвета; делать цветные наброски.
iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.
iv. Arrange the following in I he pairs of synonyms:
a) finished; exhibition; label; gorgeous; revelling; revelation;
b) splendid; display; completed; disclosure; marker; amusement.
IV. Here are descriptions of some of Turner's works of art Match them up to the titles given below.
1. It is one of the first paintings of a railway train.
2. The painting represents an incident common in the days of slavery, when entire human cargoes were thrown into the sea.
a. The Slave Ship
b. Rain, Stream and Speed
V. Translate the text into English.
Джозеф Мэллорд Уильям Тернер был типичным романтиком. К нему рано пришло признание. С пятнадцатилетнего возраста он участвовал в ежегодных выставках Королевской Академии искусств. Жизнь Тернера полна загадок. В свои многочисленные путешествия Тернер часто уезжал тайно.
Наследие художника велико: более 21000 произведений на исторические, мифологические, жанровые сюжеты, но главное – пейзажи. Он тщательно изучал природу. Тернеру были нужны лишь некоторые стороны видимой реальности, от которой могла отталкиваться его фантазия, создающая пейзаж, существующий только в его воображении. Стихией Тернера было море, движение туч, бушующие стихии. Передача световых эффектов, возникающих во влажной атмосфере были главной его задачей. Тернера интересовали мгновенные изменения в природе, впечатление от света и воздуха, поиск передачи которого через несколько десятков лет захватят целое поколение живописцев.
VI. Summarize the text.
VII. Topics for discussion.
1. Turner's mode of life and system of production.
2. Turner's style and colour.
3. Turner's artistic influence.
Unit IX Courbet (1819-1877)
The most aggressive apostle of the new school was Gustave Courbet. Born in the bleak village of Ornans in the mountainous region of eastern France, he came to Paris determined to create a lasting effect on the art of the capital, not only through his devotion to concrete reality, but also through his study of the art of the past. Courbet was a strong republican and champion of working-class rights and ideas. Courbet wanted his art to embody his ideas concerning society. At the start Courbet was completely consistent. «The art of painting should consist only in the representation of objects which the artist can see and touch…» he declared; «I hold that the artists of the century are completely incapable of reproducing the things of a preceding or a future century… It is for this reason I reject history painting when applied to the past. History painting is essentially contemporary.»
Courbet's paintings were concerned with events of his own time.
In the same Salon of 1850 Courbet showed
In 1855 Courbet's paintings were rejected by the Universal Exposition. These works included the
When Courbet reached material success, something of the rude power of his early works vanished from his